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Last active April 14, 2019 15:38
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#!/usr/bin/env node
var path = require('path')
var fs = require('fs')
var lib = path.join(path.dirname(fs.realpathSync(__filename)), '../lib');
require(lib + '/awslambda.js').start_runtime();
// Node.js
// Lambda
// Copyright (c) 2013 Amazon. All rights reserved.
#include <node.h>
#include <v8.h>
#include <uv.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
extern "C" {
#include "runtime.h"
#include "util.h"
#define TYPE_ERROR(msg) ThrowException(Exception::TypeError(String::New(msg)));
namespace awslambda {
using namespace node;
using namespace v8;
static Handle<Value> ReceiveStart()
sb_start_request request;
HandleScope scope;
if (runtime_recv_start(__runtime, &request)) {
return scope.Close(ThrowException(ErrnoException(errno, "receive_start")));
Handle<Object> credentials = Object::New();
credentials->Set(String::New("key"), String::New(request.credentials.key));
credentials->Set(String::New("secret"), String::New(request.credentials.secret));
credentials->Set(String::New("session"), String::New(request.credentials.session));
Handle<Object> object = Object::New();
object->Set(String::New("invokeid"), String::New(request.invokeid));
object->Set(String::New("handler"), String::New(request.handler));
object->Set(String::New("mode"), String::New(ENUM_STRING(lambda_runtime_mode, request.mode)));
object->Set(String::New("credentials"), credentials);
object->Set(String::New("suppress_init"), Boolean::New(request.suppress_user_init_function));
return scope.Close(object);
static Handle<Value> ReportRunning(const Arguments& args)
HandleScope scope;
if (!__runtime) {
return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(RUNTIME_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED)));
String::Utf8Value invokeid(args[0]);
if (runtime_report_running(__runtime, *invokeid)) {
return ThrowException(ErrnoException(errno, "report_running"));
return scope.Close(v8::Null());
static Handle<Value> ReportDone(const Arguments& args)
HandleScope scope;
if (!__runtime) {
return ThrowException(Exception::Error(String::New(RUNTIME_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED)));
if (args.Length() < 1) {
String::Utf8Value invokeid(args[0]);
String::Utf8Value errorAsString(args[1]);
String::Utf8Value messageAsString(args[2]);
char const *error = NULL;
if (!((*args[1])->IsNull() || (*args[1])->IsUndefined())) {
error = *errorAsString;
char const *message = NULL;
if (!((*args[2])->IsNull() || (*args[2])->IsUndefined())) {
message = *messageAsString;
if (runtime_report_done(__runtime, *invokeid, error, message)) {
return ThrowException(ErrnoException(errno, "report_done"));
return scope.Close(v8::Null());
static Handle<Value> ReportFault(const Arguments& args)
HandleScope scope;
if (args.Length() > 4) {
String::Utf8Value invokeid(args[0]);
String::Utf8Value msg(args[1]);
String::Utf8Value exceptionAsString(args[2]);
String::Utf8Value traceAsString(args[3]);
char const *exception = NULL;
if (!((*args[2])->IsNull() || (*args[2])->IsUndefined())) {
exception = *exceptionAsString;
char const *trace = NULL;
if (!((*args[3])->IsNull() || (*args[3])->IsUndefined())) {
trace = *traceAsString;
if (runtime_report_fault(__runtime, *invokeid, *msg, exception, trace)) {
return ThrowException(ErrnoException(errno, "report_fault"));
return scope.Close(v8::Null());
* This struct contains all the data necessary to perform an wait_for_invoke request
* using the uv_queue_worker API, which allows blocking code to be scheduled to be run on a separate
* thread.
