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Last active January 5, 2023 15:24
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Google Keep to Standard Notes converter
* Basic Google Keep to Standard Notes importer made by
* because he was too lazy to manually migrate his
* notes.
* How to use:
* 1) Use Google Takeout to export a copy of your Keep notes. The folder you
* will download will contain two files for each note:
* - a sassy html visually resembling your note
* - a tasty JSON file containing the true format of the note
* 2) Edit KEEP_TAKEOUT_LOCATION to point to the location of the Keep folder
* 3) Explore some of the other flags (just a couple) in case you are fussy
* with tags and colors (for me it was good to convert colors to tags)
* 4) Run this script, it will produce a file in the same location
* 5) Go to your Standard Notes app > Account > Data Backups, toggle
* "Decrypted" and click on "Import Backup" (this should not overwrite your
* existing notes and tags but have a look at the "Unknowns" section below!)
* 6) ???
* 7) Profit!
* Important:
* 1) Read the comment of the constants since they can be used to manipulate the
* behaviour of the importer.
* 2) Checklist notes are converted to the following format:
* [ ] Note not ticked
* [x] Ticked note
* [x] Another ticked note
* Unknowns:
* 1) I haven't test what happens if you try to import a tag which already
* exists in your notes. I would make a test first if that was your case.
* 2) I am using a custom uuidv4 generator because I did not want to use
* packages. Although this script has a rudimentary collision check for
* generated uuid there could still be a collision when importing data. I
* don't know what that would cause!
* Usually this will cause duplication of notes due to different ids being
* produced.
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const HOME_DIR = require("os").homedir();
// I know, this is not as safe as using the "uuid" npm package, but I was too
// lazy to set up a project with npm packages. This will suffice.
// By the way there is a rudimentary collision check below
const { randomBytes } = require("crypto");
const seenHashes = {};
function uuidv4() {
const uuid = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, (c) => {
const r = (randomBytes(4).readUInt32BE() * Math.pow(2, -32) * 16) | 0;
const v = c === "x" ? r : (r & 0x3) | 0x8;
return v.toString(16);
// Rudimentary collision checking
if (seenHashes.hasOwnProperty(uuid)) {
console.log(`uuid collision! ${uuid} has already been used`);
seenHashes[uuid] = true;
return uuid;
// Where to read Keep takeout data from.
const KEEP_TAKEOUT_LOCATION = path.join(HOME_DIR, "Desktop/Takeout/Keep");
// Standard Notes does not seem to have support for colored notes, but we can
// still convert them to tags.
const ADD_COLORS_AS_TAGS = true;
// By default Keep uses "DEFAULT" to identify notes with no color. Set this to
// true to avoid adding a tag for this "meta-color".
const now = new Date().toISOString();
const NEW_BACKUP_NAME = now + ".txt";
console.log("Reading", KEEP_TAKEOUT_LOCATION);
const backup = { items: [] };
const seenTags = {};
// We use this function with seenTags because each tag is only reported once as
// a single item containing the references to the notes using it.
function addTag(tagName, sourceNoteUUID) {
if (!seenTags.hasOwnProperty(tagName)) {
console.log(`New tag "${tagName}"`);
const tag = {
uuid: uuidv4(),
content_type: "Tag",
created_at: now,
updated_at: now,
content: {
title: tagName,
references: [],
appData: {
"": {
client_updated_at: now,
seenTags[tagName] = tag;
uuid: sourceNoteUUID,
content_type: "Note",
const filenames = fs.readdirSync(KEEP_TAKEOUT_LOCATION);
filenames.forEach((filename) => {
if (!filename.endsWith(".json")) {
console.log(`Processing "${filename}"`);
const content = fs.readFileSync(
path.join(KEEP_TAKEOUT_LOCATION, filename),
src = JSON.parse(content);
t = new Date(src.userEditedTimestampUsec / 1000).toISOString();
dst = {
uuid: uuidv4(),
content_type: "Note",
created_at: t,
updated_at: t,
content: {
title: src.title,
references: [],
appData: {
"": {
client_updated_at: now,
archived: src.isArchived,
pinned: src.isPinned,
trashed: src.isTrashed,
// Compatibility with both checklists and text only
if (src.hasOwnProperty('textContent')) {
dst.content.text = src.textContent;
} else if (src.hasOwnProperty('listContent')) {
dst.content.text = => `[${i.isChecked?'x':' '}] ${i.text}`).join('\n')
} else {
console.log(`WARNING: note ${src.title} seems to not have special content`)
if (
(src.color !== "DEFAULT" || !IGNORE_DEFAULT_COLOR)
) {
addTag(src.color, dst.uuid);
if (src.hasOwnProperty("labels")) {
for (const label of src.labels) {
addTag(, dst.uuid);
fs.writeFileSync(NEW_BACKUP_NAME, JSON.stringify(backup));
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Good catch, that was probably left over from testing!
Amended ✔️

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