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example implementation for an async event loop
import time
import select
import socket
class AsyncSleep:
"""Event and action to sleep ``until`` a point in time"""
def __init__(self, until):
self.until = until
def __await__(self):
yield self
def __repr__(self):
return '%s(until=%.1f)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.until)
async def sleep(duration):
"""Cooperatively sleep for ``duration`` seconds"""
await AsyncSleep(time.time() + duration / 2)
await AsyncSleep(time.time() + duration / 2)
class AsyncRead:
"""Event and action to read ``amount`` bytes from ``file``"""
def __init__(self, file, amount=1):
self.file = file
self.amount = amount
self._buffer = b''
def __await__(self):
while len(self._buffer) < self.amount:
yield self
# we only get here if ``read`` will not block (this is a lie...)
self._buffer +=
return self._buffer
def __repr__(self):
return '%s(file=%s, amount=%d, progress=%d)' % (
self.__class__.__name__, self.file, self.amount, len(self._buffer)
async def read(path, amount):
"""read ``amount`` bytes from ``path``"""
with open(path, 'rb') as file:
return await AsyncRead(file, amount)
class AsyncRecv:
"""Event and action to read ``amount`` bytes from ``connection``"""
def __init__(self, connection, amount=1, read_buffer=1024):
assert connection.gettimeout() == 0.0, 'connection must be non-blocking for async recv'
self.connection = connection
self.amount = amount
self.read_buffer = read_buffer
self._buffer = b''
def __await__(self):
while len(self._buffer) < self.amount:
# read if we do not block
self._buffer += self.connection.recv(self.read_buffer)
# yield control to not starve other coroutines indefinitely
yield self
except BlockingIOError:
# suspend if we would block
yield self
return self._buffer
def __repr__(self):
return '%s(file=%s, amount=%d, progress=%d)' % (
self.__class__.__name__, self.connection, self.amount, len(self._buffer)
async def recv(url, port, amount):
"""receive ``amount`` bytes from ``port`` at ``url``"""
connection = socket.socket()
# open without blocking - retry on failure
connection.connect((url, port))
except BlockingIOError:
# await I/O
return await AsyncRecv(connection, amount)
def run(*coroutines):
"""Cooperatively run all ``coroutines`` until completion"""
waiting_read = {} # type: Dict[file, coroutine]
waiting = [(0, coroutine) for coroutine in coroutines]
while waiting or waiting_read:
# 2. wait until the next coroutine may run or read ...
until, coroutine = waiting.pop(0)
except IndexError:
until, coroutine = float('inf'), None
readable, _, _ =, [], [])
readable, _, _ =, [], [], max(0.0, until - time.time()))
# ... and select the appropriate one
if readable and time.time() < until:
if until and coroutine:
waiting.append((until, coroutine))
coroutine = waiting_read.pop(readable[0])
# 3. run this coroutine
command = coroutine.send(None)
except StopIteration:
# 1. sort coroutines by their desired suspension ...
if isinstance(command, AsyncSleep):
waiting.append((command.until, coroutine))
waiting.sort(key=lambda item: item[0])
# ... or register reads
elif isinstance(command, AsyncRead):
waiting_read[command.file] = coroutine
elif isinstance(command, AsyncRecv):
waiting_read[command.connection] = coroutine
# example coroutines with helpful prints
async def sleepy(identifier, count=5):
for i in range(count):
print('id', identifier, 'round', i + 1)
await sleep(0.01)
async def ready(path, amount=1024*4):
print('read', path, 'at', '%d' % time.time())
result = await read(path, amount)
print('done', path, 'at', '%d' % time.time(), 'got', len(result), 'B')
async def recvy(url, port, amount=1024*32):
print('read', '%s:%d' % (url, port), 'at', '%d' % time.time())
result = await recv(url, port, amount)
except ConnectionRefusedError:
result = ''
print('done', '%s:%d' % (url, port), 'at', '%d' % time.time(), 'got', len(result) or '----', 'B')
# must prepare server for recvy via
# $ cat /dev/urandom | nc -l 25000
run(sleepy('background', 5), recvy('localhost', 25000), ready('/dev/urandom'))
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Example code for the stack overflow answer How does asyncio actually work?

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Alvant commented Nov 6, 2020

Wow! Thanks! The answer is great.


There seems to be a typo in a code snippet on StackOverflow in section 3.5. Cooperative I/O (wrong return):

result = return await AsyncRead(file, amount)

I am writing here instead of SO, because I don't have enough reputation to leave a comment there :)

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Thanks a lot for the heads up! The typo should be fixed now.

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Alvant commented Nov 7, 2020

🙂 👍

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ArtyomKozyrev8 commented Mar 9, 2021

Thank you very much! Really great explanation similar to level of David Beazley speech in PyCon 2015 Can you give me some personal advice how I can improve my general Computer Science understanding and Programming skills? If yes, I'll be very grateful, if no - nevermind :). I am self taught and program less than 3 years, so I feel that I have a lot to learn.

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