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Fitting histograms of muon lifetimes. Do not estimate weights from your data!
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit, minimize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
from scipy.stats import poisson
MUON_LIFETIME = 2.196_981_1
bins = np.linspace(0.5, 12, 150)
bin_centers = 0.5 * (bins[1:] + bins[:-1])
bin_width = np.diff(bins)[0]
N = 15000
def exponential(t, tau):
return np.exp(-t / tau) / tau
def integrate_exponential(bins, tau):
return np.exp(-bins[:-1] / tau) - np.exp(-bins[1:] / tau)
def f(t, tau):
res = N * bin_width * exponential(t, tau)
return res
def muon_experiment(N):
times = np.random.exponential(MUON_LIFETIME, size=N)
hist, _ = np.histogram(times, bins=bins)
return hist
def fit_unweighted(hist):
'''Unweighted Least Squares Fit'''
opt, cov = curve_fit(
f, bin_centers, hist,
bounds=(1e-10, 1e10),
return opt, cov
def fit_sqrt_n(hist):
'''Least Squares Fit using sqrt(N) as error'''
non_zero = hist > 0
opt, cov = curve_fit(
f, bin_centers[non_zero], hist[non_zero],
bounds=(1e-10, 1e10),
return opt, cov
def fit_likelihood(hist):
def poisson_neg_llh(params, hist):
'''Poissonian negative log likelihood, to be minimized to get tau'''
tau = params[0]
# correct for not sampling the full lifetime range [0, oo]
norm = integrate_exponential(bins[[0, -1]], tau)
expected = np.sum(hist) * integrate_exponential(bins, tau) / norm
return -0.001 * np.sum(poisson.logpmf(hist, expected))
result = minimize(
args=(hist, ),
(1e-10, 1e10), # tau must be positive
if not result.success:
raise ValueError('likelihood fit failed')
return result.x, result.hess_inv
def fit_iterative(hist, eps=1e-15, max_iterations=100):
Least Squares Fit using sqrt(lambda) as error.
First iteration is unweighted, then we iterate using the previous
solution as error estimation until we converge
opt, cov = curve_fit(f, bin_centers, hist, p0=[2.2], bounds=[1e-15, np.inf])
# refit with error estimation from previous fit until converged
delta = np.inf
i = 0
while delta > eps:
assert i < max_iterations, 'Fit does not converge'
# calculate error from last solution
sigma = np.sqrt(f(bin_centers, *opt))
old_opt = opt
opt, cov = curve_fit(
f, bin_centers, hist,
p0=opt, # use previous iteration as initial guess
sigma=sigma, absolute_sigma=True,
bounds=[1e-15, np.inf],
delta = np.sum(np.abs(opt - old_opt))
i += 1
return opt, cov
tau_sqrt_n = []
tau_it = []
tau_likelihood = []
tau_unweighted = []
for i in tqdm(range(10000)):
hist = muon_experiment(15000)
opt, cov = fit_unweighted(hist)
opt, cov = fit_sqrt_n(hist)
opt, cov = fit_iterative(hist)
opt, cov = fit_likelihood(hist)
results = {
'Likelihood': np.array(tau_likelihood),
'Iterative LstSQ': np.array(tau_it),
'Unweighted LstSQ': np.array(tau_unweighted),
'LstSQ w=sqrt(N)': np.array(tau_sqrt_n),
w = max(len(k) for k in results)
for key, value in results.items():
print(f'{key:{w}}: {value.mean():.3f} ± {value.std():.3f}')
eps = 0.05
low = (1 - eps) * MUON_LIFETIME
high = (1 + eps) * MUON_LIFETIME
kwargs = dict(bins=50, range=[low, high], histtype='step', lw=2)
for label, values in results.items():
plt.axvline(MUON_LIFETIME, color='k', label='True value')
plt.xlabel('τ / µs')
plt.title('Comparison of different fitting methods for V01')
plt.savefig('muon_lifetime_fit_comparison.png', dpi=300)
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maxnoe commented Jun 11, 2018


Likelihood      : 2.197 ± 0.022
Iterative LstSQ : 2.197 ± 0.021
Unweighted LstSQ: 2.197 ± 0.037
LstSQ w=sqrt(N) : 2.149 ± 0.023


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