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Last active May 19, 2016 10:45
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Convert videos to H.264 mkv easily (using ffmpeg)
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# Simple script to convert your old video files to H.264 mantaining their quality
# Usage:
# ruby mkvit.rb [extension]
# this will convert all the videos with the provided ext. in the current dir
# Notes:
# uses:
ext = ARGV[0]
files_to_convert = Dir["*.#{ext}"]
files_to_convert.each do |file_name|
puts "Started encoding to h264 #{file_name}"
output = `ffmpeg -i "#{file_name}" -c:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 22 -c:a copy "#{file_name.gsub(/\.(.*)/, '.mkv')}"`
puts output
puts "File encoded"
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