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Last active June 1, 2021 07:14
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Perlin noise and accumulation in Processing
// Perlin noise and accumulation.
// Created using Processing 4.0a3.
// Code by @marcedwards from @bjango.
// A GIF of this code can be seen here:
void setup() {
size(800, 800, P2D);
colorMode(HSB, 1);
// This is the important bit. With this blend mode, drawing is accumulated.
void draw() {
// Change this to make it look different. This is also how it is animated.
float seed = 1 - frameCount * 0.05;
float anim = sin(seed) * 0.05 + sin(seed * 0.3) * 0.02;
float anglestep = TAU / 72;
float radiusmax = width * 0.25;
float radiusstep = width * 0.0002;
for (float radius = -radiusmax * 0.3; radius < radiusmax; radius += radiusstep) {
float hue = 0.8 + -0.2 * (abs(radius / radiusmax) % 1);
stroke(hue, 0.5, 0.025);
for (float a = 0; a <= TAU + anglestep * 2; a += anglestep) {
float offset = radius + loopNoise(a, 0.8 + anim, radius * 0.04 + seed) * 300;
float x = width / 2 + cos(a) * offset;
float y = height / 2 + sin(a) * offset;
curveVertex(x, y);
float loopNoise(float angle, float diameter, float z) {
return noise(cos(angle) * diameter + diameter, sin(angle) * diameter + diameter, z);
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