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Created March 21, 2016 19:32
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--------- beginning of system
03-21 20:28:38.142 592 711 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from dozing (uid 1000)...
--------- beginning of main
03-21 20:28:38.145 592 592 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: onStartedWakingUp()
03-21 20:28:38.187 592 646 I DisplayPowerController: Blocking screen on until initial contents have been drawn.
03-21 20:28:38.188 592 646 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurnedOn(showListener =$2@aab7245)
03-21 20:28:38.191 592 646 D Sensors : activate: acc_enable=0, mag_enable=0
03-21 20:28:38.191 592 646 D Sensors : activate: handle=4, enabled=1
03-21 20:28:38.191 592 646 D Sensors : LightSensor enable = 1
03-21 20:28:38.191 592 646 D Sensors : LightSensor enableSensor = 1
03-21 20:28:38.199 592 646 D Sensors : setDelay: acc_delay=66667000, mag_delay=20000000
03-21 20:28:38.199 592 646 D Sensors : setDelay: handle=4, delay=250000000
03-21 20:28:38.206 592 646 D Sensors : LightSensor setDelay = 250000000
03-21 20:28:38.206 592 646 D Sensors : LightSensor setSensorDelay = 250000000
03-21 20:28:38.206 592 646 D Sensors : setDelay: acc_delay=66667000, mag_delay=20000000
03-21 20:28:38.206 592 646 D Sensors : setDelay: handle=4, delay=250000000
03-21 20:28:38.206 592 646 D Sensors : LightSensor setDelay = 250000000
03-21 20:28:38.206 592 646 D Sensors : LightSensor setSensorDelay = 250000000
03-21 20:28:38.230 592 606 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: **** SHOWN CALLED ****
03-21 20:28:38.347 592 719 E native : do suspend false
03-21 20:28:38.348 592 721 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 130]
03-21 20:28:38.355 592 592 E AlarmManagerService: Unable to set alarm to 1458712200.000000000: Invalid argument
03-21 20:28:38.397 592 719 D WifiConfigStore: No blacklist allowed without epno enabled
03-21 20:28:38.450 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 62.000000, raw = 62
03-21 20:28:38.706 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 68.000000, raw = 68
03-21 20:28:38.744 592 748 D PowerManagerService-JNI: Excessive delay in autosuspend_disable() while turning screen on: 534ms
03-21 20:28:38.746 592 644 W art : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void$1.onDisplayStateChange(int) from waiters=0 for 512ms
03-21 20:28:38.747 592 1589 W art : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void$1.onDisplayStateChange(int) from waiters=1 for 343ms
03-21 20:28:38.750 592 7102 W art : Long monitor contention event with owner method=void$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) from waiters=0 for 313ms
03-21 20:28:38.764 208 208 D SurfaceFlinger: Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0xb6ae4000
03-21 20:28:38.764 208 208 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Setting mode 2 on display: 0
03-21 20:28:38.764 208 208 D qdhwcomposer: hwc_setPowerMode: Done setting mode 2 on display 0
03-21 20:28:38.772 592 644 I DisplayManagerService: Display device changed state: "Écran intégré", ON
03-21 20:28:38.774 592 626 D Sensors : activate: acc_enable=1, mag_enable=0
03-21 20:28:38.775 592 626 D Sensors : activate: handle=0, enabled=1
03-21 20:28:38.835 592 626 D Sensors : setDelay: acc_delay=66667000, mag_delay=20000000
03-21 20:28:38.835 592 626 D Sensors : setDelay: handle=0, delay=66667000
03-21 20:28:38.836 592 626 D Sensors : setDelay: acc_delay=66667000, mag_delay=20000000
03-21 20:28:38.836 592 626 D Sensors : setDelay: handle=0, delay=66667000
03-21 20:28:38.837 592 646 I DisplayPowerController: Unblocked screen on after 649 ms
03-21 20:28:38.841 592 646 V KeyguardServiceDelegate: onScreenTurnedOn()
03-21 20:28:38.842 592 646 I DreamManagerService: Gently waking up from dream.
