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Created December 29, 2021 16:13
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django-import-export bulk testing

Django Import Export

Bulk import testing

This scripts outlines the steps used to profile bulk loading. The script is used to profile run duration and memory during bulk load testing.


Test environment

The following tests were run on the following platform:

  • Thinkpad T470 i5 processor (Ubuntu 18.04)
  • python 3.8.1
  • Postgres 10 (docker container)

Install dependencies

# create venv and install django-import-export dependencies
mkvirtualenv -p python3 djangoimportexport
pip install -r requirements/base.txt -r requirements/test.txt

Create Postgres DB


cd <PROJECT_HOME>/tests

# start a local postgres instance
docker-compose -f bulk/docker-compose.yml up -d 

./ migrate
./ test

# only required if you want to login to the Admin site
./ createsuperuser --username admin

Update settings

In order to use the runscript command, add django_extensions to (INSTALLED_APPS).

Running script

# run creates, updates, and deletes
./ runscript bulk_import

# pass 'create', 'update' or 'delete' to run the single test
./ runscript bulk_import --script-args create


  • Used 20k book entries
  • Memory is reported as the peak memory value whilst running the test script


Default settings
  • default settings
  • uses ModelInstanceLoader by default
Condition Time (secs) Memory (MB)
use_bulk=False 42.67 16.22
use_bulk=True, batch_size=None 33.72 50.02
use_bulk=True, batch_size=1000 33.21 11.43
Performance tweaks
use_bulk batch_size skip_diff instance_loader time (secs) peak mem (MB)
True 1000 True force_init_instance 9.60 9.4
True 1000 False CachedInstanceLoader 13.72 9.9
True 1000 True CachedInstanceLoader 16.12 9.5
True 1000 False force_init_instance 19.93 10.5
False n/a False force_init_instance 26.59 14.1
True 1000 False ModelInstanceLoader 28.60 9.7
True 1000 False ModelInstanceLoader 33.19 10.6
False n/a False ModelInstanceLoader 45.32 16.3

(force_init_instance) means overriding get_or_init_instance() - this can be done when you know for certain that you are importing new rows:

def get_or_init_instance(self, instance_loader, row):
    return self._meta.model(), True


./ runscript bulk_import --script-args update
Default settings
  • skip_diff = False
  • instance_loader_class = ModelInstanceLoader
Condition Time (secs) Memory (MB)
use_bulk=False 82.28 9.33
use_bulk=True, batch_size=None 92.41 202.26
use_bulk=True, batch_size=1000 52.63 11.25
Performance tweaks
  • skip_diff = True
  • instance_loader_class = CachedInstanceLoader
Condition Time (secs) Memory (MB)
use_bulk=False 28.85 20.71
use_bulk=True, batch_size=None 65.11 201.01
use_bulk=True, batch_size=1000 21.56 21.25
  • skip_diff = False
Condition Time (secs) Memory (MB)
use_bulk=True, batch_size=1000 9.26 8.51
skip_html_diff=True, batch_size=1000 8.69 7.50
skip_unchanged=True, batch_size=1000 5.42 7.34

bulk delete

./ runscript bulk_import --script-args delete
Default settings
  • skip_diff = False
  • instance_loader_class = ModelInstanceLoader
Condition Time (secs) Memory (MB)
use_bulk=False 95.56 31.36
use_bulk=True, batch_size=None 50.20 64.66
use_bulk=True, batch_size=1000 43.77 33.123
Performance tweaks
  • skip_diff = True
  • instance_loader_class = CachedInstanceLoader
Condition Time (secs) Memory (MB)
use_bulk=False 61.66 31.94
use_bulk=True, batch_size=None 14.08 39.40
use_bulk=True, batch_size=1000 15.37 32.70

Checking DB

Note that the db is cleared down after each test run. You need to uncomment the delete() calls to be able to view data.

./ shell_plus


Clear down

Optional clear down of resources:

# remove the test db container
docker-compose -f bulk/docker-compose.yml down -v

# remove venv
rmvirtualenv djangoimportexport


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