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Created July 1, 2020 23:57
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ul.pagination data-page="#{pagy.prev}" data-reflex="click->TabularReflex#paginate" href="#" ←
- pagy.series.each do |item|
- if item == :gap ...
- else
li class=("page-item #{"active" if item.is_a?(String)}") data-page=item data-reflex="click->TabularReflex#paginate" href="#" = item data-page="#{}" data-reflex="click->TabularReflex#paginate" href="#" →
// javascript/stylesheets/applications.scss
body.wait, body.wait * {
cursor: wait !important;
// javascript/controllers/application_controller.js
import Turbolinks from 'turbolinks'
import { Controller } from 'stimulus'
import StimulusReflex from 'stimulus_reflex'
export default class extends Controller {
connect () {
beforeReflex (element, reflex) {
//adding cursor spinner
afterReflex (element, reflex) {
//some jquery plugins reinitialization
document.querySelectorAll('[data-uppy]').forEach(element => setupUppy(element))
OverlayScrollbars(document.querySelectorAll(".sidebar"), {})
//removing spinner
# controllers/categories_controller.rb
class CategoriesController < ApplicationController
before_action :authenticate_user!
def index
@page = (session[:page] || 1).to_i
categories = Category.includes(:products)
pages = (categories.count / Pagy::VARS[:items].to_f).ceil
@page = 1 if @page > pages
@pagy, @categories = pagy(categories, page: @page)
/...categories table body & paginator partial
= render @categories
== render 'shared/paginator_nav', pagy: @pagy if @pagy.pages > 1
# reflexes/tabular_reflex.rb
class TabularReflex < ApplicationReflex
before_reflex :switch_tenant
def paginate
session[:page] = element.dataset[:page].to_i
def switch_tenant
Apartment::Tenant.switch! tenant
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Could you post an entire repo, so we can reproduce the problem. I don't see an error in the code. What does sometimes mean? You need to be more specific when it happens, it is very unlikely it just works sometims and sometimes it wont unless something changed in between.

While there is no error, you should really get away, from this global style of doing everything in the application_controller. You should have small focused stimulus.js controllers (as I wrote here: stimulusreflex/stimulus_reflex#246 (comment)). What you do is not really the stimulus way, you are just forcing jQuery into the stimulus world.

The way you implemented it, you the wait should trigger on every reflex. You really don't want that going into the future, especially with the new possibilities to morph specific things, you should aim to make reflexes so fast, that no waiting indicator is needed. If you have fast reflexed this wait class will just lead to unwanted irritating flashed.

But anyway can't help unless you put a full repo.

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@RolandStuder thanks for your answer. Putting jQuery aside, "sometimes" it means that: this is the paginator-> |1| |2| |3| |4| |5| |6| |7| |8| |9| |10|

If i click in the |2| it won't executes afterReflex() wich i need to remove the spinner, but if i click in any other page, then it will. When i click in a page next to the current afterReflex() won't fire, only in those cases it miss the callback. Thats what i mean with "sometimes".

this is the repo:

you will need to install and run mailcatcher.

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@RolandStuder solved by adding data-id

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@matedemorphy Glad you worked it out! Good luck with your further Stimulus Reflex endeavours!

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