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Last active December 20, 2023 00:08
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Wavesurfer js setup with timing labels and time formating callback
* Wavesurfer.js minimalistic example with
* regions loading, save, plugins, waveform loading from json, waveform zoom, player events, keyboard codes, auto play
* @author: Loreto Parisi (loretoparisi at gmail dot com) - mainly, some code and functions adpated from Wavesurfer examples
* @disclaimer: code adapted from online examples
// JavaScript
// Wrap the native DOM audio element play function and handle any autoplay errors = (function(play) {
return function() {
var audio = this,
args = arguments,
promise = play.apply(audio, args);
if (promise !== undefined) {
promise.catch(_ => {
// Autoplay was prevented. This is optional, but add a button to start playing.
* Save annotations to localStorage.
function saveRegions() {
localStorage.regions = JSON.stringify(
Object.keys(wavesurfer.regions.list).map(function(id) {
var region = wavesurfer.regions.list[id];
return {
start: region.start,
end: region.end,
attributes: region.attributes,
} //saveRegions
* Load regions from localStorage.
function loadRegions(regions) {
regions.forEach(function(region) {
// number of colors, transparency
var randomColor = Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16);
region.color = randomColor;
} //loadRegions
* Use formatTimeCallback to style the notch labels as you wish, such
* as with more detail as the number of pixels per second increases.
* Here we format as M:SS.frac, with M suppressed for times < 1 minute,
* and frac having 0, 1, or 2 digits as the zoom increases.
* Note that if you override the default function, you'll almost
* certainly want to override timeInterval, primaryLabelInterval and/or
* secondaryLabelInterval so they all work together.
* @param: seconds
* @param: pxPerSec
function formatTimeCallback(seconds, pxPerSec) {
seconds = Number(seconds);
var minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60);
seconds = seconds % 60;
// fill up seconds with zeroes
var secondsStr = Math.round(seconds).toString();
if (pxPerSec >= 25 * 10) {
secondsStr = seconds.toFixed(2);
} else if (pxPerSec >= 25 * 1) {
secondsStr = seconds.toFixed(1);
if (minutes > 0) {
if (seconds < 10) {
secondsStr = '0' + secondsStr;
return `${minutes}:${secondsStr}`;
return secondsStr;
* Use timeInterval to set the period between notches, in seconds,
* adding notches as the number of pixels per second increases.
* Note that if you override the default function, you'll almost
* certainly want to override formatTimeCallback, primaryLabelInterval
* and/or secondaryLabelInterval so they all work together.
* @param: pxPerSec
function timeInterval(pxPerSec) {
var retval = 1;
if (pxPerSec >= 25 * 100) {
retval = 0.01;
} else if (pxPerSec >= 25 * 40) {
retval = 0.025;
} else if (pxPerSec >= 25 * 10) {
retval = 0.1;
} else if (pxPerSec >= 25 * 4) {
retval = 0.25;
} else if (pxPerSec >= 25) {
retval = 1;
} else if (pxPerSec * 5 >= 25) {
retval = 5;
} else if (pxPerSec * 15 >= 25) {
retval = 15;
} else {
retval = Math.ceil(0.5 / pxPerSec) * 60;
return retval;
* Return the cadence of notches that get labels in the primary color.
* EG, return 2 if every 2nd notch should be labeled,
* return 10 if every 10th notch should be labeled, etc.
* Note that if you override the default function, you'll almost
* certainly want to override formatTimeCallback, primaryLabelInterval
* and/or secondaryLabelInterval so they all work together.
* @param pxPerSec
function primaryLabelInterval(pxPerSec) {
var retval = 1;
if (pxPerSec >= 25 * 100) {
retval = 10;
} else if (pxPerSec >= 25 * 40) {
retval = 4;
} else if (pxPerSec >= 25 * 10) {
retval = 10;
} else if (pxPerSec >= 25 * 4) {
retval = 4;
} else if (pxPerSec >= 25) {
retval = 1;
} else if (pxPerSec * 5 >= 25) {
retval = 5;
} else if (pxPerSec * 15 >= 25) {
retval = 15;
} else {
retval = Math.ceil(0.5 / pxPerSec) * 60;
return retval;
* Return the cadence of notches to get labels in the secondary color.