typedef struct wait_for_invoke_work {
//input values
uv_work_t req; //this is used by libuv
Persistent<Function> callback; //this is the node.js javascript callback to invoke when the worker is done
//return values
int rc; // if non-zero, the initialization failed
int _errno; //set to something meaningful when rc is non-zero
int runtime_uninitialized;
int data_sock;
char invokeid[INVOKE_ID_SIZE];
awscredentials creds;
char json_event_body[LAMBDA_EVENT_BODY_SIZE];
} wait_for_invoke_work;
static void wait_for_invoke_do(uv_work_t* req)
int rc = 0;
wait_for_invoke_work *work = (wait_for_invoke_work *)req->data;
//TODO clean up by dis-entangling runtime initialization from receive_start
if(!__runtime) {
work->rc = -1;
work->_errno = ENOENT;
rc = runtime_recv_invoke(__runtime, work->invokeid, &work->creds, &work->data_sock, work->json_event_body, sizeof(work->json_event_body));
if(rc) {
work->rc = -1;
work->_errno = errno;
work->runtime_uninitialized = 1;
} else {
work->rc = 0;
work->_errno = 0;
work->runtime_uninitialized = 0;
* this function gets called by uv in a separate thread, after init_runtime_do has been called.
static void post_wait_for_invoke_do(uv_work_t* req, int status) {
HandleScope scope;
wait_for_invoke_work *work = (wait_for_invoke_work *)req->data;
Handle<Value> argv[1] = {Undefined()};
if(work->rc) {
if(work->runtime_uninitialized) {
argv[0] = Exception::Error(String::New(RUNTIME_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED));
} else {
argv[0] = ErrnoException(work->_errno, "WaitForInvokeNb");
} else {
Handle<Object> credentials = Object::New();
credentials->Set(String::New("key"), String::New(work->creds.key));
credentials->Set(String::New("secret"), String::New(work->creds.secret));
credentials->Set(String::New("session"), String::New(work->creds.session));
Handle<Object> object = Object::New();
object->Set(String::New("invokeid"), String::New(work->invokeid));
object->Set(String::New("sockfd"), Integer::New(work->data_sock));
object->Set(String::New("credentials"), credentials);
object->Set(String::New("eventbody"), String::New(work->json_event_body));
argv[0] = object;
//invoke the javascript callback function, either with an exception or with the receive_start data
//TODO do we need to worry about C++ exceptions here?
* wait for invoke asynchronously.
* Arguments are:
* the control socket (int)
* a callback to invoke when function finishes (function)
static Handle<Value> WaitForInvokeNb(const Arguments& args)
HandleScope scope;
wait_for_invoke_work *work;
if(!args[0]->IsFunction()) {
work = (wait_for_invoke_work *)calloc(1, sizeof(work[0]));
work-> = work;
work->callback = Persistent<Function>::New(args[0].As<Function>());
uv_queue_work(uv_default_loop(), &work->req, wait_for_invoke_do, post_wait_for_invoke_do);
return Undefined();
* Sends the console logs to the logger process.
static Handle<Value> SendConsoleLogs(const Arguments& args)
if (args.Length() < 1) {
String::Utf8Value console_log(args[0]);
runtime_send_console_message(__runtime, *console_log);
return Undefined();
static Handle<Value> InitRuntime(const Arguments& args)
HandleScope scope;
Handle<Value> startData;
startData = ReceiveStart();
return scope.Close(startData);
void Initialize(v8::Handle<v8::Object> exports)
if(runtime_init()) {
} // namespace awslambda
NODE_MODULE(awslambda, awslambda::Initialize)
var net = require("net");
var repl = require("repl");
var http = require("http");
var util = require("util");
awslambda = require("../build/Release/awslambda");
// Logging helpers
function rt_console_log(message) {
console.log("[nodejs] " + message);
function rt_console_trace(message) {
console.trace("[nodejs] " + message);
function rt_console_error(message) {
console.error("[nodejs] " + message);
// Filter out from stack traces awslambda.js and all frames below it
function customPrepareStackTrace(error, stack) {
var idx = stack.length;
for(var i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) {
if(stack[i].getFileName() == __filename) {
idx = i;
var lines = new Array();
lines[0] = error;
for (var i = 0; i < idx; i++) {
var frame = stack[i];
var line;
try {
line = frame.toString();
} catch (e) {
try {
line = "<error: " + e + ">";
} catch (ee) {
line = "<error>";
lines[i+1] = " at " + line;
return lines.join("\n");
// node.js stack traces have the error message on the first line.
