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Last active June 12, 2023 12:47
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  • Save matthieuheitz/7287e214b1aeda7948f6c27fbfb5288b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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djvu2pdf, a conversion script using ocrodjvu and pdfbeads
# Method found here
# Dependencies:
# On ubuntu, you can install ocrodjvu and pdfbeads with:
# sudo apt install ocrodjvu
# gem install pdfbeads
# The path and filename given can only contain ascii characters
# Get filename
filename=$(basename -- "$f")
# Count number of pages
echo "f=$f"
p=$(djvused -e n "$f")
echo -e "The document contains $p pages.\n"
# Number of digits
echo "###############################"
echo "### Extracting page by page ###"
echo "###############################"
# For each page, extract the text, and the image
for i in $( seq 1 $p)
ii=$(printf %0${pp}d $i)
djvu2hocr -p $i "$f" | sed 's/ocrx/ocr/g' > pg$ii.html
ddjvu -format=tiff -page=$i "$f" pg$ii.tiff
echo ""
echo "##############################"
echo "### Building the final pdf ###"
echo "##############################"
# Build the final pdf
pdfbeads > "$file_no_ext".pdf
echo ""
echo "Done"
# Remove temp files
echo ""
read -p "Do you want to delete temp files ? (pg*.html, pg*.tiff, pg*.bg.jpg) " -n 1 -r
echo # (optional) move to a new line
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
rm pg*.html pg*.tiff pg*.bg.jpg
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Used it just now and everything worked perfectly. Only quirk was I had to roll back gem update --system 3.0.8 to get rmagick to install properly and stop complaining that constant Gem::ConfigMap is deprecated (issue and fix discussed here).

> gem list rmagick iconv pdfbeads

*** LOCAL GEMS ***
rmagick (4.2.5, 2.16.0)
iconv (1.0.8)
pdfbeads (1.1.3)

Thanks so much for this helpful script!!

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