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Last active December 10, 2019 21:49
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Run to simulate enrollment in v3 Doh Add-on study, and receive the v1.1.0 of the DoH Rollout add-on DISABLED
"id": 883,
"last_updated": "2019-11-28T04:32:58.623288Z",
"name": "DoH US Engagement Study V3",
"enabled": true,
"is_approved": true,
"revision_id": 2853,
"action": "branched-addon-study",
"arguments": {
"branches": [
"extensionApiId": 97,
"ratio": 1,
"slug": "doh-rollout-disabled"
"isEnrollmentPaused": false,
"slug": "pref-doh-us-engagement-study-v3-release-70-72-bug-1590831",
"userFacingDescription": "This Firefox experiment will measure the impact on user engagement and retention when DNS over HTTPS is rolled out in the United States. Users who are part of the study will receive a notification before DNS over HTTPS is enabled. Set network.trr.mode to ‘5’ in about:config to permanently disable DoH. This experiment does not collect personally-identifiable information, DNS queries, or answers.",
"userFacingName": "DNS over HTTPS US Rollout"
"extra_filter_expression": "normandy.addons[\"\"].isActive",
"filter_expression": "(normandy.locale in [\"en-GB\",\"en-US\",\"en-CA\"]) && ( in [\"release\"]) && ((normandy.version>=\"70\"&&normandy.version<\"71\")||(normandy.version>=\"71\"&&normandy.version<\"72\")||(normandy.version>=\"72\"&&normandy.version<\"73\")) && ([\"doh-rollout\",normandy.userId]|bucketSample(100,100,10000)) && (normandy.addons[\"\"].isActive)",
"latest_revision_id": 2853,
"approved_revision_id": 2853,
"approval_request": {
"id": 1921,
"created": "2019-11-28T04:25:28.260143Z",
"creator": {
"id": 38,
"first_name": "Benson",
"last_name": "Wong",
"email": ""
"approved": true,
"approver": {
"id": 14,
"first_name": "Rehan",
"last_name": "Dalal",
"email": ""
"comment": "r+"
"identicon_seed": "v1:phc5lv0w1dk",
"capabilities": [
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