03-21 20:28:38.858 592 846 I DreamManagerService: Leaving dreamland.
03-21 20:28:38.859 592 628 I DreamController: Stopping dream: name=ComponentInfo{}, isTest=false, canDoze=true, userId=0
03-21 20:28:38.951 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 61.000000, raw = 61
03-21 20:28:39.200 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 55.000000, raw = 55
03-21 20:28:39.451 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 55.000000, raw = 55
03-21 20:28:39.456 775 775 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand ICONS alerts SYSTEM_INFO back HOME RECENT clock SEARCH quick_settings >
03-21 20:28:39.589 775 775 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand ICONS alerts SYSTEM_INFO back HOME RECENT clock SEARCH quick_settings >
03-21 20:28:39.701 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 54.000000, raw = 54
03-21 20:28:39.951 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 56.000000, raw = 56
03-21 20:28:40.201 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 47.000000, raw = 47
03-21 20:28:40.451 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 47.000000, raw = 47
03-21 20:28:40.508 219 219 I keystore: calling unlock when already unlocked, ignoring.
03-21 20:28:40.659 775 785 I art : Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 84236(5MB) AllocSpace objects, 23(1000KB) LOS objects, 26% free, 11MB/15MB, paused 976us total 128.948ms
03-21 20:28:40.700 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 53.000000, raw = 53
03-21 20:28:40.854 775 775 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons* alerts system_info* back HOME RECENT clock SEARCH quick_settings >
03-21 20:28:40.885 775 775 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back HOME RECENT clock SEARCH quick_settings >
03-21 20:28:40.917 592 795 W InputMethodManagerService: Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@1b65bbe attribute=android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo@d8d241f, token = android.os.BinderProxy@9ab55ac
03-21 20:28:40.944 775 775 D PhoneStatusBar: disable: < expand icons alerts system_info back home* recent* clock search* quick_settings >
03-21 20:28:40.951 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 57.000000, raw = 57
03-21 20:28:41.201 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 54.000000, raw = 54
03-21 20:28:41.451 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 54.000000, raw = 54
03-21 20:28:41.496 217 657 D ALSAStreamOps: setParameters(): keyRouting with device 0x2
03-21 20:28:41.496 217 657 D ALSAStreamOps: setParameters(): keyRouting with device 0x2
03-21 20:28:41.496 217 657 D ALSADevice: route: devices 0x2 in mode 0
03-21 20:28:41.497 217 657 D ALSADevice: No valid input device: 0
03-21 20:28:41.497 217 657 D alsa_ucm: snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb600b510 identifier _enadev value Speaker
03-21 20:28:41.497 217 657 D ALSADevice: switchDevice: mCurTxUCMDevivce None mCurRxDevDevice Speaker
03-21 20:28:41.509 217 656 D ALSADevice: route: devices 0x2 in mode 0
03-21 20:28:41.510 217 656 D ALSADevice: No valid input device: 0
03-21 20:28:41.510 217 656 D alsa_ucm: snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb600b510 identifier _enadev value Speaker
03-21 20:28:41.510 217 656 D ALSADevice: switchDevice: mCurTxUCMDevivce None mCurRxDevDevice Speaker
03-21 20:28:41.510 217 656 D alsa_ucm: snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb600b510 identifier _verb value HiFi Lowlatency
03-21 20:28:41.510 217 656 D alsa_ucm: Set mixer controls for Speaker enable 1
03-21 20:28:41.510 217 656 D alsa_ucm: acdb_id 15 cap 1 enable 1
03-21 20:28:41.510 217 656 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path = 0
03-21 20:28:41.510 217 656 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
03-21 20:28:41.511 217 656 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
03-21 20:28:41.511 217 656 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
03-21 20:28:41.511 217 656 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
03-21 20:28:41.511 217 656 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -8
03-21 20:28:41.511 217 656 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
03-21 20:28:41.511 217 656 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
03-21 20:28:41.511 217 656 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
03-21 20:28:41.511 217 656 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AFE returned = -8
03-21 20:28:41.511 217 656 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
03-21 20:28:41.512 217 656 D alsa_ucm: Setting mixer control: PRI_RX Channels, value: One
03-21 20:28:41.512 217 656 D alsa_ucm: Setting mixer control: RX4 MIX1 INP1, value: RX1
03-21 20:28:41.513 217 656 D alsa_ucm: Setting mixer control: SLIM RX1 MUX, value: AIF1_PB
