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Created October 27, 2021 11:31
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Script for measuring the overhead of asyncio.gather
import asyncio
import time
async def no_op():
async def main_gather(count):
await asyncio.gather(*(asyncio.gather(no_op()) for _ in range(count)))
async def main_plain(count):
await asyncio.gather(*(no_op() for _ in range(count)))
print(" | gather time vs plain time")
print(" | | gather overhead")
for i in range(10, 501, 10):
start_plain = time.time()
stop_plain = time.time()
start_gather = time.time()
stop_gather = time.time()
delta = (stop_gather-start_gather) - (stop_plain-start_plain)
f"{i:3d}: {stop_gather-start_gather:.3f} vs {stop_plain-start_plain:.3f}",
f"[{100 + delta / (stop_plain-start_plain) * 100:3.0f}% of noop]"
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