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Last active September 16, 2015 06:54
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// file: src/multi-jvm/scala/SupervisortClusterEventsSpec.scala
// Required properly multi-jvm setup:
// based on example from akka docs
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import org.scalatest.{ Suite, BeforeAndAfterAll, FlatSpecLike, Matchers }
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import akka.cluster.Cluster
import akka.cluster.ClusterEvent.{ CurrentClusterState, MemberUp }
import akka.remote.testconductor.RoleName
import akka.remote.testkit.{ MultiNodeConfig, MultiNodeSpec }
import akka.testkit.ImplicitSender
object SampleDynamicallyChangedClusterSpecConfig extends MultiNodeConfig {
// register the named roles (nodes) of the test
val first = role("first")
val second = role("second")
val third = role("thrid")
val fourth = role("fourth")
def nodeList = Seq(first, second, third, fourth)
// this configuration will be used for all nodes
// note that no fixed host names and ports are used
""" = "akka.cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider"
akka.remote.log-remote-lifecycle-events = off
akka.cluster.roles = [compute]
// need one concrete test class per node
class SampleDynamicallyChangedClusterSpecMultiJvmNode1 extends SampleDynamicallyChangedClusterSpec
class SampleDynamicallyChangedClusterSpecMultiJvmNode2 extends SampleDynamicallyChangedClusterSpec
class SampleDynamicallyChangedClusterSpecMultiJvmNode3 extends SampleDynamicallyChangedClusterSpec
class SampleDynamicallyChangedClusterSpecMultiJvmNode4 extends SampleDynamicallyChangedClusterSpec
abstract class BaseClusterSpec(config: MultiNodeConfig)
extends MultiNodeSpec(config: MultiNodeConfig)
with Suite
with BeforeAndAfterAll
with Matchers
with ImplicitSender
override def beforeAll() = multiNodeSpecBeforeAll()
override def afterAll() = {
def cluster: Cluster = Cluster(system)
cluster.subscribe(testActor, classOf[MemberUp])
println(s"myself address: ${node(myself).address}, role: ${}")
val currentClusterNodes = mutable.Set[RoleName]()
def joinToCluster(nodes: Seq[RoleName], seedNode: RoleName): Unit = {
currentClusterNodes ++= nodes
// on new nodes await events for all cluster member
runOn(nodes: _*) {
cluster join node(seedNode).address
(receiveN(currentClusterNodes.size).collect { case MemberUp(member) => member.address }.toSet
should contain theSameElementsAs
// on existing nodes await events for only new cluster members
runOn((currentClusterNodes -- nodes.toSet).toList: _*) {
(receiveN(nodes.size).collect { case MemberUp(member) => member.address }.toSet
should contain theSameElementsAs
def runOnJoinedNodes(a: => Unit): Unit =
runOn(currentClusterNodes.toList: _*) {
def cleanUp(): Unit =
abstract class SampleDynamicallyChangedClusterSpec
extends BaseClusterSpec(SampleDynamicallyChangedClusterSpecConfig)
with FlatSpecLike
import SampleDynamicallyChangedClusterSpecConfig._
override def initialParticipants = roles.size
val seedNode = first
"test" should "build cluster join first node to itself" in within(15.seconds) {
joinToCluster(Seq(first), seedNode)
testActor ! "test msg"
expectMsg("test msg")
it should "join 2 other nodes" in within(15.seconds) {
joinToCluster(Seq(second, third), seedNode)
testActor ! "test msg 2"
expectMsg("test msg 2")
it should "join last node" in within(15.seconds) {
joinToCluster(Seq(fourth), seedNode)
testActor ! "test msg 3"
expectMsg("test msg 3")
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