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Created September 27, 2014 21:37
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gaia calendar helpers
// jshint esnext:true
var app = Calendar.App;
var busyStore ='Busytime');
var calendarStore ='Calendar');
var eventStore ='Event');
var syncController = app.syncController;
// this will delete all the events/busytimes from all calendars.
// triggering a new sync will fetch all the busytimes/ical data and expand
// all the busytimes again.
function removeAllEvents() {
// easier to get the calendar ids by the busytimes :P
busyStore.loadSpan(new Calendar.Timespan(0, Infinity), (err, busies) => {
var eventIds = new Set( => b.eventId));
eventIds.forEach(id => eventStore.remove(id));
// also need to remove any sync info so next sync will get all the data and
// expand the components
calendarStore.all((err, calendars) => {
// for some weird reason wasn't working, so Object.keys FTW!
Object.keys(calendars).map(k => calendars[k]).forEach(c => {
c.firstEventSyncDate = null;
c.lastEventSyncDate = null;
c.lastEventSyncToken = '';
if (c.remote) {
c.remote.syncToken = '';
// sync all calendars
function sync() {
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