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Last active December 9, 2020 17:06
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  • Save mbjoseph/5852613 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mbjoseph/5852613 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Slight change to the vioplot function from Daniel Adler that plots median lines instead of points, and gives the option to plot either side of a violin rather than always both.
vioplot2 <- function (x, ..., range = 1.5, h = NULL, ylim = NULL, names = NULL,
horizontal = FALSE, col = "magenta", border = "black", lty = 1,
lwd = 1, rectCol = "black", colMed = "white", pchMed = 19,
at, add = FALSE, wex = 1, drawRect = TRUE, side="both")
datas <- list(x, ...)
n <- length(datas)
if (missing(at))
at <- 1:n
upper <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = n)
lower <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = n)
q1 <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = n)
q2 <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = n)
q3 <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = n)
med <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = n)
base <- vector(mode = "list", length = n)
height <- vector(mode = "list", length = n)
baserange <- c(Inf, -Inf)
args <- list(display = "none")
radj <- ifelse(side == "right", 0, 1)
ladj <- ifelse(side == "left", 0, 1)
if (!(is.null(h)))
args <- c(args, h = h)
med.dens <- rep(NA, n)
for (i in 1:n) {
data <- datas[[i]]
data.min <- min(data)
data.max <- max(data)
q1[i] <- quantile(data, 0.25)
q2[i] <- quantile(data, 0.5)
q3[i] <- quantile(data, 0.75)
med[i] <- median(data)
iqd <- q3[i] - q1[i]
upper[i] <- min(q3[i] + range * iqd, data.max)
lower[i] <- max(q1[i] - range * iqd, data.min)
est.xlim <- c(min(lower[i], data.min), max(upper[i],
smout <-"sm.density", c(list(data, xlim = est.xlim),
med.dat <-"sm.density",
c(list(data, xlim=est.xlim,
eval.points=med[i], display = "none")))
med.dens[i] <- med.dat$estimate
hscale <- 0.4/max(smout$estimate) * wex
base[[i]] <- smout$eval.points
height[[i]] <- smout$estimate * hscale
med.dens[i] <- med.dens[i] * hscale
t <- range(base[[i]])
baserange[1] <- min(baserange[1], t[1])
baserange[2] <- max(baserange[2], t[2])
if (!add) {
xlim <- if (n == 1)
at + c(-0.5, 0.5)
else range(at) + min(diff(at))/2 * c(-1, 1)
if (is.null(ylim)) {
ylim <- baserange
if (is.null(names)) {
label <- 1:n
else {
label <- names
boxwidth <- 0.05 * wex
if (!add)
if (!horizontal) {
if (!add) {
plot.window(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
axis(1, at = at, label = label)
for (i in 1:n) {
polygon(x = c(at[i] - radj*height[[i]], rev(at[i] + ladj*height[[i]])),
y = c(base[[i]], rev(base[[i]])),
col = col, border = border,
lty = lty, lwd = lwd)
if (drawRect) {
lines(at[c(i, i)], c(lower[i], upper[i]), lwd = lwd,
lty = lty)
rect(at[i] - radj*boxwidth/2,
at[i] + ladj*boxwidth/2,
q3[i], col = rectCol)
# median line segment
lines(x = c(at[i] - radj*med.dens[i],
at[i] + ladj*med.dens[i]),
y = rep(med[i],3))
else {
if (!add) {
plot.window(xlim = ylim, ylim = xlim)
axis(2, at = at, label = label)
for (i in 1:n) {
polygon(c(base[[i]], rev(base[[i]])),
c(at[i] - radj*height[[i]], rev(at[i] + ladj*height[[i]])),
col = col, border = border,
lty = lty, lwd = lwd)
if (drawRect) {
lines(c(lower[i], upper[i]), at[c(i, i)], lwd = lwd,
lty = lty)
rect(q1[i], at[i] - radj*boxwidth/2, q3[i], at[i] +
ladj*boxwidth/2, col = rectCol)
lines(y = c(at[i] - radj*med.dens[i],
at[i] + ladj*med.dens[i]),
x = rep(med[i],3))
invisible(list(upper = upper, lower = lower, median = med,
q1 = q1, q3 = q3))
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Thank you, this is very useful for my projects.

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If anyone's interested in this functionality, I've wrapped it in a package with some additional functionality:

This is backwards compatible with inputs to vioplot and boxplot. Looking into submission to CRAN as well.

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