03-21 20:28:41.514 217 656 D alsa_ucm: Setting mixer control: SPK DAC Switch, value: 1
03-21 20:28:41.516 217 656 D alsa_ucm: Setting mixer control: RX4 Digital Volume, value: 68
03-21 20:28:41.517 217 656 D alsa_ucm: Setting mixer control: SPK DRV Volume, value: 87
03-21 20:28:41.517 217 656 D alsa_ucm: Set mixer controls for HiFi Lowlatency enable 1
03-21 20:28:41.517 217 656 D alsa_ucm: Setting mixer control: PRI_RX Audio Mixer MultiMedia5, value: 1
03-21 20:28:41.518 217 656 D ALSADevice: close: handle 0xb600ff50 h 0x0
03-21 20:28:41.518 217 656 D ALSADevice: open: handle 0xb600ff50, format 0x2
03-21 20:28:41.518 217 656 D ALSADevice: Device value returned is hw:0,14
03-21 20:28:41.523 217 656 D ALSADevice: handle->format: 0x2
03-21 20:28:41.523 217 656 D ALSADevice: setHardwareParams: reqBuffSize 1024 channels 2 sampleRate 48000
03-21 20:28:41.526 217 656 D ALSADevice: setHardwareParams: buffer_size 2048, period_size 1024, period_cnt 2
03-21 20:28:41.701 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 54.000000, raw = 54
03-21 20:28:41.951 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 46.000000, raw = 46
03-21 20:28:42.201 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 45.000000, raw = 45
03-21 20:28:42.451 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 44.000000, raw = 44
03-21 20:28:42.701 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 45.000000, raw = 45
03-21 20:28:42.785 592 1589 I ActivityManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD/com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD (has extras)} from uid 10019 on display 0
03-21 20:28:42.787 217 657 D ALSAStreamOps: setParameters(): keyRouting with device 0x2
03-21 20:28:42.787 217 657 D ALSAStreamOps: setParameters(): keyRouting with device 0x2
03-21 20:28:42.787 217 657 D ALSADevice: route: devices 0x2 in mode 0
03-21 20:28:42.788 217 657 D ALSADevice: No valid input device: 0
03-21 20:28:42.789 217 657 D alsa_ucm: snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb600b510 identifier _enadev value Speaker
03-21 20:28:42.789 217 657 D alsa_ucm: Set mixer controls for HiFi Lowlatency enable 1
03-21 20:28:42.789 217 657 D alsa_ucm: Setting mixer control: PRI_RX Audio Mixer MultiMedia5, value: 1
03-21 20:28:42.789 217 657 D ALSADevice: switchDevice: mCurTxUCMDevivce None mCurRxDevDevice Speaker
03-21 20:28:42.830 217 657 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0xb37c0000) throttle end: throttle time(3)
03-21 20:28:42.908 592 11552 I ActivityManager: Start proc 28021:com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD/u0a215 for activity com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD/com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD
03-21 20:28:42.951 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 51.000000, raw = 51
03-21 20:28:43.128 28021 28021 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD-2/lib/arm
03-21 20:28:43.143 28021 28021 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.AppAIMSICD
03-21 20:28:43.144 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field currentStatus
03-21 20:28:43.144 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field log
03-21 20:28:43.144 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mActivityTaskMap
03-21 20:28:43.145 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field instance
03-21 20:28:43.145 28021 28021 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.AppAIMSICD
03-21 20:28:43.145 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field injector
03-21 20:28:43.148 28021 28021 D Injector: Injection of com.secupwn.aimsicd.AppAIMSICD@abeb5f9 took 11ms
03-21 20:28:43.194 28021 28021 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD
03-21 20:28:43.199 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field atCommandFragment
03-21 20:28:43.199 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field cellInfoFragment
03-21 20:28:43.199 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field dbViewerFragment
03-21 20:28:43.199 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field deviceFragment
03-21 20:28:43.199 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mActionBar
03-21 20:28:43.199 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mAimsicdService
03-21 20:28:43.200 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mBound
03-21 20:28:43.200 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mConnection
03-21 20:28:43.200 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mDisclaimerAccepted
03-21 20:28:43.200 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mDrawerLayout
03-21 20:28:43.200 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 54.000000, raw = 54
03-21 20:28:43.201 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mDrawerList
