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Last active May 29, 2024 13:06
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""" Map leader to space ---------------------
let mapleader = " "
""" Plugins --------------------------------
""" set number
" Do incremental searching.
set incsearch
set ignorecase
set smartcase
set hlsearch
""" Needed for which-key pluginset which-key
set which-key
" disable the timeout option
set notimeout
" highlight yanked text
set highlightedyank
set surround
set multiple-cursors
" provides a text-object for 'gc' commenting
set commentary
" provides a text-object 'a' (argument)
set argtextobj
" provides a text-object e (entire buffer)
set textobj-entire
" provides a text-object for i (indentation level)
set textobj-indent
set ReplaceWithRegister
set nerdtree
""" plugin settings -------------------------
let g:argtextobj_pairs="[:],(:),<:>"
""" common settings -------------------------
set showmode
set so=5
set incsearch
set nu
set clipboard+=unnamed
""" idea specific settings ------------------
set ideajoin
set ideastatusicon=gray
set idearefactormode=keep
" Easy visual indentation
vnoremap < <gv
vnoremap > >gv
" Popup navigation
map <c-j> <Action>(PopupMenu-selectnext)
map <c-k> <Action>(PopupMenu-selectprev)
" Tab navigation
nnoremap <A-n> gt
nnoremap <A-p> gT
" show a few lines of conteXt around the cursor. note that this makes the
" text scroll if you mouse-click near the start or end of the window.
set scrolloff=5
let g:WhichKey_ShowVimActions = "true"
" edit ideavim config
nnoremap \e :e ~/.ideavimrc<CR>
map \r <Action>(IdeaVim.ReloadVimRc.reload)
map <buffer>gd <Action>(GotoDeclaration)
map <buffer>gy <Action>(GotoTypeDeclaration)
nmap <buffer> ge <Action>(EditorCodeBlockEnd)
nmap <buffer> gI <Action>(GotoImplementation)
nmap <buffer> gn <Action>(MethodDown)
nmap <buffer> gp <Action>(MethodUp)
map zc <Action>(CollapseRegion)
map zo <Action>(ExpandRegion)
" window splitting & navigation
map <c-o> <Action>(Back)
map <c-i> <Action>(Forward)
map <c-\> <Action>(SplitVertically)
map <c--> <Action>(SplitHorizontally)
map <c-=> <Action>(Unsplit)
map <c-m> <Action>(MoveEditorToOppositeTabGroup)
map <leader>' <Action>(JumpToLastWindow)
map <leader>; <Action>(HideAllWindows)
map <leader>q <Action>(CloseContent)
" sethandler <c-j> a:vim
" sethandler <c-k> a:vim
nnoremap <c-h> <c-w>h
nnoremap <c-l> <c-w>l
nnoremap <c-j> <c-w>j
nnoremap <c-k> <c-w>k
" Searching
let g:WhichKeyDesc_search = "<leader>s Search"
map <leader>sa <Action>(SearchAction)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_search = "<leader>sa Everywhere"
map <leader>se <Action>(SearchEverywhere)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_search = "<leader>sa Everywhere"
map <leader>sr <Action>(RecentFiles)
map <leader>sc <Action>(GotoClass)
map <leader>sf <Action>(GotoFile)
map <leader>ss <Action>(GotoSymbol)
map <leader>sa <Action>(GotoAction)
map <leader>st <Action>(FindInPath)
map <leader>su <Action>(FindUsages)
map <leader>sp <Action>(RecentProjectListGroup)
map <leader>sR <Action>(ReplaceInPath)
" Navigation
let g:WhichKeyDesc_navigation = "<leader>n Navigation"
map <leader>ne <Action>(GotoNextError)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_navigation_next_error = "<leader>ne Next Error"
map <leader>no <Action>(NextOccurence)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_navigation_next_occurence = "<leader>no Next Occurrence"
map <leader>ns <Action>(NewScratchFile)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_navigation_new_scratch_file = "<leader>ns New Scratch File"
" Git
let g:WhichKeyDesc_git = "<leader>g Git"
map <leader>gg <Action>(CheckinProject)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_git_checkin = "<leader>gg Checkin"
map <leader>gc <Action>(Git.Branches)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_git_branches = "<leader>gc Branches"
map <leader>gp <Action>(Git.Commit.And.Push.Executor)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_git_commit_and_push = "<leader>gp Commit & Push"
map <leader>gP <Action>(Vcs.Push)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_git_push = "<leader>gP Push"
map <leader>gm <Action>(VcsGroups)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_git_menu = "<leader>gm Menu"
map <leader>gf <Action>(Git.Fetch)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_git_fetch = "<leader>gf Fetch"
map <leader>ga <Action>(Annotate)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_git_annotate = "<leader>ga Annotate"
map <leader>gl <Action>(ActivateVersionControlToolWindow)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_git_log = "<leader>gl Log"
map <leader>gt <Action>(ActivateCommitToolWindow)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_git_tool = "<leader>gt Tool"
""" Run
let g:WhichKeyDesc_run = "<leader>r Run"
map <leader>rn <Action>(RunClass)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_run_class = "<leader>rn Run Class"
map <leader>rc <Action>(ChooseRunConfiguration)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_run_choose_configuration = "<leader>rc Run Configuration"
map <leader>rs <Action>(Stop)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_run_stop = "<leader>rs Stop"
map <leader>rr <Action>(Rerun)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_run_rerun = "<leader>rr Rerun"
map <leader>rd <Action>(DebugClass)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_run_debug = "<leader>rd Debug Nearest"
map <leader>rh <Action>(ImportTests)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_run_import_tests = "<leader>rh Test History"
map <leader>rm <Action>(RunMenu)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_run_menu = "<leader>rm Menu"
