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Created April 22, 2010 17:11
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JavaScript preload() function
* $.preload() function for jQuery –
* Preload images, CSS and JavaScript files without executing them
* Script by Stoyan Stefanov –
* Slightly rewritten by Mathias Bynens –
* Note that since this script relies on jQuery, the preloading process will not start until jQuery has finished loading.
jQuery.preload = function(array) {
var length = array.length,
document = window.document,
body = document.body,
isIE = 'fileSize' in document,
while (length--) {
if (isIE) {
new Image().src = array[length];
object = document.createElement('object'); = array[length];
object.width = object.height = 0;
// Example:
$(function() {
* JavaScript preload() function –
* Preload images, CSS and JavaScript files without executing them
* Script by Stoyan Stefanov –
* Slightly rewritten by Mathias Bynens –
function preload(array) {
var length = array.length,
document = window.document,
body = document.body,
isIE = 'fileSize' in document,
while (length--) {
if (isIE) {
new Image().src = array[length];
object = document.createElement('object'); = array[length];
object.width = object.height = 0;
// Example:
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Hey Mathias. I've been using your version of Stoyan’s script for some time now.

I ran into an issue where the preloaded images takes up space in the body, so you need a method to prevent that. display: none doesnt work as it keeps the browser from downloading it, and visilibility: hidden obviously wont prevent it from taking up space either. Instead, i found adding the .visuallyhidden class (from html5boilerplate) before appending the object, seems to solve all problems.

Here is how I use it:

var Utils = {
    * JavaScript preload() function
    * Preload images, CSS and JavaScript files without executing them
    * Script by Stoyan Stefanov –
    * Slightly rewritten by Mathias Bynens –
    * Demo:
    * - Assumes you have the class .visuallyhidden in your stylesheet - set via a class rather than inline styles to minimize the number of reflows
    * .visuallyhidden { border: 0; clip: rect(0 0 0 0); height: 1px; margin: -1px; overflow: hidden; padding: 0; position: absolute; width: 1px; }
    * .visuallyhidden.focusable:active, .visuallyhidden.focusable:focus { clip: auto; height: auto; margin: 0; overflow: visible; position: static; width: auto; }
    preload: function (arr) {
        var i = arr.length,
            d = document,
            b = d.body,
            isIE = /*@cc_on!@*/0;
        while (i--) {
            if (isIE) {
                new Image().src = arr[i];
            o = d.createElement('object');
   = arr[i];
            o.className += " visuallyhidden";
//.... other utils  

Utils.preload(["image1.jpg", "image2.png", "image3.gif", "script1.js"]);

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@wolthers Interesting. Are you saying the o.width = o.height = 0; didn’t work for you? It should, especially in an img { display: block; padding: 0; margin: 0; } kind of situation.

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@mathiasbynens: Indeed it does, it seems right now. That's weird, because I remember rewriting it some time ago because it didnt. Hmm. Go ahead and delete my comments, it only adds confusion.

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ghost commented Jun 10, 2011

@mathiasbynens Out of curiosity, why doesn't the object fork work in IE?

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@kitcambridge I’ll defer to Stoyan’s post:

Note that I basically just rewrote his script a little bit.

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ghost commented Jun 11, 2011

@mathiasbynens Hmm, I wonder if the browser sniff for IE can be replaced with a weak object inference...maybe isIE = 'fileSize' in document? It doesn't look as though we can feature test for it, but I think a weak inference is slightly more reliable than a sniff.

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@kitcambridge Great suggestion, thanks!

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ghost commented Jun 11, 2011

@mathiasbynens Certainly. Looks great!

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@mathiasbynens It seems that I was right that the objects will take up height in a body { height: 100%; } -scenario (ie. sticky css footer - Will make a demo tonight hopefully. /Michael

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@mathiasbynens - as promised: - issue encountered in newest version of Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera. Adding = 'absolute' will fix it. /Michael

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