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Last active April 29, 2020 13:01
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Sanity-checks user PHP code intended to be used for simple formulas / logic description in admin panels. Only use with trusted members - this is a soft protection and not a fully-fledged sandbox.
* Sanity-checks PHP code that was already parsed into AST with using php-parser library.
* The AST must be represented as a multi-level array with scalar values.
* Example usage:
* <code>
* $parser = (new ParserFactory)->create(ParserFactory::ONLY_PHP7);
* $ast = $parser->parse($code);
* $json = json_decode(json_encode($ast), true);
* $checker = new CodeSanityChecker();
* $checker->check($json); // throws InvalidArgumentException
* </code>
class CodeSanityChecker
private $isVariableVariablesDisabled = true;
private $isThisDisabled = true;
private $stopNodeTypes = [
'Expr_Eval' => 'eval() is disabled.',
'Stmt_Use' => 'the "use" statement is disabled.',
'Stmt_Namespace' => 'the "namespace" statement is disabled.',
'Stmt_Global' => 'the "global" statement is disabled.',
'Expr_Include' => 'the "require" and "include" statements are disabled.',
'Stmt_StaticVar' => 'static variables are disabled.',
'Stmt_Class' => 'class declarations are disabled.',
'Stmt_Trait' => 'trait declarations are disabled.',
'Stmt_Interface' => 'interface declarations are disabled.',
'Expr_Exit' => '"die" and "exit" statements are disabled.',
'Expr_ErrorSuppress' => 'error suppression is disabled.',
'Scalar_MagicConst_Line' => '__LINE__ magic constant is disabled.',
'Scalar_MagicConst_File' => '__FILE__ magic constant is disabled.',
'Scalar_MagicConst_Dir' => '__DIR__ magic constant is disabled.',
'Scalar_MagicConst_Function' => '__FUNCTION__ magic constant is disabled.',
'Scalar_MagicConst_Class' => '__CLASS__ magic constant is disabled.',
'Scalar_MagicConst_Trait' => '__TRAIT__ magic constant is disabled.',
'Scalar_MagicConst_Method' => '__METHOD__ magic constant is disabled.',
'Scalar_MagicConst_Namespace' => '__NAMESPACE__ magic constant is disabled.',
* Fully Qualified class names.
* Notes:
* - Entries MUST begin with \.
* - Do not forget to escape \ - use \\ instead.
* @var string[]
private $stopNamespaces = [
// System
// Vendor
// Application
* Uppercase variable names that are prohibited.
* @var string[]
private $stopVariableNames = [
private $stopGlobalFuncNames = [
// Misc
'__halt_compiler ',
'sapi_windows_set_ctrl_handler ',
// SPL
// Seaslog
'seaslog_get_author ',
// Parsekit
// Streams
// Swoole
// Tidy
// Tokenizer
// URLs
// Yaml
// Taint
// PHP Options / Info Functions
// APC
// APD
// Error handling
// inclued
// OPCache
// Output Control Functions
// runkit7
// uopz
// WinCache
// Xhprof
// Direct IO Functions
// File system
'disk_total_space ',
'file_get_contents ',
// Inotify
// Proctitle
// Xattr
// Xdiff
// Enchant
// Multibyte String
// GNU Recode
// Posix
// Execution
// Semaphore, Shared Memory and IPC
// Shared Memory
// FTP
// Network
'header_remove ',
'/^snmp.+$/is', // no underscore!
// BBCode
// Classes / Objects
// Classkit
// Function handling
// Variable handling
// DOM
// libxml
// SimpleXML
// XMLWriter
private $stopGlobalClasses = [
// SPL Iterators
// SPL
// Seaslog
// Streams
// Tidy
// V8Js
// Yaf
// Yaconf
// APC
// FFI
// Runkit
// Weakref
// Yac
// File System
// Pthreads
// Sync
// Reflection
// DOM
// SimpleXML
// XMLReader
// XMLWriter
private function checkLoop($input)
if (is_scalar($input)) {
if (is_array($input)) {
// Check all array elements individually
foreach ($input as $key => $value) {
if (is_scalar($value)) {
$this->checkKeyValue($key, $value);
} else {
* Sanity-checks PHP AST and throws if sanity check cannot be passed.
* @param array $astArray
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
public function check($astArray)
private function checkKeyValue($key, $value)
switch ($key) {
case 'nodeType':
if (array_key_exists($value, $this->stopNodeTypes)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException($this->stopNodeTypes[$value]);
private function checkArrayAsAWhole(array $ar)
$nodeType = (string) $ar['nodeType'] ?? null;
if ($nodeType === 'Expr_Variable') {
if (!array_key_exists('name', $ar)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Variable names made of expressions are disabled.");
// Check access to some global variables, like $_GET and $_POST.
