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Last active October 15, 2022 02:19
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NodeJS, raw-socket, custom TCP/IPv4 SYN-packet sending
var raw = require("raw-socket");
var ip = require('ip');
var util = require('util');
function send(src_ip, src_port, dst_ip, dst_port) {
var socket = raw.createSocket({
protocol: raw.Protocol.TCP, // See
addressFamily: raw.AddressFamily.IPv4
var ipBuffer = new Buffer([
0x45, // IP: Version (0x45 is IPv4)
0x00, // IP: Differentiated Services Field
0x00,0x2c, // IP: Total Length
0x00,0x00, // IP: Identification
0x40, // IP: Flags (0x20 Don't Fragment)
0x00, // IP: Fragment Offset
0x40, // IP: TTL (0x40 is 64)
0x06, // IP: protocol (ICMP=1, IGMP=2, TCP=6, UDP=17, static value)
0x00,0x00, // IP: checksum for IP part of this packet
0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, // IP: ip src
0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, // IP: ip dst
ipBuffer.writeUInt16BE(parseInt(Math.random()*0xffff), 4); // IP: set identification
ip.toBuffer(src_ip, ipBuffer, 12); // IP: save ip src (src_ip var) into the buffer
ip.toBuffer(dst_ip, ipBuffer, 16); // IP: save ip dst (dst_ip var) into the buffer
raw.writeChecksum(ipBuffer, 10, raw.createChecksum(ipBuffer));
var tcpBuffer = new Buffer([
0x00,0x00, // TCP: src port (should be random)
0x00,0x00, // TCP: dst port (should be the port you want to scan)
0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, // TCP: sequence number (should be random)
0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, // TCP: acquitment number (must be null because WE are intiating the SYN, static value)
0x00,0x02, // TCP: header length (data offset) && flags (fin=1,syn=2,rst=4,psh=8,ack=16,urg=32, static value)
0x72,0x10, // TCP: window
0x00,0x00, // TCP: checksum for TCP part of this packet)
0x00,0x00, // TCP: ptr urgent
0x02,0x04, // TCP: options
0x05,0xb4, // TCP: padding (mss=1460, static value)
0x04,0x02, // TCP: SACK Permitted (4) Option
0x08,0x0a, // TCP: TSval, Length
0x01,0x75,0xdd,0xe8,// value
0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,// TSecr
0x01, // TCP: NOP
0x03,0x03,0x07 // TCP: Window scale
tcpBuffer.writeUInt32BE(parseInt(Math.random()*0xffffffff), 4); // TCP: create random sequence number
tcpBuffer.writeUInt8(tcpBuffer.length << 2, 12); // TCP: write Header Length
tcpBuffer.writeUInt16BE(src_port, 0); // TCP: save src port (src_port var) into the buffer
tcpBuffer.writeUInt16BE(dst_port, 2); // TCP: save dst port (port var) into the buffer
var pseudoBuffer = new Buffer([
0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, // IP: ip src
0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, // IP: ip dst
0x06, // IP: protocol (ICMP=1, IGMP=2, TCP=6, UDP=17, static value)
(tcpBuffer.length >> 8) & 0xff, tcpBuffer.length & 0xff
ip.toBuffer(src_ip, pseudoBuffer, 0); // IP: save ip src (src_ip var) into the buffer
ip.toBuffer(dst_ip, pseudoBuffer, 4); // IP: save ip dst (dst_ip var) into the buffer
pseudoBuffer = Buffer.concat([pseudoBuffer, tcpBuffer]);
raw.writeChecksum(tcpBuffer, 16, raw.createChecksum(pseudoBuffer));
socket.on("message", function(buffer, source) {
var port = buffer[0x14] * 0x100 + buffer[0x15];
if (source == dst_ip && port == dst_port) {
process.stdout.write('\nReceived answer from '+ source +':'+ port +'\n');
} else {
function beforeSend() {
new Buffer ([0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01]),
function afterSend(error, bytes) {
if (error) {
console.log("%s Error occured\n%s", new Date(), error.toString());//, util.inspect(error, {showHidden: true, depth: null}));
} else {
console.log("%s Sent %s bytes for %s:%s", new Date(), bytes, dst_ip, dst_port);
var buffer = Buffer.concat([ipBuffer, tcpBuffer]);
socket.send(buffer, 0, buffer.length, dst_ip, beforeSend, afterSend);
// socket.send(tcpBuffer, 0, tcpBuffer.length, dst_ip, beforeSend, afterSend);
send('', 31337, '', 23);
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olsonpm commented Mar 10, 2017

Your "total length" ip value is incorrect (0x2c = 40). It should be 0x3c = 60

I'm just learning this so it took me a while to understand, but here's a screenshot showing a local packet sniffed by wireshark. You have to ignore the first four bytes which apparently is bsd signalling a loopback device (had a hard time finding resources explaining those bytes)

The screenshot just shows the options portion of the tcp packet having 24 bytes instead of your 20. Its total length is 64 meaning yours will be 60.

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