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Created December 11, 2011 00:21
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Save maettig/1457270 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. SVG font renderer

While trying to create a 140 bytes version of the logo I came up with a generic SVG font renderer. You can type what you want and save the resulting SVG image as a file. Click here to see it in action. Tested with Firefox and Opera.

I failed in golfing the logo down to 140 bytes. The smallest approximation is a 9 byte HTML file with nothing else than 140byt es, but that's not cool. Adding some CSS does not help since it's always the wrong font. My SVG renderer outputs a 300 bytes file which can be optimized and gzipped to about 200 bytes (don't forget to use gzip -9 -n).

Besides, here are my best approximations of the 140bytes Twitter logo in 365 bytes (238 bytes as .svgz) and the JS logo in 138 bytes:

<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" style="background:#9CD" viewBox="0 0 46 18">
  <path d="M6 6c4 0 4 0 4 6m9 -6c0 5 6 5 6 0m0 0v6M37 6c-4 0 -4 6 0 6 4 0 4 -6 0 -6" id="1" stroke-linecap="round" fill="none"/>
  <use xlink:href="#1" stroke-width="8" stroke="#FFF"/>
  <use xlink:href="#1" stroke-width="3" stroke="#9CD"/>
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 25 25" style="background:#FD2">
  <text x="5" y="23" font-family="Arial">JS</text>
function(a, b, c, d) //text and three dummy arguments
d = ''; //compile path for the current string
for (b = 0; c = a.charAt(b++); ) //for each character in the string
d += z[c] || //append path from the character map or
z._; //use the underscore for undefined characters
b = /[hlm]([--9]+)/g; //match first number from all horizontal/line/move commands
for (; c = b.exec(d); ) //for each match in the compiled path
y[2] += +c[1]; //expand viewBox by the matched width, converted to a number
x += d; //append the compiled path to the XML fragment
return this //make the method call chainable
function(a,b,c,d){d='';for(b=0;c=a.charAt(b++);)d+=z[c]||z._;b=/[hlm]([--9]+)/g;for(;c=b.exec(d);)y[2]+=+c[1];x+=d;return this}
Version 2, December 2004
Copyright (C) 2011 Thiemo Mättig <>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
as the name is changed.
"name": " SVG font renderer",
"description": "Renders SVG images with the logo font.",
"keywords": [
<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type="text/css">
* { background: #333; color: #FFF; font-size: 1.5em; text-align: center; }
h1 { cursor: pointer; min-height: 200px; }
h1, h1 * { background: #FFF; max-height: 200px; vertical-align: top; }
<h1 title="Click to open SVG image" onclick="location.href='data:image/svg+xml,'+escape(this.innerHTML)">140byt es</h1>
<input onkeyup="refreshLogo(this.value)" value="140byt es">
<script type="text/javascript">
var svg = function(w, x, y, z)
z = { //character map, each path must start and end on the baseline
' ': 'm1 0', //move 1 forward on the baseline without drawing a line
'!': 'm1 -3v1.99m0 1v.01',
'"': 'm1 -3v1m1 -1v1m0 2',
'#': 'm1 -2h3m-3 1h3m-2 -2v3m1 -3v3m1 0',
"'": 'm1 -3v1m0 2',
'+': 'm1 -1h2h-1v1v-2m1 2',
',': 'm1 1v-1', //move 1 forward and 1 down, then draw a vertical line 1 up
'-': 'm1 -1h1m0 1', //move 1 forward and 1 up, draw horizontal line, move 1 down to the baseline
'.': 'm1 -.01v.01',
'/': 'm1 0l1 -2m0 2',
'0': 'm3 0h-2v-2h2z', //move 3 forward, draw 2 backward, 2 up, 2 forward and close the subpath
'1': 'm1 -2h1v2',
'2': 'm1 -2h2v1m-2 0v1h2',
'3': 'm1 -2h2v1h-1h1v1h-2h2',
'4': 'm1 -2v1h2v-1v2',
'5': 'm3 -2h-2v1m2 0v1h-2h2',
'6': 'm1 -1h2v1h-2v-2h2m0 2',
'7': 'm1 -2h2v2',
'8': 'm3 0h-2v-2h2v1h-2h2z',
'9': 'm3 -1h-2v-1h2v2',
':': 'm1 -2v.01m0 2v-.01',
';': 'm1 -1.01v.01m0 2v-1',
'<': 'm2 -2l-1 1l1 1', //move forward and up, draw two diagonal lines
