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Martin Streicher martinstreicher

  • Flywheel, Gadget, and Sprocket, Inc.
  • Raleigh, NC, USA, Earth
View GitHub Profile
martinstreicher / request.rb
Created April 16, 2024 15:17
A sample base class for HTTP requests
# frozen_string_literal: true
require "net/http"
module Client
RequestError =
class Request
DEFAULT_HOSTNAME = "localhost"

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am martinstreicher on github.
  • I am martinstreicher ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASA48hi-YA9SlOV7DlZt_vEOvMW9jzLyOLqNCC0w2qta_go

To claim this, I am signing this object:

martinstreicher / gist:c22363334aae8673d5d27b60787a2856
Created March 19, 2018 16:54
Connect Codeship to a local install of MySQL 5.7
# Setup
export MYSQL_DIR="$HOME/mysql-5.7"
export MYSQL_PORT="3307"
export MYSQL_SOCKET="$MYSQL_DIR/socket/mysqld.sock"
export PATH="$MYSQL_DIR/bin:$PATH"
export RAILS_ENV=test
\curl -sSL | bash -s
# If `.ruby-version` file is present, RVM will set Ruby to the declared version.
if [ -f .ruby-version ]; then rvm use $(cat .ruby-version) --install; fi
martinstreicher / sidekiq_exception_worker.rb
Created September 28, 2017 20:52
Sidekiq Middleware to squelch some errors
module Middleware
SquelchedException = Exception
class SidekiqExceptionHandler
def call(worker, job, queue)
rescue Exception => exception
notify exception, job, ignore: ignore_exception?(exception)
raise SquelchedException
], function(
) {
// the function that will load the map code and initialize
// the map, or if the map code has been loaded, just
// initialize the map.
var loadAndInitMap;
class Device < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :participant
validates :participant, presence: true
validates :provider, presence: true
validates :serial_number, presence: true, uniqueness: { scope: :provider }
validates :serial_number, format: { with: /\A\d{15}\z/, message: 'IMEI must be 15 digits'},
if: lambda { |d| d.provider == 'bodytrace' }
before_validation :normalize
martinstreicher / gist:a29530a7989b916e2cc5
Created December 22, 2015 17:23
Output of VCR matching
[webmock] Handling request: [get,Lake%20Mandychester,New%20Hampshire&sensor=false] (disabled: false)
[webmock] Identified request type (recordable) for [get,Lake%20Mandychester,New%20Hampshire&sensor=false]
[webmock] Handling request: [get,Wavabury,New%20York&sensor=false] (disabled: false)
[webmock] Identified request type (recordable) for [get,Wavabury,New%20York&sensor=false]
[Cassette: 'cms/sms_08'] Initialized with options: {:record=>:once, :match_requests_on=>[:uri, :method], :allow_unused_http_interactions=>true, :serialize_with=>:yaml, :persist_with=>:file_system, :allow_playback_repeats=>false}
[webmock] Handling request: [get
Colossal:emerald strike$ rvm install jruby- --disable-binary
jruby- - #removing src/jruby-
Checking requirements for osx.
Requirements installation successful.
$JAVA_HOME was empty, setting up JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_25.jdk/Contents/Home, if it fails try setting JAVA_HOME to something sane and try again.
HEAD is now at cb96d72 Bump for version
Previous HEAD position was cb96d72... Bump for version
Switched to branch 'master'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
From git://
{"formulary_id"=>"F05421", "custom_value"=>"Lantus Solostar subcutaneous PreferredRx Peanuts"}, {"formulary_id"=>"F05422", "custom_value"=>"Lantus Solostar subcutaneous SuperRx Peanuts"}], "step1_brand_name"=>"Lantus Solostar subcutaneous", "step1_generic_name"=>"Lantus Solostar subcutaneous", "epdrug"=>{"epdrug_id"=>"9", "formulary_ids_arry"=>["F05421", "F05422"], "med_ids_arry"=>[551714], "step2"=>"Peanuts", "custom_msg_hash"=>[{"formulary_id"=>"F05421", "custom_value"=>"Lantus Solostar subcutaneous PreferredRx Peanuts"}, {"formulary_id"=>"F05422", "custom_value"=>"Lantus Solostar subcutaneous SuperRx Peanuts"}], "step1_brand_name"=>"Lantus Solostar subcutaneous", "step1_generic_name"=>"Lantus Solostar subcutaneous"}}
martinstreicher / gist:93a80346851e643e652a
Created May 20, 2014 16:20
Odd result from Ansible.
When I do this…
- name: capture the remote user's home directory
sudo: False
shell: pwd
register: home_dir
Why does home_dir show me this…