03-21 20:28:43.201 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mDrawerTitle
03-21 20:28:43.201 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mDrawerToggle
03-21 20:28:43.201 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mLastPress
03-21 20:28:43.202 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mNavConf
03-21 20:28:43.202 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mTitle
03-21 20:28:43.202 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mapFragment
03-21 20:28:43.202 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field prefListener
03-21 20:28:43.202 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field prefs
03-21 20:28:43.202 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field prefsEditor
03-21 20:28:43.202 28021 28021 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD
03-21 20:28:43.202 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field log
03-21 20:28:43.202 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mMessageReceiver
03-21 20:28:43.202 28021 28021 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD
03-21 20:28:43.202 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field injector
03-21 20:28:43.202 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field xmlLayoutAnnotation
03-21 20:28:43.202 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field xmlMenuAnnotation
03-21 20:28:43.202 28021 28021 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD
03-21 20:28:43.202 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mDelegate
03-21 20:28:43.203 28021 28021 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD
03-21 20:28:43.203 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mCreated
03-21 20:28:43.203 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mFragments
03-21 20:28:43.203 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mHandler
03-21 20:28:43.203 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mOptionsMenuInvalidated
03-21 20:28:43.203 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mReallyStopped
03-21 20:28:43.203 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mResumed
03-21 20:28:43.203 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mRetaining
03-21 20:28:43.203 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mStopped
03-21 20:28:43.203 28021 28021 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD
03-21 20:28:43.204 28021 28021 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD
03-21 20:28:43.213 28021 28021 D Injector: Injection of com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD@5f74797 took 19ms
03-21 20:28:43.309 28021 28021 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.fragments.DeviceFragment
03-21 20:28:43.313 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field log
03-21 20:28:43.313 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mAimsicdService
03-21 20:28:43.313 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mBound
03-21 20:28:43.313 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mConnection
03-21 20:28:43.313 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mContext
03-21 20:28:43.313 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field okHttpClient
03-21 20:28:43.313 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field swipeRefreshLayout
03-21 20:28:43.313 28021 28021 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.fragments.DeviceFragment
03-21 20:28:43.314 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field injector
03-21 20:28:43.314 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field xmlLayoutAnnotation
03-21 20:28:43.314 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field xmlMenuAnnotation
03-21 20:28:43.332 28021 28021 V Reflection: Now checking class com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient
03-21 20:28:43.332 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field authenticator
03-21 20:28:43.333 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field cache
03-21 20:28:43.333 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field certificatePinner
03-21 20:28:43.333 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field connectTimeout
03-21 20:28:43.333 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field connectionPool
03-21 20:28:43.333 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field connectionSpecs
03-21 20:28:43.333 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field cookieHandler
03-21 20:28:43.333 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field dispatcher
03-21 20:28:43.333 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field dns
03-21 20:28:43.333 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field followRedirects
03-21 20:28:43.333 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field followSslRedirects