'>': 'm1 -2l1 1l-1 1m1 0',
'@': 'm2 -2v1h2v-2h-3v3h3',
'\\': 'm1 -2l1 2',
'_': 'm1 0h1',
'a': 'm1 -1v1h2v-2h-2m2 2',
'b': 'm3 0h-2v-3v1h2z',
'c': 'm3 -2h-2v2h2',
'd': 'm3 0h-2v-2h2v-1z',
'e': 'm3 -1v-1h-2v2h2',
'f': 'm2 -3h-1v3v-2h1m0 2',
'g': 'm3 -2h-2v2h2v-1v1',
'h': 'm1 0v-3v1h2v2',
'i': 'm1 -2v2',
'j': 'm1 1h1v-3v2',
'k': 'm1 -3v3l2 -2l-1 1l1 1',
'l': 'm1 -3v3h1',
'm': 'm1 0v-2h1.5v2v-2h1.5v2',
'n': 'm1 0v-2h2v2',
'o': 'm3 0h-2v-2h2z',
'p': 'm3 0h-2v1v-3h2z',
'q': 'm3 1v-3h-2v2h2',
'r': 'm1 0v-2h1m0 2',
's': 'm3 -2h-2v1m2 0v1h-2h2',
't': 'm2 -2h-1v-1v3h1',
'u': 'm1 -2v2h2v-2v2',
'v': 'm1 -2l1 2l1 -2m0 2',
'w': 'm1 -2v2h1.5v-2v2h1.5v-2v2',
'x': 'm1 0l2 -2m-2 0l2 2',
'y': 'm1 -2v2h1v1v-1h1v-2v2',
'z': 'm1 -2h2l-2 2h2',
'|': 'm1 -3v3'
y = [0, -4, 1, 6] //viewBox with x, y, width, height
x = '><path d="'; //XML fragment
w = [ //array of default styles with fixed positions
'fill:none', //w[0]
'stroke:#000', //w[1]
'stroke-linecap:round', //w[2]
'stroke-linejoin:round', //w[3]
'stroke-width:.9' //w[4]
this.color = function(a) { return this.setStyle(1, a) }
this.linecap = function(a) { return this.setStyle(2, a) }
this.linejoin = function(a) { return this.setStyle(3, a) }
this.width = function(a) { return this.setStyle(4, a) }
this.setStyle = function(a, b)
w[a] = w[a].replace(/:.*/, ':' + b);
return this //make all method calls chainable
this.padding = function(a) //can not be called multiple times
a = --a || -1; //default padding is 1
y = [y[0] - a, y[1] - a, y[2] + a * 2, y[3] + a * 2];
return this
// 127 bytes
this.text = function(a, b, c, d) //can be called multiple times
d = ''; //compile path for the current string
for (b = 0; c = a.charAt(b++); ) //for each character in the string
d += z[c] || //append path from the character map or
z._; //use the underscore for undefined characters
b = /[hlm]([--9]+)/g; //match first number from all horizontal/line/move commands
for (; c = b.exec(d); ) //for each match in the compiled path
y[2] += +c[1]; //expand viewBox by the matched width, converted to a number
x += d; //append the compiled path to the XML fragment
return this //make the method call chainable
this.background = function(a) //can not be called multiple times
// This way of setting a background color (instead of adding a colored rect)
// works in Firefox and Opera but is ignored when loading the SVG in Inkscape.
x = ' style="background:' + (a || '#FFF') + '"' + x;
return this
this.toString = function()
return '<svg xmlns="" viewBox="' + y.join(' ') + '"' +
x + '" style="' + w.join(';') + '"/></svg>'
var container = document.getElementsByTagName('H1')[0];
var refreshLogo = function(a, b)
container.innerHTML = new svg().color('#333').text(a.toLowerCase());
// A more complex example:
//container.innerHTML = new svg().background('green').color('white').padding(3).width(.5).text(a);
// Instead of embedding the SVG in HTML we can create an image object with a data URI.
// This is a little more compatible but flickers when replacing the image.
//b = new Image();
//b.src = 'data:image/svg+xml,' + escape(new svg().text(a));
//container.replaceChild(b, container.firstChild);
// Create optional favicon, because we can. ;-)
var l = document.createElement('LINK');
l.rel = 'shortcut icon';
// Opera is able to render the background color but does not when using the SVG as favicon.
// Firefox does not display the SVG favicon when reloading the page.
l.href = 'data:image/svg+xml,' + escape(new svg().background('#FD2').padding(.7).width(.6).text('js'));
Copy link

atk commented Mar 21, 2012

No, to compress the input even further. Gzip is a mix between LZW and huffman. Incidentially, I do have a huffman compressor in JS (, but it's nowhere near 140bytes.

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