map <leader>rf <Action>(RerunFailedTests)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_run_failed = "<leader>rf Rerun Failed"
""" Debugging
let g:WhichKeyDesc_debugging = "<leader>d Debugging"
map <leader>dt <Action>(ToggleLineBreakpoint)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_debugging_toggle_breakpoint = "<leader>dt Toggle Break Point"
map <leader>ds <Action>(PhpListenDebugAction)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_debugging_listen = "<leader>ds Start Listening"
map <leader>do <Action>(StepOver)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_debugging_step_over = "<leader>do Step Over"
map <leader>di <Action>(StepInto)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_debugging_step_into = "<leader>di Step Into"
map <leader>dr <Action>(EvaluateExpression)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_debugging_repl = "<leader>dr Repl (Evaluate)"
map <leader>dC <Action>(RunToCursor)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_debugging_run_to_cursor = "<leader>dC Run To Cursor"
map <leader>dc <Action>(Resume)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_debugging_resume = "<leader>dc Resume"
""" Language
let g:WhichKeyDesc_language = "<leader>l Language"
map <leader>lm <Action>(Refactorings.QuickListPopupAction)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_language_menu = "<leader>lm Menu"
map <leader>lr <Action>(RenameElement)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_language_rename = "<leader>lr Rename"
map <leader>lc <Action>(ChangeSignature)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_language_change_signature = "<leader>lc Change Signature"
map <leader>lv <Action>(IntroduceVariable)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_language_introduce_variable = "<leader>lv Introduce Variable"
map <leader>li <Action>(Inline)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_language_inline = "<leader>li Inline"
map <leader>lf <Action>(ReformatCode)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_language_reformat = "<leader>lf Format"
""" Diff & Merge -> does not work, see:
let g:WhichKeyDesc_mering = "<leader>D Diff & Merge"
map <leader>DR <Action>(Diff.MagicResolveConflicts)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_diff_merge_resolve_conflicts = "<leader>DR Resolve Conflicts"
map <leader>DN <Action>(NextDiff)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_diff_merge_next_diff = "<leader>DN
map <leader>DP <Action>(PreviousDiff
let g:WhichKeyDesc_diff_merge_previous_diff = "<leader>DP Previous Diff"
""" Tool Windows
let g:WhichKeyDesc_tools = "<leader>t Tools"
map <leader>tm <Action>(ToolWindowsGroup)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_tools_menu = "<leader>tm Menu"
map <leader>tr <Action>(ActivateRunToolWindow)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_tools_run = "<leader>tr Run"
map <leader>tf <Action>(ActivateFindToolWindow)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_tools_find = "<leader>tf Find"
map <leader>tc <Action>(ActivateCommitToolWindow)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_tools_commit = "<leader>tc Commit"
map <leader>td <Action>(ActivateDebugToolWindow)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_tools_debug = "<leader>td Debug"
map <leader>tg <Action>(ActivateVersionControlToolWindow)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_tools_git = "<leader>tg Git"
map <leader>tp <Action>(ActivateProblemsViewToolWindow)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_tools_problems = "<leader>tp Problems"
map <leader>tT <Action>(ActivateTODOToolWindow)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_tools_todos = "<leader>tT Todo's"
map <leader>tt <Action>(ActivateTerminalToolWindow)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_tools_terminal = "<leader>tt Terminal"
map <leader>tj <Action>(JsonPathEvaluateAction)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_tools_json_path = "<leader>tj Json Path Eval"
""" Niceties
map <leader>w <Action>(SaveAll)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_save_all = "<leader>w Save All"
map <leader>o <Action>(FileStructurePopup)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_file_structure = "<leader>o Structure"
map <leader>e <Action>(ActivateProjectToolWindow)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_explorer = "<leader>e Explorer"
map <C-z> <Action>(ToggleDistractionFreeMode)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_distraction_free = "<C-z> Toggle Distraction Free Mode"
map <leader>a <Action>(ShowIntentionActions)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_actions = "<leader>a Show Intentions"
" PHP Related
let g:WhichKeyDesc_php = "<leader>p PHP"
map <leader>pt <Action>(nl.deschepers.laraveltinker.action.SmartAction)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_php_tinker_smart_action = "<leader>pt Laravel Tinker"
" Composer
let g:WhichKeyDesc_php_composer = "<leader>pc Composer"
map <leader>pci <Action>(ComposerInstallAction)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_php_composer_install = "<leader>pci Composer Install"
map <leader>pcu <Action>(ComposerUpdateAction)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_php_composer_update = "<leader>pcu Composer Update"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_config = "<leader>, Config"
let g:WhichKeyDesc_config_vim = "<leader>,v Vim"
map <leader>,va <Action>(VimFindActionIdAction)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_config_vim_actions = "<leader>,va Vim Toggle Action Id's"
map <leader>,vv <Action>(VimPluginToggle)
let g:WhichKeyDesc_config_vim_toggle = "<leader>,vv Toggle Vim"
""" Ideas:
""" prefix+m is always the menu
""" prefix+char is shortcut in the menu
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