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Last active March 24, 2023 17:34
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  • Save mcliment/d9008a9288cea9d088af to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mcliment/d9008a9288cea9d088af to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Powershell script to find unused files not referenced in solution
Find and process files in a project folder that are not included in the project.
Find and process files in a project folder that are not included in the project.
Options to delete the files.
The path/name for the project file.
.PARAMETER DeleteFromDisk
Just delete the files from disk. No interaction with any source control.
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]
$projectPath = Split-Path $project
$excludeRegex = "\\obj\\|\\bin\\|\\logs\\|\.user|\.csproj|App_Configuration\\"
$fullProjectPath = (Resolve-Path $projectPath).Path
$compileFiles = Select-String -Path $project -Pattern '<compile' | % { $_.Line -split '\t' } | `
% {$_ -replace "(<Compile Include=|\s|/>|["">])", ""} | % { "{0}\{1}" -f $projectPath, $_ } | % {(Resolve-Path $_).Path}
$noneFiles = Select-String -Path $project -Pattern '<none' | % { $_.Line -split '\t' } | `
% {$_ -replace "(<None Include=|\s|/>|["">])", ""} | % { "{0}\{1}" -f $projectPath, $_ } | % {(Resolve-Path $_).Path}
$contentFiles = Select-String -Path $project -Pattern '<content' | % { $_.Line -split '\t' } | `
% {$_ -replace "(<Content Include=|\s|/>|["">])", ""} | % { "{0}\{1}" -f $projectPath, $_ } | % {(Resolve-Path $_).Path}
$embedded = Select-String -Path $project -Pattern '<embeddedresource' | % { $_.Line -split '\t' } | `
% {$_ -replace "(<EmbeddedResource Include=|\s|/>|["">])", ""} | % { "{0}\{1}" -f $projectPath, $_ } | % {(Resolve-Path $_).Path}
$projectFiles = ($compileFiles + $noneFiles + $contentFiles + $embedded) | ?{ $_ -like "$fullProjectPath*" }
Write-Host "Project:" $projectFiles.Count
#$projectFiles | %{ $_ }
$diskFiles = gci -Path $path -Recurse | ?{ if($_.Extension) { $_ } else {} } | %{ $_.FullName } | ?{ $_ -notmatch $excludeRegex }
Write-Host "Disk files:" $diskFiles.Count
#$diskFiles | %{ $_ }
$diff = (compare-object $diskFiles $projectFiles -PassThru)
Write-Host "Excluded Files:" $diff.Count
$diff | %{ $_ }
#just remove the files from disk
$diff | % { Remove-Item -Path $_ -Force -Verbose}
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After finding your gist via StackOverflow I took it and made a bunch of modifications. You can now provide it with a SLN file and it will iterate over all of the projects therein. Check it out!

Thanks for the inspiration.

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