03-21 20:28:43.334 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field hostnameVerifier
03-21 20:28:43.334 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field interceptors
03-21 20:28:43.334 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field internalCache
03-21 20:28:43.334 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field networkInterceptors
03-21 20:28:43.334 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field protocols
03-21 20:28:43.334 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field proxy
03-21 20:28:43.335 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field proxySelector
03-21 20:28:43.335 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field readTimeout
03-21 20:28:43.335 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field retryOnConnectionFailure
03-21 20:28:43.335 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field routeDatabase
03-21 20:28:43.335 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field socketFactory
03-21 20:28:43.335 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field sslSocketFactory
03-21 20:28:43.335 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field writeTimeout
03-21 20:28:43.335 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field DEFAULT_CONNECTION_SPECS
03-21 20:28:43.335 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field DEFAULT_PROTOCOLS
03-21 20:28:43.335 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field defaultSslSocketFactory
03-21 20:28:43.336 28021 28021 D Injector: Injection of com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient@4a34487 took 4ms
03-21 20:28:43.347 28021 28021 D Injector: Injection of DeviceFragment{8589cc6 #0 id=0x7f0d007e} took 37ms
03-21 20:28:43.439 28021 28021 D AppAIMSICD: BaseTask attach:com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD
03-21 20:28:43.444 28021 28021 D AIMSICD : StatusWatcher starting watching
03-21 20:28:43.450 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 57.000000, raw = 57
03-21 20:28:43.465 28021 28042 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
03-21 20:28:43.495 28021 28021 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.service.AimsicdService
03-21 20:28:43.496 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field batterySavingRunnable
03-21 20:28:43.496 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field gpsPreferences
03-21 20:28:43.496 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field isLocationRequestShowing
03-21 20:28:43.496 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field log
03-21 20:28:43.496 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mAccelerometerMonitor
03-21 20:28:43.496 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mBinder
03-21 20:28:43.496 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mCellTracker
03-21 20:28:43.496 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mLocationListener
03-21 20:28:43.496 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mLocationTracker
03-21 20:28:43.496 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mRilExecutor
03-21 20:28:43.496 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field signalStrengthTracker
03-21 20:28:43.496 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field smsdetector
03-21 20:28:43.497 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field isGPSchoiceChecked
03-21 20:28:43.497 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field timerHandler
03-21 20:28:43.497 28021 28021 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.service.AimsicdService
03-21 20:28:43.497 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field injector
03-21 20:28:43.498 28021 28021 D Injector: Injection of com.secupwn.aimsicd.service.AimsicdService@8ab329b took 3ms
03-21 20:28:43.512 28021 28021 I AIMSICDDbAdapter: Checking for db first install this will throw an error on install and is normal
03-21 20:28:43.544 592 1593 D Sensors : setDelay: acc_delay=66667000, mag_delay=20000000
03-21 20:28:43.544 592 1593 D Sensors : setDelay: handle=0, delay=66667000
03-21 20:28:43.545 592 1593 D Sensors : setDelay: acc_delay=66667000, mag_delay=20000000
03-21 20:28:43.545 592 1593 D Sensors : setDelay: handle=0, delay=66667000
03-21 20:28:43.555 28021 28021 I AIMSICDDbAdapter: Checking for db first install this will throw an error on install and is normal
03-21 20:28:43.571 28021 28021 E RilExecutor: Samsung Multiclient RIL not available: = Samsung RIL v3.0
03-21 20:28:43.641 28021 28021 I AIMSICDDbAdapter: Checking for db first install this will throw an error on install and is normal
03-21 20:28:43.700 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 51.000000, raw = 51
03-21 20:28:43.707 28021 28021 I AimsicdService: Service launched successfully.
