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Created June 27, 2014 00:19
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Convert HAR to MAFF
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import hashlib
import logging
import json
import os
import sys
import re
import time
import urlparse
import zipfile
INDEX_RDF = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<RDF:RDF xmlns:MAF=""
<RDF:Description RDF:about="urn:root">
<MAF:originalurl RDF:resource="%(url)s"/>
<MAF:title RDF:resource="%(title)s"/>
<MAF:archivetime RDF:resource="%(time)s"/>
<MAF:indexfilename RDF:resource="index.html"/>
<MAF:charset RDF:resource="UTF-8"/>
def main(argv):
log = logging.getLogger('har_maff')
filename = argv[1]
maff_fn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename),
re.sub(r'\.har$', '.maff', os.path.basename(filename)))
print('Saving to %s' % maff_fn)
maff_fh = open(maff_fn, 'wb')
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(maff_fh, mode='w')
with open(filename, 'rb') as fh:
har_body =
har = json.loads(har_body, encoding='utf-8')
har_log = har['log']
har_version = har_log['version']
if '1.2' != har_version:
log.error('I only support version 1.2, not %s' % har_version)
return 1
har_pages = har_log['pages']
if not har_pages:
log.error('Har has no "pages", that is fatal')
return 1
page0 = har_pages[0]
## this is in full ISO8601, including millis which
## python 2.7 does not support
started_dt = re.sub(r'\.\d+Z$', 'Z', page0['startedDateTime'])
save_time = time.strptime(started_dt, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
rdf_time = time.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S -0000', save_time)
out_dir = '%s' % int(time.mktime(save_time))
start_page = page0['title'] # yup, "title"
entries = har_log['entries']
page_title = None
#: :type: dict[unicode, unicode]
mime_types = {}
for en in entries:
req = en['request']
req_url = req['url']
resp = en['response']
contents = resp['content']
#: :type: unicode
media_type = contents['mimeType']
mime_types[req_url] = media_type
for en in entries:
req = en['request']
req_method = req['method']
req_url = req['url']
resp = en['response']
contents = resp['content']
media_type = mime_types[req_url]
if 'GET' != req_method:
log.warn('Skipping non-GET url: %s \"%s\"' % (req_method, req_url))
if start_page == req_url:
out_fn = 'index.html'
out_fn = hashlib.md5(req_url.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
if 'image/gif' in media_type:
out_fn = '%s.gif' % out_fn
elif 'image/jpeg' in media_type:
out_fn = '%s.jpeg' % out_fn
elif 'image/png' in media_type:
out_fn = '%s.png' % out_fn
elif '/javascript' in media_type:
out_fn = '%s.js' % out_fn
elif 'text/css' in media_type:
out_fn = '%s.css' % out_fn
if 'text' not in contents:
#: :type: unicode
text_content = contents['text']
if start_page == req_url:
soup = BeautifulSoup(text_content)
page_title ='title')[0].text
def make_re(linky):
#: :type: unicode
safe_link = re.escape(linky)
# BS does not allow us to know if the href contained the "&amp" or not
# so here we update the regex to permit either
link_re = re.compile(safe_link.replace('\&', '\&(?:amp;)?'))
return link_re
def update_entries_to_req_url(to_url):
Finds the request URL in the HAR, independent of port number,
and if they are different from the provided :py:param:`to_url`
then I will update the **global** `entries` dict.
Turns out, HAR does not store the **accurate** URL.
For example, ````
is stored in the har as ````
:param unicode to_url: the URL used in the document
:return: the URL as stored in the HAR
:rtype: unicode | None
result = None
urlp = urlparse.urlparse(to_url)
## this is, after all, the whole problem here
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
urlp = urlp._replace(netloc=re.sub(r':\d+', '', urlp.netloc))
for url2 in mime_types.iterkeys():
url2p = urlparse.urlparse(url2)
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
url2p = url2p._replace(netloc=re.sub(r':\d+', '', url2p.netloc))
if urlp == url2p:
log.debug('matched "%s" and "%s" ...', to_url, url2)
result = url2
if url2 != to_url:
for en2 in entries:
if url2 == en2['request']['url']:
mime_types[to_url] = mime_types[url2]
en2['request']['url'] = to_url
log.warn('Replaced "%s" with "%s" because HAR was wrong', url2, to_url)
return result
for css in'link[rel=stylesheet]'):
css_href = css.attrs.get('href')
css_href2 = '%s.css' % hashlib.md5(css_href).hexdigest()
log.debug('replacing css href %s => %s', css_href, css_href2)
text_content = make_re(css_href).sub(css_href2, text_content)
for js in'script[src]'):
js_href = js.attrs.get('src')
js_href2 = '%s.js' % hashlib.md5(js_href).hexdigest()
log.debug('replacing js src %s => %s' % (js_href, js_href2))
text_content = make_re(js_href).sub(js_href2, text_content)
for img in'img[src]'):
img_href = img.attrs.get('src')
# we need the HAR url in order to look up the URL
# in the mime-types dict
har_url = update_entries_to_req_url(img_href)
## turns out, the .har doesn't capture *every* <img>
if not har_url:
log.debug('Skipping non-HAR img.src "%s"', img_href)
img_mt = mime_types.get(har_url)
if 'image/png' in img_mt:
img_ext = 'png'
elif 'image/jpeg' in img_mt:
img_ext = 'jpeg'
elif 'image/gif' in img_mt:
img_ext = 'gif'
log.error('Unrecognized img media type: %s for %s', img_mt, img_href)
img_ext = ''
img_href2 = '%s.%s' % (hashlib.md5(img_href).hexdigest(), img_ext)
log.debug('replacing img src %s => %s' % (img_href, img_href2))
text_content = make_re(img_href).sub(img_href2, text_content)
# I'm sure this is documented and I'm sure I didn't look it up
compress = contents.get('compression', -1)
if 36 == compress or 0 == compress:
the_bytes = text_content.decode('base64')
the_bytes = text_content.encode('utf-8')
log.debug('URL:"%s" => "%s"' % (req_url, out_fn))
zf.writestr(os.path.join(out_dir, out_fn), the_bytes)
rdf = INDEX_RDF % {
'url': re.sub(re.escape('&'), '&amp;', start_page),
'title': page_title,
'time': rdf_time,
zf.writestr(os.path.join(out_dir, 'index.rdf'), rdf.encode('utf-8'))
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
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