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Created February 21, 2021 22:26
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interface Thenable<a> {
then<b>(cont: (_: a) => Thenable<b>): Thenable<b>;
run_slow_task.then((result) => {
do_something(result).then((new_result) => {
declare function run_slow_task<a>(): Thenable<a>;
declare function do_something<a,b>(result: a): Thenable<b>;
declare function do_something_else<b,c>(new_result: b): Thenable<c>;
function main<c>(): Thenable<c> {
return run_slow_task().then((result) => {
return do_something(result).then((new_result) => {
return do_something_else(new_result)
async function main() {
const result = await run_slow_task();
const new_result = await do_something(result);
const final_result = await do_something_else(new_result);
return final_result;
function foo(n: number): Promise<number>
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (n % 2 == 0) {
else {
reject("not even");
class MyArray<T> implements Thenable<T>
private array: T[];
constructor(array: T[]) {
this.array = array;
then<S>(cont: (value: T) => MyArray<S>): MyArray<S> {
let array_of_MyArray =;
let result = [];
for (let a of array_of_MyArray) {
return new MyArray(result);
function main2()
return new MyArray([1, 2, 3]).then((n) => {
return new MyArray([2*n, 2*n+1]);
async function main2()
const n = await new MyArray([1,2,3]);
return await new MyArray([2*n,2*n+1]);
abstract class Maybe<T> implements Thenable<T>
abstract then<S>(cont: (_: T) => Maybe<S>): Maybe<S>;
static give<S>(value: S): Maybe<S> {
return new Just<S>(value);
class Just<T> extends Maybe<T>
private value: T;
constructor(value: T) {
this.value = value;
then<S>(cont: (_: T) => Maybe<S>): Maybe<S> {
return cont(this.value);
class Nothing<T> extends Maybe<T>
constructor() {
then<S>(cont: (_: T) => Maybe<S>): Maybe<S> {
return new Nothing<S>();
function div(x: number, y: number): Maybe<number>
if (y == 0) {
return new Nothing();
return new Just(x/y);
function main3()
let X = Maybe.give(2);
let Y = Maybe.give(0);
let Z = Maybe.give(5);
return (
X.then(x => // X >>= \x -> // x <- X
Y.then(y => // Y >>= \y -> // y <- Y
Z.then(z => // Z >>= \z -> // z <- Z
div(x, y).then(w => // div x y >>= \w -> // w <- div x y
div(w, z) // div w z // div w z
class ContinuationMonad<r,a> implements Thenable<a>
// private continuation((_: a) => r): r;
private continuation: (_: (_: a) => r) => r;
constructor(continuation: (_: (_: a) => r) => r) {
this.continuation = continuation;
static give<r,a>(value: a) {
return new ContinuationMonad<r,a>(
(then: (_: a) => r) => then(value)
then<b>(next: (_: a) => ContinuationMonad<r,b>): ContinuationMonad<r,b> {
// this.continuation: (_: (_: a) => r) => r
return new ContinuationMonad(
(c: (_: b) => r) => this.continuation(
(value: a) => next(value).continuation(c)
run(handler: (_: a) => r): r {
return this.continuation(handler);
function main4()
let cm = (
ContinuationMonad.give(42) .then((x: number) =>
ContinuationMonad.give(x+13) .then((y: number) =>
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