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Last active September 24, 2019 10:48
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how to know which sql query comes from which line of code
# file config/initializers/active_record_log_subscriber.rb
# log result:
# Alert Load (0.8ms) SELECT `alerts`.* FROM `alerts` INNER JOIN `sharings` ON `alerts`.`id` = `sharings`.`alert_id` WHERE `sharings`.`user_id` = 37 AND `alerts`.`id` = 54148 AND (status = 0) LIMIT 1
# ↳ app/controllers/entries_controller.rb:20:in `set_objects'
# source:
module LogQuerySource
def debug(*args, &block)
return unless super
backtrace = Rails.backtrace_cleaner.clean caller
relevant_caller_line = backtrace.detect do |caller_line|
if relevant_caller_line
logger.debug(" ↳ #{ relevant_caller_line.sub("#{ Rails.root }/", '') }")
ActiveRecord::LogSubscriber.send :prepend, LogQuerySource
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