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Created December 18, 2017 19:40
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(ns prison.core
(:require [gniazdo.core :as ws]
[ :as json]))
(defn parse [str]
(json/read-str str :key-fn keyword))
(def msg-atom (atom nil))
(defn handle [msg]
(reset! msg-atom msg)
(ws/send-msg socket (json/write-str {:tag "SetColor" :contents "#0000ff"}))
(ws/send-msg socket (json/write-str {:tag "MakeChoice" :contents ["Betray" "North"]}))
(ws/send-msg socket (json/write-str {:tag "MakeChoice" :contents ["Betray" "South"]}))
(ws/send-msg socket (json/write-str {:tag "MakeChoice" :contents ["Betray" "West"]}))
(ws/send-msg socket (json/write-str {:tag "MakeChoice" :contents ["Betray" "East"]})))
(defonce socket
:on-receive #(handle (parse %))))
(ws/send-msg socket "hello")
(ws/close socket)
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