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mikegerber / Fix WSL2 vs VPN
Last active May 31, 2024 13:05
Fix WSL2 vs VPN networking

The problem

WSL2 uses a random network from the RFC1918 private IP address block. And our VPN uses that address block, too, with a route metric of 1 (= most preferred.)

This breaks networking for WSL2. Meh!

The solution

While messing around with the interface/route metric of the VPN network may work around the problem, it also reduces the priority of the VPN. We do not really want this. Additionally, changing the interface metric does not seem to be permanent, so it requires more work when it breaks again.

mikegerber / digisam - How many pages for the year 1666?.ipynb
Created April 28, 2023 17:39
digisam - How many pages in the year 1666?.ipynb
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
mikegerber /
Created April 15, 2021 15:56
Extract metrics from dinglehopper JSON exports
import glob
import json
FIELDS = ["gt", "ocr", "cer", "wer", "n_characters", "n_words"]
FILES = glob.glob("*.json")
print("file;" + ";".join(FIELDS))
for f in FILES:
mikegerber /
Created April 13, 2021 13:20
Extract metrics from ocrevalUAtion HTML reports
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import glob
METRICS = ["CER", "WER", "WER (order independent)"]
FILES = glob.glob("*.html")
print("file;" + ";".join(METRICS))
  • Debian 10
  • g++-8 8.3.0-6

To reproduce:

git clone OCR-D-olena
cd OCR-D-olena
./configure --disable-dependency-tracking --enable-scribo
make -j8
mikegerber /
Last active July 13, 2021 15:18
jpageviewer alias/function that looks for a mets.xml, i.e. in a OCR-D workspace. For use in `~/.zshrc` or similiar.
if [ -e "$_jpageviewer_jar" ]; then
jpageviewer() {
# --resolve-dir defaults to the file's directory
_jpageviewer_resolve_dir=`dirname "$1"`
# ... unless a mets.xml file exists one directory down (OCR-D workspace)
if [ -e "$_jpageviewer_resolve_dir"/../mets.xml ]; then
mikegerber /
Created September 25, 2019 16:18
Fix mets.xml for easy cases
mikegerber / rosenkohl-in-erdnusssoß
Created December 10, 2017 22:07
rosenkohl in erdnusssoße

1 netz rosenkohl 1 zwiebel etwas gemüsebrühe

3el erdnussbutter 1-2el sojasoße etwas zitronensaft (nach geschmack) heißes wasser

nicht probiert: zucker