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Created August 23, 2018 22:38
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Python: convert IRI (in two words: URL with non-ascii characters) into valid URI. This func makes it easy to open any URL in python with urllib2. ORIGINAL:
def asciify_url(url, force_quote=False):
Attempts to make a unicode url usuable with ``urllib/urllib2``.
More specifically, it attempts to convert the unicode object ``url``,
which is meant to represent a IRI, to an unicode object that,
containing only ASCII characters, is a valid URI. This involves:
* IDNA/Puny-encoding the domain name.
* UTF8-quoting the path and querystring parts.
See also RFC 3987.
assert type(url) == unicode, "try to use unicode(raw, 'utf-8')"
parts = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
if not parts.scheme or not parts.netloc:
# apparently not an url
return url
# idna-encode domain
hostname = parts.hostname.encode('idna')
# UTF8-quote the other parts. We check each part individually if
# if needs to be quoted - that should catch some additional user
# errors, say for example an umlaut in the username even though
# the path *is* already quoted.
def quote(s, safe):
s = s or ''
# Triggers on non-ascii characters - another option would be:
# urllib.quote(s.replace('%', '')) != s.replace('%', '')
# which would trigger on all %-characters, e.g. "&".
if s.encode('ascii', 'replace') != s or force_quote:
return urllib.quote(s.encode('utf8'), safe=safe)
return s
username = quote(parts.username, '')
password = quote(parts.password, safe='')
path = quote(parts.path, safe='/')
query = quote(parts.query, safe='&=')
# put everything back together
netloc = hostname
if username or password:
netloc = '@' + netloc
if password:
netloc = ':' + password + netloc
netloc = username + netloc
if parts.port:
netloc += ':' + str(parts.port)
return urlparse.urlunsplit([
parts.scheme, netloc, path, query, parts.fragment])
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