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Last active February 25, 2019 18:46
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  • Save menugget/7864454 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save menugget/7864454 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Stream plot. makes a "stream plot" where each y series is plotted
#as stacked filled polygons on alternating sides of a baseline.
#Arguments include:
#'x' - a vector of values
#'y' - a matrix of data series (columns) corresponding to x
#'order.method' = c("", "max", "first")
# "" - plot in order of y column
# "max" - plot in order of when each y series reaches maximum value
# "first" - plot in order of when each y series first value > 0
#'center' - if TRUE, the stacked polygons will be centered so that the middle,
#i.e. baseline ("g0"), of the stream is approximately equal to zero.
#Centering is done before the addition of random wiggle to the baseline.
#'frac.rand' - fraction of the overall data "stream" range used to define the range of
#random wiggle (uniform distrubution) to be added to the baseline 'g0'
#'spar' - setting for smooth.spline function to make a smoothed version of baseline "g0"
#'col' - fill colors for polygons corresponding to y columns (will recycle)
#'border' - border colors for polygons corresponding to y columns (will recycle) (see ?polygon for details)
#'lwd' - border line width for polygons corresponding to y columns (will recycle)
#'...' - other plot arguments <- function(
x, y,
order.method = "", frac.rand=0.1, spar=0.2,
ylab="", xlab="",
border = NULL, lwd=1,
if(sum(y < 0) > 0) error("y cannot contain negative numbers")
if(is.null(border)) border <- par("fg")
border <- as.vector(matrix(border, nrow=ncol(y), ncol=1))
col <- as.vector(matrix(col, nrow=ncol(y), ncol=1))
lwd <- as.vector(matrix(lwd, nrow=ncol(y), ncol=1))
if(order.method == "max") {
ord <- order(apply(y, 2, which.max))
y <- y[, ord]
col <- col[ord]
border <- border[ord]
if(order.method == "first") {
ord <- order(apply(y, 2, function(x) min(which(x>0))))
y <- y[, ord]
col <- col[ord]
border <- border[ord]
bottom.old <- x*0
top.old <- x*0
polys <- vector(mode="list", ncol(y))
for(i in seq(polys)){
if(i %% 2 == 1){ #if odd <- top.old + y[,i]
polys[[i]] <- list(x=c(x, rev(x)), y=c(top.old, rev(
top.old <-
if(i %% 2 == 0){ #if even <- bottom.old - y[,i]
polys[[i]] <- list(x=c(x, rev(x)), y=c(bottom.old, rev(
bottom.old <-
ylim.tmp <- range(sapply(polys, function(x) range(x$y, na.rm=TRUE)), na.rm=TRUE)
outer.lims <- sapply(polys, function(r) rev(r$y[(length(r$y)/2+1):length(r$y)]))
mid <- apply(outer.lims, 1, function(r) mean(c(max(r, na.rm=TRUE), min(r, na.rm=TRUE)), na.rm=TRUE))
#center and wiggle
if(center) {
g0 <- -mid + runif(length(x), min=frac.rand*ylim.tmp[1], max=frac.rand*ylim.tmp[2])
} else {
g0 <- runif(length(x), min=frac.rand*ylim.tmp[1], max=frac.rand*ylim.tmp[2])
fit <- smooth.spline(g0 ~ x, spar=spar)
for(i in seq(polys)){
polys[[i]]$y <- polys[[i]]$y + c(fit$y, rev(fit$y))
if(is.null(ylim)) ylim <- range(sapply(polys, function(x) range(x$y, na.rm=TRUE)), na.rm=TRUE)
plot(x,y[,1], ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab, ylim=ylim, t="n", ...)
for(i in seq(polys)){
polygon(polys[[i]], border=border[i], col=col[i], lwd=lwd[i])
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