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Last active January 25, 2021 19:23
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Levenshtein distance between regex expression and target string - Dynamic Programming (Python)
# (Variant #4 for exercise 16.2 on EPI (Elements of Programming Interviews)) (September 2018 edition)
# The core idea is calculate the levenshtein distance, while taking into account the special cases of the regex expression
# *, +, ? and . were taken into account for the regex expression. Expression blocks are not supported
# This algorithm uses dynamic programming, yielding a O(mn) time complexity, O(m) auxiliary space for cache
# (m and n are the lengths of regex and target strings respectively)
# Version using recursion with memoization:
def regex_dist(regex: str, target: str):
current = [None] * (len(regex) + 1)
for t_i in range(len(target) + 1):
prev = [item for item in current]
for r_i in range(len(regex) + 1):
if (r_i == 0 and t_i == 0):
current[r_i] = 0
elif (r_i == 0):
current[r_i] = t_i
elif (t_i == 0):
i, counter = r_i - 1, 0
while i >= 0:
char = regex[i]
i -= 2 if (char == '?' or char == '*' or char == '+') else 1
counter += 1 if (not (char == '?' or char == '*')) else 0
current[r_i] = counter
# Regex special cases
elif (regex[r_i-1] == '.'):
current[r_i] = prev[r_i - 1]
elif (regex[r_i-1] == '+' or regex[r_i-1] == '*' or regex[r_i-1] == '?'):
if (regex[r_i-1-1] == target[t_i-1]):
if (regex[r_i-1] == '?'):
current[r_i] = prev[r_i - 2]
current[r_i] = min(prev[r_i - 2], prev[r_i])
additional_cost = 1 if (regex[r_i-1] == '+') else 0
current[r_i] = min(prev[r_i - 2] + 1,
prev[r_i] + 1,
current[r_i - 2] + additional_cost)
# Other characters
elif (regex[r_i-1] == target[t_i-1]):
current[r_i] = prev[r_i - 1]
current[r_i] = min(prev[r_i - 1] + 1,
prev[r_i] + 1,
current[r_i - 1] + 1)
return current[-1]
# Some examples
print(regex_dist("OrchestraaaQA+a", "CarthorseQAAAA"))
print(regex_dist("A+b", "AAb"))
print(regex_dist("A+b", "AAAAAb"))
print(regex_dist("A+b", "AAAAAb03b"))
print(regex_dist("A..b", "AAAAAb03b"))
print(regex_dist("q+", "A"))
print(regex_dist("q+a?a+", "A"))
print(regex_dist("q+a?a+A+", "A"))
print(regex_dist("q+a?a+A+.", "A"))
print(regex_dist("q+A", "AAAAAb03b"))
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drcxd commented Jan 25, 2021

lopespm, I think your algorithm is incorrect. For example, consider the regular expression is "aa?" and the plain string is "a". The minimal Levenshtein distance should be 0, since "aa?" could represent "aa" and "a", and the latter is exactly the same as the plain string. However, the output of your program is 1.

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