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Last active April 13, 2018 17:12
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SBT task for slick code generation from a live database
// SBT task for slick code generation for a live database
// ======================================================
// This sbt task will generate slick scala classes to match your (MySQL) database schema,
// which will allow you to use the database through slick, in your scala application.
// Usage: Review all ? symbols and comments below, to adapt to your system. Embed in build.sbt.
// Make sure the database is up. Run: sbt slickGenerate
// In your scala application, import the resulting scala file
// Tested on Ubuntu, sbt 0.13.6, 3.0.0-RC2. Ugly code style like all build.sbt.
libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe.slick" %% "slick-codegen" % "3.0.0-RC3"
lazy val slickGenerate = taskKey[Seq[File]]("slick code generation from an existing database")
slickGenerate := {
val dbName = ???
val userName = ???
val password = ???
val url = s"jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/$dbName" // adapt as necessary to your system
val jdbcDriver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" // replace if not MySQL
val slickDriver = "slick.driver.MySQLDriver" // replace if not MySQL
val resultRelativeDir = ??? // directory to create output scala slick definitions at
val targetPackageName = ??? // package name to give it
val resultFilePath = s"$resultRelativeDir/$targetPackageName/Tables.scala" // override the name if you like
val backupFilePath = s"$resultRelativeDir/$targetPackageName/" // override the name if you like
val format = scala.Console.BLUE + scala.Console.BOLD
println(format + s"Backing up existing slick mappings source to: file://${baseDirectory.value}/$backupFilePath")
println(format + s"About to auto-generate slick mappings source from database schema at $url...")
sbt.IO.copyFile(new File(resultFilePath), new File(backupFilePath))
(runner in Compile)"slick.codegen.SourceCodeGenerator", (dependencyClasspath in Compile).value.files, Array(slickDriver, jdbcDriver, url, resultRelativeDir, targetPackageName, userName, password), streams.value.log)
println(format + s"Result: file://${baseDirectory.value}/$resultFilePath" + scala.Console.RESET)
val diff = (s"diff -u $resultFilePath $backupFilePath" #| "colordiff").!!
println(scala.Console.BLUE + s"Changes compared to previous output file, follow, if any.\n\n $diff")
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matanox commented Apr 19, 2015

Thanks :)

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