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Last active June 8, 2021 12:16
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  • Save marcamos/2fded8089f25fa9324aabdee89872d45 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save marcamos/2fded8089f25fa9324aabdee89872d45 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
  • Run a project-wide search for 'todo' / 'TODO' / 'to do' / 'TO DO' and make sure they’re resolved
  • Write any and all necessary project documentation (in /_docs/project)
  • Ensure the following items have good values:
    • Anything/everything in <head> … </head>
    • (Craft CMS only) Anything/everything generated by SEOmatic
  • Confirm 404 is reached when expected
  • Confirm robots.txt has the desired values
  • Confirm analytics script is in-place when in production
  • Check the document outline for each unique page-type
  • Delete any/all temporary media (ex. placeholder images)
  • Delete any/all /_demo/ -specific code (html, scss, js, etc.) that the project is not relying on
  • Ensure there are no http requests in any/all https documents (mixed content)
  • Confirm that every hover/click -able thing does what's expected
  • Not every project utilizes modernizr.js, so remove the file and the <script> element that points to it, if necessary
  • Test all unique modules/views in various viewport widths in all supported environments
  • Update project-specific information in /package.json
  • Update / as much as possible
  • Make sure the browser's console is clear/empty
  • Forms:
    • Ensure they handle bad/no input properly
    • Ensure successful submissions land where they're supposed to
  • Setup and test and all necessary 301 redirects
  • Swap html comments for the project's server-side language's version
  • Tests:
  • Add to calendar:
    • Testimonial request
    • Promote the project on social media
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