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Created July 26, 2021 16:32
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Setting up Hyku Addons Account

Setting up Hyku Addons from scratch

Deleting existing system

If already exists and you want to start fresh DANGER: This will kill it all including data

docker-compose down
docker-compose system prune
docker rm -f (docker ps -a -q)
docker volume rm (docker volume ls -q)



bundle install

You may see an error with Zookeeper not being installed correctly. On Linux, the fix for this is:

CFLAGS=-Wno-error=format-overflow  gem install zookeeper -v ‘1.4.11’ --source ‘’

In order to access the super-admin host as well as the normal tenants, you will need to add them to your /etc/hosts. This will depend on what your tenants cname's are, however an example host file might look like this:       localhost
::1             localhost

# Hyku       hyku.docker # Required for the super admin to work       repo.hyku.docker # One of the tenants for this instantion       anschutz.hyku.docker # Another tenant

Please note, you will have to use the :3000 to access the tenants, as you would for any normal Rails app: http://hyku.docker:3000/

Docker Compose Up and allow debugging (via byebug)

docker-compose up -d web workers; docker attach hyku_addons_web_1

Enter bash inside container

docker-compose exec web /bin/bash

Create a Super Admin

bundle exec rails app:hyku_addons:superadmin:create

Create an account

Via app interface

Goto the accounts screen http://hyku.docker:3000/proprietor/accounts?locale=en

Via console

Goto the console

docker-compose exec web bundle exec rails console

Copy the string returned from secure random for use as the account UUID


Run the following:

# bundle exec rails "app:hyku:account:create[Name, Copied UUID, CNAME, Email from above]"
 docker-compose exec web bundle exec rails "app:hyku:account:create[test, aa070467-09d7-4b13-bb5a-7192f900e6c3, test.hyku.docker,]"

Activate user

Your user will need to be activated as invitations are not sent locally

docker-compose exec web bundle exec rails console

# NOTE: The password is being set again as it doesn't seem to be correct when trying to login
User.first.update(invitation_token: nil, invitation_accepted_at: DateTime.current, password: 'test1234')
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