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Created June 14, 2019 01:42
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#include <AppCore/App.h>
#include <AppCore/Window.h>
#include <AppCore/Overlay.h>
#include <AppCore/JSHelpers.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <Ultralight/Ultralight.h>
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
#include <SFML/Window/VideoMode.hpp>
#include "ui_def.hpp"
#include "util.hpp"
using namespace ultralight;
using ultralight::JSObject;
using ultralight::JSArgs;
using ultralight::JSFunction;
class FiltApp : public WindowListener, public LoadListener {
RefPtr<App> app_;
RefPtr<Window> window_;
RefPtr<Overlay> overlay_;
FiltApp() {
/// Create our main App instance.
app_ = App::Create();
/// Create our Window with the Resizable window flag.
window_ = Window::Create(app_->main_monitor(), 1240, 768, false,
kWindowFlags_Titled | kWindowFlags_Resizable );
/// Set our window title.
/// Bind our App's main window.
/// @note This MUST be done before creating any overlays or calling App::Run
/// Create our Overlay, use the same dimensions as our Window.
overlay_ = Overlay::Create(*window_.get(), window_->width(), window_->height(), 0, 0);
/// Load a string of HTML into our overlay's View
overlay_->view()->LoadHTML(String((const char*)ui_string, ui_string_len));
/// Register our MyApp instance as a WindowListener so we can handle the
/// Window's OnResize event below.
/// Export global functions to js
// Set the context for all subsequent JS* calls
JSObject global = JSGlobalObject();
/// export error loggin function
global["FiltLogError"] = BindJSCallback(&FiltApp::logError);
virtual ~FiltApp() {}
void logError(const JSObject& obj, const JSArgs& args) {
ultralight::String argString = JSArgsToString(args);
std::cout << "here\n";
spdlog::error("[js_log] {}", argString.utf8().data());
void OnDOMReady(ultralight::View* caller) override {
/// Inherited from WindowListener, not used.
virtual void OnClose() override {}
/// Inherited from WindowListener, called when the Window is resized.
virtual void OnResize(uint32_t width, uint32_t height) override {
/// Resize our Overlay to match the new Window dimensions.
overlay_->Resize(width, height);
void Run() {
int main() {
FiltApp app;
return 0;
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