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Created August 9, 2023 19:55
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;; # Feigenbaum
^{:nextjournal.clerk/toc true}
(ns maacl.feigenbaum
(:require [ :refer [show-sci]]
[nextjournal.clerk :as clerk]))
'(do (require '[reagent.core :as reagent])
(require '[mathbox.core :as mathbox])
(require '[mathbox.primitives :as mb])))
(defn f [p x] (* p x (- 1 x)))
(defn fixps [r]
(->> (iterate (partial f r) (rand))
(drop 300)
(take 100)
(map (fn [x] (vector r x)))))
(def tree (mapcat fixps (range 2.5 4.0 0.005)))
(def width (count tree))
(defn Feigenbaum []
[mb/Array {:width width
:channels 2
:data tree}]
[mb/Point {:color "#3090FF"
:size 0.5}]])
(defn axis
([axis-no] (axis axis-no [0 0 0 0]))
([axis-no origin]
[mb/Axis {:axis axis-no
:width 2
:color "black"
:origin origin}]
[mb/Scale {:divide 10
:axis axis-no
:origin origin}]
[mb/Ticks {:width 5
:size 15
:color "black"}]
[mb/Format {:digits 2
:weight "bold"}]
[mb/Label {:color "red"
:zIndex 1}]])))
^{::clerk/width :wide}
{:style {:height "1000px"
:width "100%"}}
:focus 3}
[mb/Camera {:position [0 0 2.1]
:proxy true}]
{:range [[2.5 4]
[0 1]]}
[mb/Grid {:width 1
:divideX 10
:divideY 10}]
[axis 1]
[axis 2 [2.5 0 0 0]]
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