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slides for intro_to_command_line gdi boulder (using mdp) (
%title: intro_to_command_line
%date: 2014-09-21
# GDI upcoming events
#### Code & Coffee
October 18th. 10a - 1p
Amante Coffee Baseline - Boulder
#### Intro to Programming with Ruby
October 25th. 9a-5:30p
Turing School - Denver
#### Intro to HTML/CSS
November 1 & 2 1 - 5pm
SendGrid - Boulder
# about me
* senior developer at
* 17th & pearl st behind ted's
* stop by anytime!
# history
* history
* cpu
* punch cards
* terminal (unlimited access)
* gui (mouse and graphics, sublime text)
* levels of abstraction
* why not use the gui all the time?
# shells
* a program that runs commands that you type in
* sh / bash / ksh,zsh,etc.
* microsoft windows
* prompt
* user
* host
* location
* {cmd} {parameters}
# files
* files
* directories are just a type of file
* 'directory' === 'folder'
* hidden files
* ls (-ahl)
# file hierarchy
* directories contain other directories and files
* starts with /
* in the terminal, you're always inside a directory
* in the terminal, you type commands that manipulate files
* you can navigate to other directories to run commands on files
* you can also run commands on directories
# navigation
* pwd - print working directory
* cd - change directory
* mkdir - make directory
* rm - remove ( -r / recursive )
* cp - copy ( -R / recursive )
* mv - move
* cat - catenate
* echo - display some text
* echo > {file}
* echo >> {file}
## notes:
* `.` === current directory
* `..` === directory one level up
* spaces and quotes
* asterisks (*)
# exercise 1
## file creation / navigation
* everyone good?
1. what directory are you currently in?
2. create a directory named `{your first initial}{your last name}` (ex: `mmatthias`)
3. change into your personal directory
4. create a file named `elephants` with the following text in it: `elephants are big`
5. make a directory named `animals`
6. move the file named `elephants` into the `animals` directory
7. rename `elephants` to `elephants.txt`
8. move your current directory to be in `animals`
9. print your current directory now
10. create a new file named `pandas.txt` with the following text in it: `pandas can be lots of colors`
11. copy `pandas.txt` to a file named `giraffes.txt`
12. print out the text in the `giraffes.txt` file
13. append the phrase `this file has incorrect content` to the `giraffes.txt` file
14. replace all of the text within the `giraffes.txt` file with the phrase `giraffes are really tall`
15. move your current directory one level up
16. copy the `animals` directory to a directory named `food`
17. print all of the text file contents in the `food` directory
18. remove the `food` directory
19. what directory are you in now?
# text editing, chaining, and scripting
* vim
* read mode
* arrow keys or hjkl
* insert mode
* escape
* :w, :q, :wq
* &&
* #!/bin/sh
# exercise 2
## writing simple scripts
1. create a simple script named ``
2. have the script print your name to the screen when executed
3. change the script to do the following when executed:
1. create a file named `denver.txt` with the contents of `denver is cool`
2. create a file named `boulder.txt` with the contents of `boulder is fun`
3. make a directory named `colorado cities`
4. move `denver.txt` and `boulder.txt` into the `colorado cities` folder
5. print the contents of the text files within the `colorado cities` folder
6. remove the `colorado cities` folder
4. print text to the screen after each command in the script to show the script's progress (ex: 'just created denver.txt')
5. create a one-line command that does the same thing that this script does
# some tricks
* history
* !
* ctrl-r
* alias
* prompt (PS1)
* .bashrc
* source or . ./.bashrc
# screen
* screen -list
* screen -S [name]
* ctrl-a
* c
* d
* exit
* A
* "
* screen -d -r [name]
# exercise 3
* alias some things
* customize your bash prompt
* run previous commands
* screen
# advanced bash / more unix-y
## file permissions
* chmod
* users
* chown
* groups
* chgrp
## user permissions
* /etc/passwd
* /etc/group
* sudo / root
# topics to research / experiment
* git
* tabs (both in terminal and in vim)
* links (symbolic vs hard)
* homebrew (mac only)
* awk, sed, grep
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