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Created September 24, 2014 14:33
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Save meagar/efb61fbd91f0188be7ba to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
show legacy branches in a git repo
require 'time'
DAY = 60 * 60 * 24
def print_branches(branches)
by_author = { |hash,key| hash[key] = {} }
branches.each do |branch|
lines = `git show -s --pretty=medium #{branch}`.lines
# commit d8f1e9d4c755d46192db635e964a9b04d6882f90
# (Merge: ...)
# Author: Some Author <>
# Date: Tue Aug 19 11:29:28 2014 +0800
# Some kind of message goes here
commit = lines.shift.gsub(/commit\s/, '').strip
author = lines.shift
author = lines.shift if author[/Merge/] # Merge commit has an extra line
author = author.gsub(/Author:\s+/, '').strip
date = Time.parse(lines.shift.gsub(/Date:\s+/, '').strip)
if ( - date) / DAY > 30
by_author[author][branch] = { commit: commit, date: date, message: lines.join('') }
authors = by_author.keys.sort do |a, b|
by_author[b].length - by_author[a].length
authors.each do |author|
puts "(#{by_author[author].length}) #{author}"
branches = by_author[author].keys.sort do |a,b|
by_author[author][a][:date] - by_author[author][b][:date]
branches.each do |branch|
puts "\t#{branch}"
branch = by_author[author][branch]
puts "\t\t #{(( - branch[:date]) / (60 * 60 * 24)).to_i} days old"
puts "\t\t #{branch[:commit]}"
puts "\n"
puts "Merged branches"
puts "==============="
print_branches(`git branch -r --merged`
puts "Unmerged branches"
puts "================="
print_branches(`git branch -r --no-merged`
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