// Since we already report the error message in another field, strip it from the stack to avoid redundancy.
function stripMessageFromStack(stack) {
if(Error.prepareStackTrace != customPrepareStackTrace || (typeof stack === 'undefined') || stack == null) {
return null;
} else {
return stack.slice(stack.indexOf("\n") + 1);
function wrap_user_handler(user_handler, mode) {
// Dispatch to handler
switch(mode) {
case "http":
return wrap_http(user_handler);
case "json":
return wrap_json(user_handler);
case "event":
return wrap_event_invoke(user_handler);
return function(invokeid, sock) {
awslambda.report_fault(invokeid, "invalid mode specified: " + mode, null, null);
function wrap_event_invoke(user_handler) {
return function(invokeid, json_string, event_response, postDone) {
try {
var args = JSON.parse(json_string);
catch(err) {
awslambda.report_fault(invokeid, "Unable to parse input as json");
user_handler(args, event_response);
function wrap_http(user_handler) {
var handler_with_invokeid = function(request, response) {
request._aws_invokeid = request.socket._aws_invokeid;
user_handler(request, response);
var server = http.createServer(handler_with_invokeid);
// Catches all errors originating from the client connection, including:
// invalid HTTP request
// socket errors
server.on('clientError', function(exception, sock) {
awslambda.report_fault(sock._aws_invoke_id, "Unable to parse HTTP request", exception, stripMessageFromStack(exception.stack));
return function(invokeid, sock) {
sock._aws_invokeid = invokeid;
server.emit('connection', sock);
function wrap_json(handler) {
return function(invokeid, sock) {
sock.on('data', function(data) {
try {
var args = JSON.parse(data);
catch(err) {
awslambda.report_fault(invokeid, "Unable to parse input as json", err, null);
handler(args, function(response) {
try {
var output = JSON.stringify(response, null);
catch(err) {
awslambda.report_fault(invokeid, "Unable to dump output as json", err, null);
function set_creds(credentials) {
if(credentials === undefined) {
if (credentials['key']) {
process.env['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'] = credentials['key'];
if (credentials['secret']) {
process.env['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'] = credentials['secret'];
if (credentials['session']) {
process.env['AWS_SESSION_TOKEN'] = credentials['session'];
function get_handlers(handler_string, mode, suppress_init) {
if(suppress_init) {
return get_handlers_delayed(handler_string, mode);
} else {
return get_handlers_immediate(handler_string, mode);
* delay loading the user's code until an invoke occurs, to ensure we don't crash the runtime.
function get_handlers_delayed(handler_string, mode) {
var modules_loaded = false;
var real_request_handler = undefined;
var request_handler = function(invokeid, sock) {
if(modules_loaded) {
return real_request_handler(invokeid, sock);
} else {
try {
var handlers = get_handlers_immediate(handler_string, mode);
var init_handler = handlers[0];
real_request_handler = handlers[1];
* We can't call the user's init function here.
* Nodejs has an amazing amount of quirks, bugs, and weird behavior.
* In this case, if the user's init function does something asynchronous,
* nodejs by default reads data from the socket as it becomes available and stuffs it
* in an in-memory buffer. The HTTP parser that eventually gets attached to the socket
* ignores this buffer, so it misses part or all of the HTTP request.
