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Last active November 6, 2019 12:32
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def myFolder = "JobDSL"
def myJob = 'maintenance-LockableResourceGC'
def mailTo = '' // Whitespace-separated list of recipient addresses
pipelineJob("${myFolder}/${myJob}") {
description("""Cleanup lockable resources on a scheduled basis\n""" + generatedByString())
logRotator { numToKeep(10) }
// TRIGGERS ------------------------
triggers {
cron('0 3 * * *')
// WRAPPERS ------------------------
wrappers {
// DEFINITION ----------------------
definition {
cps {
try {
def res = GlobalConfiguration.all().get(org.jenkins.plugins.lockableresources.LockableResourcesManager.class).resources
def unlocked = res.findAll { it -> !it.locked }
println "Will remove ${unlocked.size()} lockable resources"
res.retainAll {it -> it.locked}
} catch (Throwable e) {
echo 'Error mgmt: Do notifications ...'
try {
mail to: "${mailTo}",
subject: "Build ${env.BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME} of ${env.JOB_NAME} failed",
body: "Build ${env.BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME} of ${env.JOB_NAME} failed\nbuild: ${env.BUILD_URL}"
} catch (Throwable err) {
echo 'ERROR: mail failure: ' + err.getMessage()
throw e
def generatedByString() {
"<p>Generated by <a\n\
<b>Do not modify manually!</b></p>"
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