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Milan Skoric milansk

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milansk / .bash_profile
Last active July 29, 2020 00:50 — forked from pablete/.bash_profile
Change iTerm2 profile (ie: background color) when SSHing into another machine
# Changing iTerm2 color in MacOSX when SSHing (so you know at a glance that you're no longer in Kansas)
# Adapted from
# 1. Create a theme in your terminal setting with the name "SSH" and the desired colors, background, etc.
# 2. Add this to your .bash_profile (or .bashrc, I always forget the difference ;))
# 3. Optional but useful: in the terminal, go to Settings > Startup and set "New tabs open with" to
# "default settings" (otherwise, if you open a new tab from the changed one, you get a local tab with
# the SSH colors)
function tabc() {
NAME=$1; if [ -z "$NAME" ]; then NAME="Default"; fi # if you have trouble with this, change