03-21 20:28:43.757 28021 28042 I Adreno-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:379>: QUALCOMM Build: 10/21/15, 369a2ea, I96aee987eb
03-21 20:28:43.761 28021 28042 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
03-21 20:28:43.862 28021 28021 D AIMSICD : StatusWatcher received status change to OK, updating icon
03-21 20:28:43.862 28021 28021 I AimsicdService: Sms Detection Thread Started
03-21 20:28:43.868 28021 28021 I AIMSICDDbAdapter: Checking for db first install this will throw an error on install and is normal
03-21 20:28:43.885 28021 28021 I SmsDetector: SMS detection started
03-21 20:28:43.885 592 1426 I NotificationService: cancelToast pkg=com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD$Stub$Proxy@e5f6c5d
03-21 20:28:43.887 28021 28021 I AIMSICD : SMS Detection Thread Started
03-21 20:28:43.951 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 38.000000, raw = 38
03-21 20:28:44.069 592 644 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD/com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD: +1s183ms
03-21 20:28:44.200 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 38.000000, raw = 38
03-21 20:28:44.233 28021 28042 V RenderScript: 0xa1eae000 Launching thread(s), CPUs 2
03-21 20:28:44.367 592 721 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 130]
03-21 20:28:44.443 28052 28052 D su : su invoked.
03-21 20:28:44.443 28052 28052 D su : starting daemon client 10215 10215
03-21 20:28:44.450 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 38.000000, raw = 38
03-21 20:28:44.452 28054 28054 D su : remote pid: 28052
03-21 20:28:44.453 28054 28054 D su : remote pts_slave:
03-21 20:28:44.457 28054 28054 D su : waiting for child exit
03-21 20:28:44.460 28056 28056 D su : su invoked.
03-21 20:28:44.461 28056 28056 E su : SU from: u0_a215
03-21 20:28:44.462 28056 28056 D su : Checking whether app [uid:10215, pkgName: com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD] is allowed to be root
03-21 20:28:44.465 775 775 I SuControllerImpl: Got change
03-21 20:28:44.473 28056 28056 D su : Privilege elevation allowed by appops
03-21 20:28:44.473 28056 28056 D su : Allowing via appops.
03-21 20:28:44.473 28056 28056 D su : 10215 /system/bin/app_process32 executing 0 /system/bin/sh using binary /system/bin/sh : sh
03-21 20:28:44.477 28056 28056 D su : Waiting for pid 28057.
03-21 20:28:44.673 217 657 D ALSAStreamOps: setParameters(): keyRouting with device 0x2
03-21 20:28:44.673 217 657 D ALSAStreamOps: setParameters(): keyRouting with device 0x2
03-21 20:28:44.673 217 657 D ALSADevice: route: devices 0x2 in mode 0
03-21 20:28:44.673 217 657 D ALSADevice: No valid input device: 0
03-21 20:28:44.673 217 657 D alsa_ucm: snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb600b510 identifier _enadev value Speaker
03-21 20:28:44.673 217 657 D alsa_ucm: Set mixer controls for HiFi Lowlatency enable 1
03-21 20:28:44.673 217 657 D alsa_ucm: Setting mixer control: PRI_RX Audio Mixer MultiMedia5, value: 1
03-21 20:28:44.674 217 657 D ALSADevice: switchDevice: mCurTxUCMDevivce None mCurRxDevDevice Speaker
03-21 20:28:44.703 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 41.000000, raw = 41
03-21 20:28:44.710 217 657 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0xb37c0000) throttle end: throttle time(5)
03-21 20:28:44.950 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 52.000000, raw = 52
03-21 20:28:45.200 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 52.000000, raw = 52
03-21 20:28:45.450 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 40.000000, raw = 40
03-21 20:28:45.700 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 32.000000, raw = 32
03-21 20:28:45.853 592 1570 I ActivityManager: START u0 {cmp=com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD/com.secupwn.aimsicd.activities.SettingsActivity} from uid 10215 on display 0
03-21 20:28:45.863 217 657 D ALSAStreamOps: setParameters(): keyRouting with device 0x2
03-21 20:28:45.863 217 657 D ALSAStreamOps: setParameters(): keyRouting with device 0x2
03-21 20:28:45.863 217 657 D ALSADevice: route: devices 0x2 in mode 0
03-21 20:28:45.863 217 657 D ALSADevice: No valid input device: 0
03-21 20:28:45.864 217 657 D alsa_ucm: snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb600b510 identifier _enadev value Speaker
03-21 20:28:45.864 217 657 D alsa_ucm: Set mixer controls for HiFi Lowlatency enable 1
03-21 20:28:45.864 217 657 D alsa_ucm: Setting mixer control: PRI_RX Audio Mixer MultiMedia5, value: 1
03-21 20:28:45.864 217 657 D ALSADevice: switchDevice: mCurTxUCMDevivce None mCurRxDevDevice Speaker
03-21 20:28:45.896 28021 28021 D AIMSICD : StatusWatcher stopped watching
