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Created November 11, 2011 20:08
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Wrap a selection in CKEditor with Rangy
* allows you to wrap or insert an html tag over a selection/range using rangy
* @param iframe the CKEditor iframe html element
* @param tagName string representation of the tag, such as 'a' for anchor
* @param withNodeFunc function to allow outside modification of the element before injecting/wrapping
function wrapOrInsert(iframe, tagName, withNodeFunc) {
var iframedoc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document,
tag = iframedoc.createElement(tagName),
selection = rangy.getIframeSelection(iframe),
selectionRange = selection.getRangeAt(0);
//let the caller do something with the element
//since you can't wrap something with an image tag
if (tagName === 'img') {
} else if (tagName === "a" && selection.isCollapsed) {
//provide some default text for an anchor
} else {
//detach rangy
* Example on how to call the function, let's say on a jquery document.ready
* It'll wrap the selection in a span
//first, lets get the iframe that the ckeditor is in
var iframe=$(".ckeditor iframe");
//we put the [0] on the end of the jquery item, since that will cast it to a DOM element (see
// and, we'll pass an empty callback, since we don't want to do anything with the span after its created
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