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Created October 28, 2015 14:50
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Add minutes to a date and subtract minutes from a date without using any Python library
import sys
def sum_minutes_to_date(str_date, minutes):
date, hour = str_date.split(' ')
day, month, year = date.split('/')
day = int(day)
month_start_with_0 = False
if month.startswith('0'): month_start_with_0 = True
month = int(month)
year = int(year)
h, m = map(int, hour.split(':'))
minute = m + minutes
if minute >= 60:
if len(str(m)) == 1: m = '0{0}'.format(m)
h += 1
if h >= 24:
day += 1
h = '00'
m = minute
if month_start_with_0:
month = '0{0}'.format(month)
return "%s/%s/%s %s:%s" % (day, month, year, h, m)
def subtract_minutes_from_date(str_date, minutes):
date, hour = str_date.split(' ')
day, month, year = date.split('/')
day = int(day)
month_start_with_0 = False
if month.startswith('0'): month_start_with_0 = True
month = int(month)
year = int(year)
h, m = map(int, hour.split(':'))
if minutes >= 60:
h -= minutes/60
if len(str(m)) == 1: m = '0{0}'.format(m)
if h < 1:
day -= 1
h = '00'
m -= minutes
if month_start_with_0:
month = '0{0}'.format(month)
return "%s/%s/%s %s:%s" % (day, month, year, h, m)
def add_or_subtract_minutes_date(str_date, operation, minutes):
if operation in ('+', '-'):
if operation == '+':
return sum_minutes_to_date(str_date, minutes)
elif operation == '-':
return subtract_minutes_from_date(str_date, minutes)
return'Invalid operation: {0}'.format(operation)
print add_or_subtract_minutes_date(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], int(sys.argv[3]))
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