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Last active July 4, 2021 04:29
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Scans all text values from the given table/column names and, given a text prefix, finds the maximum natural number prefixed with that prefix.
drop function if exists maybe_to_natural_number;
create or replace function maybe_to_natural_number(str text) returns integer
language plpgsql immutable leakproof returns null on null input parallel safe as $$
if regexp_match(str, '^\d+$') is null then
return null;
end if;
return str::int8;
drop function if exists extract_max_number_from_prefixed_value;
create or replace function extract_max_number_from_prefixed_value(
table_name text,
column_name text,
text_value_prefix text,
out max_index_found integer
) language plpgsql as $$
execute format('
select max(
case when starts_with(%I, $1) then maybe_to_natural_number(trim(substring(%I, char_length($2)+1))) else null end
from %I',
) into max_index_found
using text_value_prefix, text_value_prefix;
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