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Created June 2, 2011 12:06
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Another batch of javascript MVC prototyping
echo "<html><head><script src=\"jquery-1.6.1.js\"></script><script>" > data_binding2.html
cat fiddle.js >> data_binding2.html
echo >> data_binding2.html
echo "</script></head>" >> data_binding2.html
echo "<body>" >> data_binding2.html
cat fiddle.html >> data_binding2.html
echo >> data_binding2.html
echo "</body></html>" >> data_binding2.html
<h1>Test for binding data into dynamic forms using javascript closures</h1>
This creates multiple divs (with each click on the add button) and binds the contained control to
an element of the <code>data</code> array.
<br/><a id="add_button" href="#">Click me to add a new datum</a><br/>
<div id="target_div"></div>
<div id="data"></div>
$(document).ready( function() {
$('#add_button').click( add_pane_with_data_binding );
} );
var data = [];
var DatumClass = function(v) { this._v = v; this._watchers=[]; }
DatumClass.prototype = new Object;
DatumClass.prototype.get_value = function() { return this._v; }
DatumClass.prototype.set_value = function(v,token)
this._v = v;
//Notify the watchers
var len=this._watchers.length
for( var i=0; i<len; ++i )
this._watchers[i].value_changed(this, this._v, token);
var ViewClass = function(input,datum) { this._input = input; this._datum = datum; }
ViewClass.prototype = new Object;
ViewClass.prototype.value_changed = function( datum, value, token )
if( token!=this._input && this._input.val()!=value ) this._input.val(value);
function create_bound_input( datum )
var this_input = $('<input type="text"></input>');
this_input.val( datum.get_value() );
//Now bind the change via a closure
this_input.bind('change', function(e) { datum.set_value( this_input.val(), this_input ); } );
//Now add them as watchers so that if someone else changes the value they get notified
var observer = new ViewClass( this_input, datum );
return this_input;
//Lets keep our data display uptodate automatically as a watcher too..
var json_watcher={};
json_watcher.value_changed = function( datum, value, token)
var len = data.length;
for( var i=0; i<len; ++i )
var vv = $( '<span>'+data[i].get_value()+'</span>' );
vv.css({"font-family":"sans-serif", "border":"1px solid #cc0"});
function add_pane_with_data_binding()
//Add the data
var this_data = new DatumClass("Hello World");
data.push( this_data );
//Add view to the target div
var this_div = $('<div></div>');
$('#target_div').append( this_div );
var this_input = create_bound_input(this_data);
this_div.append( this_input );
var this_input2 = create_bound_input(this_data);
this_div.append( this_input2 );
//Lets keep our data display uptodate automatically as a watcher too..
//And manually update the value now anyway.
name: Javascript Closures for Data Binding
description: Example of how to use javascript closures to perform data binding. Uses jQuery to make things clear.
- Michael Anderson
- http://
normalize_css: no
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