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Created October 13, 2023 21:22
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Sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui
officia deserunt mollit anim.
<p class="text-xs">12 May, 2025</p>
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<span class="text-black dark:text-white">There are many variations</span>
of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have
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Cody Fisher
<p class="text-sm">I’m waiting for you response!</p>
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Mariya Desoja
<p class="text-sm">I like your confidence 💪</p>
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<span class="block text-sm font-medium text-black dark:text-white">Thomas Anree</span>
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17.4969L13.5781 17.5656C12.8219 17.875 12.3406 18.5625 12.3406 19.3531V19.4906C12.3406 19.6969 12.1687 19.8687 11.9625 19.8687H10.0375C9.83125 19.8687 9.65937 19.6969 9.65937 19.4906V19.3531C9.65937 18.5625 9.17812 17.8406 8.42187 17.5656C8.31875 17.5312 8.18125 17.4625 8.07812 17.4281C7.80312 17.2906 7.52812 17.2562 7.25312 17.2562C6.77187 17.2562 6.29062 17.4281 5.9125 17.8062L5.84375 17.8406C5.70625 17.9781 5.46562 17.9781 5.32812 17.8406L3.9875 16.4656C3.88437 16.3625 3.88437 16.2594 3.88437 16.1906C3.88437 16.1219 3.88437 16.0187 3.9875 15.9156L4.05625 15.8469C4.64062 15.2969 4.8125 14.4375 4.50312 13.75C4.46875 13.6469 4.43437 13.5437 4.36562 13.4406C4.09062 12.7187 3.40312 12.2031 2.6125 12.2031H2.50937C2.30312 12.2031 2.13125 12.0312 2.13125 11.825L2.16562 9.89999C2.16562 9.76249 2.23437 9.69374 2.26875 9.62499C2.30312 9.59062 2.40625 9.52187 2.54375 9.52187H2.64687C3.4375 9.55624 4.15937 9.07499 4.46875 8.35312C4.50312 8.24999 4.57187 8.14687 4.60625 8.04374C4.91562 7.35624 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