init_handler(function() {
return real_request_handler(invokeid, sock);
return real_request_handler(invokeid, sock);
} finally {
modules_loaded = true;
return [function(done) { done(); }, request_handler];
function get_handlers_immediate(handler_string, mode) {
var app_parts = handler_string.split(".");
var init_handler = function(done) { done(); }
var request_handler;
var finisher;
if(mode == 'event') {
finisher = function(invokeid, json_string, event_response, postDone) {
} else {
finisher = function(invokeid, sock) {
if(app_parts.length != 2) {
request_handler = function() {
awslambda.report_fault(arguments[0], "Bad handler " + handler_string);
finisher.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
var module_path = app_parts[0];
var handler_name = app_parts[1];
var init_handler_name = "init";
try {
var app = require(module_path);
init_handler = app[init_handler_name] || init_handler;
var user_handler = app[handler_name];
if (user_handler === undefined) {
request_handler = function() {
awslambda.report_fault(arguments[0], "Handler '" + handler_name + "' missing on module '" + module_path + "'", null, null);
finisher.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
request_handler = wrap_user_handler(user_handler, mode);
catch (e) {
if (e.code == "MODULE_NOT_FOUND") {
request_handler = function() {
awslambda.report_fault(arguments[0], "Unable to import module '" + module_path + "'", e, stripMessageFromStack(e.stack));
finisher.apply(this, arguments);
} else if (e instanceof SyntaxError) {
request_handler = function() {
awslambda.report_fault(arguments[0], "Syntax error in module '" + module_path + "'", e, stripMessageFromStack(e.stack));
finisher.apply(this, arguments);
} else {
request_handler = function() {
awslambda.report_fault(arguments[0], "module initialization error", e, stripMessageFromStack(e.stack));
finisher.apply(this, arguments);
if(init_handler === undefined) {
init_handler = function(on_done) { on_done(); }
return [init_handler, request_handler];
function do_init(options) {
var init_invokeid = options['invokeid'];
global_invokeid = init_invokeid;
//monkey patching to change console.log behavior
var old_console_log = console.log;
function pretty_console_log() {
var dateString = new Date().toISOString();
//This is how we used to print before
//util.print(dateString + " RequestID: " + global_invokeid + " ");
//old_console_log.apply(console, arguments);
var message = dateString + "\t" + global_invokeid + "\t" + util.format.apply(this, arguments) + "\n";
console.log = console.error = console.warn = = pretty_console_log;
var handler_string = options['handler'];
var handlers = get_handlers(handler_string, options['mode'], options['suppress_init']);
var init_handler = handlers[0];
var request_handler = handlers[1];
var callback = function(options) {
return invoke_callback(request_handler, options);
function on_init_done() {
try {
} catch(e) {
awslambda.report_fault(init_invokeid, "init handler error", e, stripMessageFromStack(e.stack));
function finish_invoke(request_handler, invokeid, error, message) {
awslambda.report_done(invokeid, error, message);
//when the task is complete, listen for a new task
function callback(options) {
return invoke_callback(request_handler, options);
function invoke_callback(request_handler, options) {
var invokeid = options['invokeid'];
var event_body = options['eventbody'];
var sockfd = options['sockfd'];
global_invokeid = invokeid;
if(event_body && sockfd < 0) {
var doneStatus = false;
var postDone = function(error, message) {
finish_invoke(request_handler, invokeid, error, message);
function LambdaEventResponse(invokeid) {
this.invokeid = invokeid;
LambdaEventResponse.prototype.done = function(err, message) {
if(doneStatus) {
doneStatus = true;
var error = null;
if(!(typeof err == "undefined" || (typeof err == "object" && !err))) {
error = util.format(err);
* use a timeout to perform the operation once the user gives up control of the event thread
* This is how HTTP handler works right now
setTimeout(function() {
postDone(error, message);
}, 0);
event_response = new LambdaEventResponse(invokeid);
request_handler(invokeid, event_body, event_response, postDone);
} else if(!event_body && sockfd >= 0) {
var sockopts = {
fd: sockfd,
allowHalfOpen: true,
readable: true,
writable: true
global_data_sock = new net.Socket(sockopts);
global_data_sock.on('close', function() { finish_invoke(request_handler, invokeid); });
request_handler(invokeid, global_data_sock);
} else {
awslambda.report_fault(invokeid, "invalid args - eventbody = " + event_body + " socket =" + sockfd ,null, null);
finish_invoke(request_handler, invokeid);
var global_data_sock = undefined;
var global_invokeid = undefined;
exports.start_runtime = function() {
Error.prepareStackTrace = customPrepareStackTrace;
// Load native runtime
try {
//TODO define native functions for logging locally instead of to cloudwatch
//rt_console_log("Loading runtime");
} catch (e) {
if (e.code == "MODULE_NOT_FOUND") {
//rt_console_log("Lambda runtime not found");
} else {
throw e;
// Init runtime
//rt_console_log('Initializing runtime');
var options = awslambda.init_runtime();
process.on('uncaughtException', function (e) {
awslambda.report_fault(global_invokeid, "Failure while running task", e, stripMessageFromStack(e.stack));
if(global_data_sock !== undefined) {
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Vadorequest commented Apr 14, 2019

For what version of the nodejs runtime is that?

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