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Forked from brentp/bootstrip.R
Created May 3, 2013 22:00
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# fn returns the statistic of interest from a limma fit object.
bootstrip = function(mat, mod, fn, iterations=100, p_samples=0.5, mc.cores=12){
stopifnot(nrow(mod) == ncol(mat))
ta = mclapply(1:iterations, function(core_i){
idx =, p_samples * ncol(mat), replace=TRUE)
msub = mat[,idx,drop=TRUE]
fit = lmFit(msub, mod[idx,,drop=TRUE])
}, mc.cores=mc.cores)
beta = matrix(NA, nrow(mat), ncol=iterations)
for(i in 1:iterations){
beta[,i] = ta[[i]]
colnames(beta) = paste0("sample_", 1:iterations)
rownames(beta) = rownames(mat)
bootstrip.iter = function(mat, mod, fn, iterations=c(200, 5000, 1e5), p_samples=0.5, mc.cores=12,{
lims = NA
subset = rep(TRUE, nrow(mat))
for(it in iterations){
message(paste("sampling", sum(subset), "rows", it, "times"))
beta = bootstrip(mat[subset,], mod, fn, it, p_samples, mc.cores)
lims = bootstrip.limits(beta)
} else {
lims[subset,] = bootstrip.limits(beta)
lims[subset, "samples"] = it
# repeat on this subset. with a larger number of samples
subset = (lims$pvalue <= (2 / it))
if(sum(subset) < 2){ break }
lims$beta.orig = fn(lmFit(mat, mod))
bootstrip.limits = function(beta, probs=c(0.025, 0.975)){
# pvalue is 2-tailed probability that the observed
# distribution overlaps 0.
pvalue = apply(beta, 1, function(row){
val=ecdf(row)(0); max(min(val, 1-val) * 2, 1/length(row))
df = data.frame(pvalue)
df$beta.mean = apply(beta, 1, mean)
df$beta.median = apply(beta, 1, median)
for(p in probs){
df[,paste0("beta.pct_", gsub(".", "p", p, fixed=T))] =
apply(beta, 1, function(row){ quantile(row, probs=p) })
permute.residuals = function(mat, mod, mod0, iterations=100, p_samples=1, mc.cores=12){
stopifnot(nrow(mod) == ncol(mat))
reduced_lm = lmFit(mat, mod0)
reduced_residuals = residuals(reduced_lm, mat)
reduced_fitted = fitted(reduced_lm)
fit = lmFit(mat, mod)
size = p_samples * nrow(mod) = setdiff(colnames(mod), colnames(mod0))
beta.orig = coefficients(fit)[,]
rm(reduced_lm, fit); gc()
nc = ncol(reduced_residuals)
beta.list = mclapply(1:iterations, function(ix){
# TODO: make sure cols from fit match mod when taking subset
if( p_samples < 1){
sub_ids =, size=size)
} else {
sub_ids = 1:nc
# take the original model and fitted data in same order, but
# shuffle residuals.
mat_sim = reduced_fitted[, sub_ids] + reduced_residuals[,sample(sub_ids)]
coefficients(lmFit(mat_sim, mod[sub_ids,]))[,]
}, mc.cores=mc.cores)
beta = matrix(NA, nrow(mat), ncol=iterations)
for(i in 1:iterations){
beta[,i] = beta.list[[i]]
df = data.frame(
pvalue = unlist(lapply(1:nrow(beta), function(i){
row = beta[i,]
max(min(val, 1-val) * 2, 1/length(row))
})), beta.orig = beta.orig)
rownames(df) = rownames(mat)
permute.residuals.iter = function(mat, mod, mod0, iterations=c(200, 5000, 1e5, 2e6),
p_samples=1, mc.cores=12){
stopifnot(nrow(mod) == ncol(mat))
subset = rep(TRUE, nrow(mat))
df = NA
for(it in iterations){
message(paste("sampling", sum(subset), "rows", it, "times"))
df = permute.residuals(mat, mod, mod0, it, p_samples, mc.cores)
} else {
# TODO: only sending in the most significant to permute. will bias results.
df[subset,] = permute.residuals(mat[subset,], mod, mod0, it, p_samples, mc.cores)
df[subset, "samples"] = it
# repeat on this subset. with a larger number of samples
subset = (df$pvalue <= (2 / it))
if(sum(subset) == 0){ break }
#mult.permute = function(mat, mod, coef){
# MTP(mat, Z=mod, test="lm.XvsZ", Z.incl=1:ncol(mod), Z.test=coef,
# get.adjp=TRUE,
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