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Last active August 8, 2020 07:15
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" usage: :Vimgrep /foo/ **
function! s:exit_handler(id) dict abort
execute 'cfile' self.tempfile
function! s:vimgrep(args) abort
let tempfile = tempname()
let commands = [ 'noautocmd vimgrep '. a:args ]
let commands += [ 'let matches = map(getqflist(), "printf(\"%s:%d:%d:%s\", bufname(v:val.bufnr), v:val.lnum, v:val.col, v:val.text)")' ]
let commands += [ 'call writefile(matches, "'. tempfile .'")' ]
let commands += [ 'quitall!' ]
let cmd = join(map(commands, '"+".shellescape(v:val)'))
if has('nvim')
call jobstart('nvim '. cmd, {
\ 'on_exit': function('s:exit_handler'),
\ 'tempfile': tempfile,
\ })
echomsg 'job_start() implementation missing'
command! -nargs=* -bang Vimgrep call s:vimgrep('<args>')
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call jobstart('nvim '. cmd, {

How about using nvim -u NONE.

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idbrii commented Nov 17, 2016

Using nvim -u NONE would mean that your magic, smartcase, ignorecase, gdefault, and other text matching settings would be ignored.

However, you may want to add a dummy file argument so if vim startup plugins (like vim-startify) check for args() that they find something and don't activate.

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