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Last active October 28, 2018 21:09
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Extract everything from WannaCry
import re
import os,sys
import pefile
import struct
import zipfile
import hashlib
import StringIO
from Crypto import Random
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from Crypto.Cipher import PKCS1_v1_5,AES
RSA_re = re.compile(r'RSA(1|2)')
get_urls = lambda d: map(lambda x:x.strip("\x00"),re.findall("https?://[\x1f-\x7e]{6,}\x00",d))
get_strings = lambda d: re.findall('[ -~]{3,}',d)
BTC_re = re.compile('^[13][a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{25,34}$')
def get_rsc(pe,pred):
def walk_rsc(d):
if pred(pe,d):
x =
return pe.get_data(x.OffsetToData,x.Size)
if not hasattr(d,'directory'): return None
for d in
r = walk_rsc(d)
if r: return r
for d in pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE.entries:
if r:return r
def rsc_pe_pred(pe,d):
return hasattr(d,'data') and pe.get_data(, 2) == 'MZ'
def rsc_zip_pred(pe,d):
return hasattr(d,'data') and pe.get_data(, 2) == 'PK'
def try_passwd(zipf,f,pw):
zp = zipfile.ZipFile(StringIO.StringIO(zipf))
except Exception as e:
return False
class RSAKEY(object):
def __init__(self,d):
self.bin = d = 0
self.bits = 0
def get_int(self,b):
r=long(self.bin[][::-1].encode('hex'),16) += self.bits/b
return r
def unpack(self):
if self.bin[0] not in ["\x06","\x07"]:
return None
if self.bin[8:12] not in ['RSA1','RSA2']:
return None
key = {}
priv = self.bin[0] == "\x07"
self.bits,key['e'] = struct.unpack('II',self.bin[12:20]) = 20
key['n']= self.get_int(8)
if priv:
key['p1'] = self.get_int(16)
key['p2'] = self.get_int(16)
key['exp1'] = self.get_int(16)
key['exp2'] = self.get_int(16)
key['coeff'] = self.get_int(16)
key['d'] = self.get_int(8)
ko = RSA.construct((key['n'],long(key['e']),key['d']))
ko = RSA.construct((key['n'],long(key['e'])))
return ko,key
def decode_aes_key(key,data):
## stolen from
## kudos to sysopfb
cipher =
sentinel =
d = cipher.decrypt(data[::-1],sentinel)
return d
def check_hdr(bin):
return True
def handle_dropper(fpath):
pe = pefile.PE(sys.argv[1])
for s in pe.sections:
if s.Name.startswith('.data'):
url = get_urls(s.get_data())[0]
print '[+] Kill-Switch/Sandbox check url',url
return get_rsc(pe,rsc_pe_pred)
inner_exe = handle_dropper(sys.argv[1])
pe2= pefile.PE(data=inner_exe)
print '[+] got dropper'
drop = True
except Exception as e:
drop= False
pe2 = pefile.PE(sys.argv[1])
inner_exe = open(sys.argv[1]).read()
print '[+] got inner loader'
inner_zip =get_rsc(pe2,rsc_zip_pred)
cfg_files = []
for s in pe2.sections:
if s.Name.startswith('.data'):
data_s = s
strings= get_strings(s.get_data())
for st in strings:
if BTC_re.match(st):
print '[+] bitcoin address', st
elif st.endswith('.wnry'):
print '[*] possible configuration file', st
elif st.startswith('Global'):
print '[+] Mutex',st
# for s in cfg_files:
# try_passwd(inner_zip,s,'')
for s in strings:
if try_passwd(inner_zip,cfg_files[0],s):
print '[+] zip password',s
passwd = s
for f in cfg_files:
d= try_passwd(inner_zip,f,passwd)
if 'onion' in d:
print '[+] Configuration file',f
urls = get_strings(d)[0]
print '[+] payment sites:\n ',
print '\n '.join(urls.split(';'))
end_dll = d
off = RSA_re.finditer(inner_exe).next().start() - 8
ko,key = RSAKEY(inner_exe[off:]).unpack()
print '[+] 1st Embeded RSA key'
print ko.exportKey()
if not check_hdr(end_dll):
print '[-] wrong file...'
(_, size) = struct.unpack('<IQ', end_dll[12+256:12+256+12])
aes_key = decode_aes_key(ko,end_dll[12:256+12])
c =, AES.MODE_CBC, '\x00'*16)
if drop:
fname = 'inner.%s.exe' % hashlib.sha256(inner_exe).hexdigest()
print '[+] saving inner loader as', fname
with open('/tmp/' + fname,'w') as f:
fname = '' % hashlib.sha256(inner_zip).hexdigest()
print '[+] saving inner zip as', fname
with open('/tmp/' + fname,'w') as f:
print '[+] embeded keys:'
for g in RSA_re.finditer(core):
ko,_ = RSAKEY(core[g.start()-8:]).unpack()
print ko.exportKey()
fname = 'core.%s.dll' % hashlib.sha256(core).hexdigest()
print '[+] saving core dll as', fname
with open('/tmp/' + fname,'w') as f:
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sysopfb commented May 17, 2017

I covered some of the older samples by adding:

elif st.endswith('.wnry') or st.endswith('.wry'):
                print '[*] possible configuration file', st

Which led to the older samples having a zip problem because zipfile could pull the c.wry file without a password but not the t.wry.... so I added this which doesn't appear to cause problems:

for s in strings:
     if try_passwd(inner_zip,cfg_files[-1],s):
         print '[+] zip password',s
         passwd = s

Added a corrupt zipfile check because lots of samples have corrupt zip files

if inner_zip != None and inner_zip.find('PK\x05\x06') == -1:
    print("Corrupted archive detected")

handle_dropper makes you miss any sample that does not have a killswitch so I hand jammed a work around but I'm sure there is a better way to do this just couldn't think of one in my alloted time to work on this:

def handle_dropper(fpath):
    pe = pefile.PE(sys.argv[1])
    for s in pe.sections:
        if s.Name.startswith('.data'):
            urls = get_urls(s.get_data())
            if urls != []:
                url = urls[0]
                print '[+] Kill-Switch/Sandbox check url',url
    return get_rsc(pe,rsc_pe_pred)
data = open(sys.argv[1]).read()
if '__TREEID__PLACE' in data:
    inner_exe = handle_dropper(sys.argv[1])
    pe2= pefile.PE(data=inner_exe)
    print '[+] got dropper'
    drop = True
#except Exception as e:
    drop= False
    pe2 = pefile.PE(sys.argv[1])
    #fix overlay problems
    overlay_off = pe2.get_overlay()
    inner_exe = open(sys.argv[1]).read()
    if overlay_off != None:
        inner_exe = inner_exe[:-len(overlay_off)]
    print '[+] got inner loader'

You can also see an overlay check I did this to cover all the people who were dumping exes to disk from the smb spreader component and then uploading them, it causes overlay data to be added on to the zip file which would cause the zipfile library to barf

#except Exception as e:
    drop= False
    pe2 = pefile.PE(sys.argv[1])
    #fix overlay problems
    overlay_off = pe2.get_overlay()
    inner_exe = open(sys.argv[1]).read()
    if overlay_off != None:
        inner_exe = inner_exe[:-len(overlay_off)]
    print '[+] got inner loader'

Updated a forked copy at

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