03-21 20:28:45.950 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 46.000000, raw = 46
03-21 20:28:45.951 28021 28021 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.activities.SettingsActivity
03-21 20:28:45.951 28021 28021 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.activities.SettingsActivity
03-21 20:28:45.951 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field log
03-21 20:28:45.951 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mMessageReceiver
03-21 20:28:45.951 28021 28021 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.activities.SettingsActivity
03-21 20:28:45.951 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field injector
03-21 20:28:45.951 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field xmlLayoutAnnotation
03-21 20:28:45.951 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field xmlMenuAnnotation
03-21 20:28:45.951 28021 28021 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.activities.SettingsActivity
03-21 20:28:45.951 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mDelegate
03-21 20:28:45.951 28021 28021 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.activities.SettingsActivity
03-21 20:28:45.951 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mCreated
03-21 20:28:45.951 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mFragments
03-21 20:28:45.951 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mHandler
03-21 20:28:45.951 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mOptionsMenuInvalidated
03-21 20:28:45.951 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mReallyStopped
03-21 20:28:45.951 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mResumed
03-21 20:28:45.951 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mRetaining
03-21 20:28:45.951 28021 28021 V Reflection: Checking field mStopped
03-21 20:28:45.951 28021 28021 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.activities.SettingsActivity
03-21 20:28:45.951 28021 28021 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.activities.SettingsActivity
03-21 20:28:45.954 28021 28021 D Injector: Injection of com.secupwn.aimsicd.activities.SettingsActivity@c1a3872 took 3ms
03-21 20:28:45.992 28021 28021 D SettingsActivity: StatusWatcher starting watching
03-21 20:28:46.170 8088 27395 W WebSocketConnection: Sending keep alive...
03-21 20:28:46.201 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 54.000000, raw = 54
03-21 20:28:46.258 28021 28042 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllStagingAnimators on 0xa195d580 (ListPopupWindow$DropDownListView) with handle 0xa14b7890
03-21 20:28:46.345 592 644 I ActivityManager: Displayed com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD/com.secupwn.aimsicd.activities.SettingsActivity: +448ms
03-21 20:28:46.444 8088 27394 W OkHttpClientWrapper: onMessage: BINARY
03-21 20:28:46.444 8088 27394 W WebSocketConnection: WSC onMessage()
03-21 20:28:46.444 8088 27394 W WebSocketConnection: Message Type: 2
03-21 20:28:46.450 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 57.000000, raw = 57
03-21 20:28:46.701 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 58.000000, raw = 58
03-21 20:28:46.736 28021 28021 D AppAIMSICD: BaseTask detach:com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD
03-21 20:28:46.951 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 54.000000, raw = 54
03-21 20:28:47.201 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 55.000000, raw = 55
03-21 20:28:47.384 592 721 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 130]
03-21 20:28:47.451 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 52.000000, raw = 52
03-21 20:28:47.701 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 54.000000, raw = 54
03-21 20:28:47.951 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 54.000000, raw = 54
03-21 20:28:48.201 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 54.000000, raw = 54
03-21 20:28:48.450 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 54.000000, raw = 54
03-21 20:28:48.701 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 51.000000, raw = 51
03-21 20:28:48.729 592 697 I ActivityManager: Start proc 28075:org.fdroid.fdroid/u0a186 for service org.fdroid.fdroid/.UpdateService
03-21 20:28:48.845 1511 1511 D conversations: XXX@XXX.XX send ping
03-21 20:28:48.860 28075 28075 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/org.fdroid.fdroid-3/lib/arm
03-21 20:28:48.951 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 51.000000, raw = 51
03-21 20:28:49.026 217 657 D ALSADevice: standby: handle 0xb600ff50 h 0x0
03-21 20:28:49.049 28075 28075 I ACRA : ACRA is enabled for org.fdroid.fdroid, initializing...