* EG, return 2 if every 2nd notch should be labeled,
* return 10 if every 10th notch should be labeled, etc.
* Secondary labels are drawn after primary labels, so if
* you want to have labels every 10 seconds and another color labels
* every 60 seconds, the 60 second labels should be the secondaries.
* Note that if you override the default function, you'll almost
* certainly want to override formatTimeCallback, primaryLabelInterval
* and/or secondaryLabelInterval so they all work together.
* @param pxPerSec
function secondaryLabelInterval(pxPerSec) {
// draw one every 10s as an example
return Math.floor(10 / timeInterval(pxPerSec));
// true to activate colormap plugin
const colorMap = false;
// true to use a waveform from json data points
const loadWaveformFromJSON = true;
const minPxPerSec = 200;
// the audio file uri to be loaded
const myAudioFilePath = ""
// the uri of the json waveform generator
// please note that minPxPerSec must be coherent with dots returned from this waveform
const myWaveformGeneratorPath = ""
var plugins = [
/*regions: [
{ "id": 1, "color": "red", "start": 2.96, "end": 3.5, "data": {}, "attributes": {"label": "stars", "highlight":true}}
height: 100,
waveColor: '#ddd',
progressColor: '#999',
cursorColor: '#999'
container: '#wave-timeline',
formatTimeCallback: formatTimeCallback,
timeInterval: timeInterval,
primaryLabelInterval: primaryLabelInterval,
secondaryLabelInterval: secondaryLabelInterval,
primaryColor: 'blue',
secondaryColor: 'red',
primaryFontColor: 'blue',
secondaryFontColor: 'red'
if (colorMap) { // add spectrogram plugin, running on the main thread it freezes the UI
container: '#wave-spectrogram',
labels: true,
colorMap: colorMap
// create waveform
wavesurfer = WaveSurfer.create({
container: document.querySelector('#waveform'),
waveColor: '#D9DCFF',
progressColor: '#4353FF',
cursorColor: '#4353FF',
normalize: true,
//LP: danger higher values will crash the computer
pixelRatio: 1,
minPxPerSec: minPxPerSec,
scrollParent: true,
// media playback
//backend: 'MediaElement',
//// bar visualization
barWidth: 3,
barRadius: 3,
barGap: 1,
barHeight: 1,
//// bar visualization
hideScrollbar: false,
cursorWidth: 1,
height: 300,
plugins: plugins
// set initial zoom to match slider value
// Zoom slider
var slider = document.querySelector('[data-action="zoom"]');
slider.value = wavesurfer.params.minPxPerSec;
//slider.min = wavesurfer.params.minPxPerSec;
slider.addEventListener('input', function() {
console.log("pxPerSec", this.value);
//zoom(pxPerSec) – Horizontally zooms the waveform in and out. The parameter is a number of horizontal pixels per second of audio.
// It also changes the parameter minPxPerSec and enables the scrollParent option.
// events
wavesurfer.on('error', function(e) {
// bind wavesurfer events
wavesurfer.on('ready', function() {
// load here regions data
var data = [];
// just adding an example region
var elem = {
start: 0,
end: 5,
data: {},
attributes: {
label: "my label"
drag: false,
resize: false
// now save loaded regions to local storage
}); // ready
// load waveform from json
if (loadWaveformFromJSON) {
responseType: 'json',
url: `${myWaveformGeneratorPath}`
.on('success', function(data) {
var points = || data;
if (autoPlay) { // autoplay
// not working: The AudioContext was not allowed to start. It must be resumed (or created) after a user gesture on the page
setTimeout(() =>, 1000);
} else { // seek to load annotations data
} else {
// player actions
'play': function() {
'back': function() {
'forth': function() {
'toggle-mute': function() {
// handle keyboard events
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
var map = {
32: 'play', // space
37: 'back', // left
39: 'forth' // right
var action = map[e.keyCode];
if (action in GLOBAL_ACTIONS) {
if (document == || document.body == {
// bind actions to events
[]'[data-action]'), function(el) {
el.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
var action = e.currentTarget.dataset.action;
if (action in GLOBAL_ACTIONS) {
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Hey there :)
Just stumbled upon you snippet here.
Do you have a gist or a pen somewhere, where you can play with your extension?
I'm currently doing the same (adding labels, improving region draggin and maybe I can also add my 2 cents.)

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