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Created November 7, 2023 23:43
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CapRover service app snapshot script
set -e
# Define the backup base path
# Check if the service name argument is provided
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <service_name>"
exit 1
# Extract the service name argument
# Check if the service exists with the full name
if docker service ls --filter "name=srv-captain--$service_suffix" --quiet | grep -q .; then
# If the service with the full name does not exist, check without the prefix
if docker service ls --filter "name=$service_suffix" --quiet | grep -q .; then
echo "Service srv-captain--$service_suffix or $service_suffix not found. Aborting migration."
exit 1
# Get the service name without the prefix
echo "Service $full_service_name found. Scaling it to 0 replicas and waiting for tasks to complete..."
# Scale the service to 0 replicas
docker service scale "$full_service_name=0"
# Wait for the service to scale down (adjust the sleep duration as needed)
sleep 10
echo "Service $full_service_name has been scaled down to 0 replicas."
# Create a directory for the backup with a timestamp, or ensure it exists
mkdir -p "$backup_dir"
# Get the service information using docker inspect
docker service inspect "$full_service_name" > "$backup_dir/$service_name.json"
echo "Service information has been saved in $backup_dir/$service_name.json."
# List the volumes used by the service
volumes=$(docker service inspect --format '{{range .Spec.TaskTemplate.ContainerSpec.Mounts}}{{.Source}} {{end}}' "$full_service_name")
# Loop through the volumes and create tar backups using the specified command
for volume in $volumes; do
backup_command="docker run -v $volume:/volume --rm loomchild/volume-backup backup > "$backup_dir/$(basename $volume).tar""
eval "$backup_command"
echo "Volume backups have been created in $backup_dir."
# Set the service back to its original number of replicas
original_replicas=$(docker service inspect --format "{{.Spec.Mode.Replicated.Replicas}}" "$full_service_name")
docker service scale "$full_service_name=$original_replicas"
echo "Service $full_service_name has been scaled back to $original_replicas replicas."
# Add your migration steps here
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