// This will prevent both $_GET and "{$_GET}"
if ($nodeType === 'Expr_Variable'
&& array_key_exists('name', $ar)
) {
$varName = $ar['name'];
if (!is_scalar($varName)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Variable names made of expressions are disabled.");
if (is_array($varName)) {
// Variable variable, e.g. $$x
if ($this->isVariableVariablesDisabled
&& array_key_exists('nodeType', $varName)
&& $varName['nodeType'] === 'Expr_Variable'
) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Variable variables are disabled.");
} elseif (in_array($varName, $this->stopVariableNames)) {
$varName = strtoupper($varName);
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Variable {$ar['name']} cannot be used.");
if ($nodeType === 'Expr_FuncCall'
&& array_key_exists('name', $ar)
&& is_array($ar['name'])
) {
// Instantiation of a new class
if ($nodeType === 'Expr_New'
&& array_key_exists('class', $ar)
&& is_array($ar['class'])
) {
// Static class of a class member
if ($nodeType === 'Expr_StaticCall'
&& array_key_exists('class', $ar)
&& is_array($ar['class'])
) {
// $this
if ($nodeType === 'Expr_Variable'
&& array_key_exists('name', $ar)
&& strtolower((string)$ar['name']) === 'this'
&& $this->isThisDisabled
) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Usage of $this is disabled.');
private function checkFuncName(array $nameAr)
$nodeType = $nameAr['nodeType'] ?? '';
// Fully qualified function name. Example:
// - \constant
// - \Namespace1\constant
if ($nodeType === 'Name_FullyQualified') {
$isFullyQualified = true;
// Relative function name. Examples:
// - constant
// - Namespace1\constant
elseif ($nodeType === 'Name') {
$isFullyQualified = false;
// Variable function name. Example:
// - $f = 'trim'; $f();
elseif ($nodeType === 'Expr_Variable') {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Variable function names are disabled.");
else {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Function names cannot be made out of expressions.");
// Examples:
// - ['Namespace1', 'constant']
// - ['constant']
$parts = $nameAr['parts'] ?? null;
if (!$parts || !is_array($parts) || !count($parts)) {
$isGlobalFunc = count($parts) === 1;
if ($isGlobalFunc) {
$funcName = $parts[0];
if ($this->stringMatchesAny($funcName, $this->stopGlobalFuncNames)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Function ${parts[0]}() disabled.");
// Check if the namespace containing the function is prohibited
$inProhibitedNamespace = $this->isInNamespace($parts, $this->stopNamespaces);
if ($inProhibitedNamespace) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Namespace $inProhibitedNamespace disabled.");
private function checkClassName(array $nameAr)
$nodeType = $nameAr['nodeType'] ?? '';
// Fully qualified class name. Examples:
// - \FilesystemIterator
// - \Namespace1\FilesystemIterator
if ($nodeType === 'Name_FullyQualified') {
$isFullyQualified = true;
// Relative class name. Examples:
// FilesystemIterator
// Namespace1\FilesystemIterator
elseif ($nodeType === 'Name') {
$isFullyQualified = false;
else {
// Examples:
// - ['Namespace1', 'FilesystemIterator']
// - ['FilesystemIterator']
$parts = $nameAr['parts'] ?? null;
if (!$parts || !is_array($parts) || !count($parts)) {
$isGlobalClass = count($parts) === 1;
if ($isGlobalClass) {
$className = $parts[0];
if ($this->stringMatchesAny($className, $this->stopGlobalClasses)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Class ${parts[0]} disabled.");
// Check if the class is in namespace
$inProhibitedNamespace = $this->isInNamespace($parts, $this->stopNamespaces);
if ($inProhibitedNamespace) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Namespace $inProhibitedNamespace disabled.");
private function stringMatches($s, $pattern)
$isRegex = substr($pattern, 0, 1) === '/';
if ($isRegex) {
// Pattern match
if (preg_match($pattern, $s)) {
return true;
} else {
// Exact match
if (strtolower($pattern) == strtolower($s)) {
return true;
return false;
private function stringMatchesAny($s, $patterns)
foreach ($patterns as $p) {
if ($this->stringMatches($s, $p)) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if the given class name (a string of an array of FQN parts)
* is in one of the given namespaces.
* If found the namespace the class name is in, returns that namespace.
* If not found, returns NULL.
* @param string|array $namespaceNameOrFullyQualifiedPartsArr
* @param string[] $namespaces
* @return bool|string
private function isInNamespace($namespaceNameOrFullyQualifiedPartsArr, $namespaces)
if (is_array($namespaceNameOrFullyQualifiedPartsArr)) {
$namespace = '\\' . join('\\', $namespaceNameOrFullyQualifiedPartsArr);
} else {
$namespace = (string) $namespaceNameOrFullyQualifiedPartsArr;
// Loop over namespace names/patterns to check against
foreach ($namespaces as $pattern) {
if (strtolower(substr($namespace, 0, strlen($pattern))) == strtolower($pattern)) {
return $pattern;
return false;
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