03-21 20:28:49.060 217 657 D alsa_ucm: snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb600b510 identifier _verb value Inactive
03-21 20:28:49.060 217 657 D alsa_ucm: Set mixer controls for HiFi Lowlatency enable 0
03-21 20:28:49.060 217 657 D alsa_ucm: Setting mixer control: PRI_RX Audio Mixer MultiMedia5, value: 0
03-21 20:28:49.060 217 657 D alsa_ucm: snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb600b510 identifier _disdev value Speaker
03-21 20:28:49.060 217 657 D alsa_ucm: Set mixer controls for Speaker enable 0
03-21 20:28:49.060 217 657 D alsa_ucm: Setting mixer control: RX4 MIX1 INP1, value: ZERO
03-21 20:28:49.061 217 657 D alsa_ucm: Setting mixer control: SLIM RX1 MUX, value: ZERO
03-21 20:28:49.062 217 657 D alsa_ucm: Setting mixer control: SPK DAC Switch, value: 0
03-21 20:28:49.062 217 657 D alsa_ucm: Setting mixer control: RX4 Digital Volume, value: 0
03-21 20:28:49.063 217 657 D alsa_ucm: Setting mixer control: SPK DRV Volume, value: 0
03-21 20:28:49.064 217 657 D AudioUsbALSA: exitPlaybackThread, mproxypfdPlayback: -1
03-21 20:28:49.064 217 657 D AudioUsbALSA: closeDevice handle 0x0
03-21 20:28:49.064 217 657 D AudioUsbALSA: closeDevice handle 0x0
03-21 20:28:49.072 592 5148 D Sensors : setDelay: acc_delay=66667000, mag_delay=20000000
03-21 20:28:49.072 592 5148 D Sensors : setDelay: handle=0, delay=66667000
03-21 20:28:49.097 28021 28021 D LocationTracker: Looking up MCC 260
03-21 20:28:49.101 28021 28021 I LocationTracker: Last known location (52.25°, 21.0°) = (0.9119345341670373 rad, 0.3665191429188092 rad)
03-21 20:28:49.108 28021 28021 D LocationTracker: Network location provider doesnt exist
03-21 20:28:49.144 592 1373 E ActivityManager: Activity Manager Crash
03-21 20:28:49.144 592 1373 E ActivityManager: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown component: com.secupwn.aimsicd/com.secupwn.aimsicd.activities.OpenCellIdActivity
03-21 20:28:49.144 592 1373 E ActivityManager: at
03-21 20:28:49.144 592 1373 E ActivityManager: at
03-21 20:28:49.144 592 1373 E ActivityManager: at
03-21 20:28:49.144 592 1373 E ActivityManager: at
03-21 20:28:49.144 592 1373 E ActivityManager: at
03-21 20:28:49.144 592 1373 E ActivityManager: at
03-21 20:28:49.144 592 1373 E ActivityManager: at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
03-21 20:28:49.146 217 657 D ALSAStreamOps: setParameters(): keyRouting with device 0x2
03-21 20:28:49.146 217 657 D ALSAStreamOps: setParameters(): keyRouting with device 0x2
03-21 20:28:49.146 217 657 D ALSADevice: route: devices 0x2 in mode 0
03-21 20:28:49.147 217 657 D ALSADevice: No valid input device: 0
03-21 20:28:49.147 217 657 D alsa_ucm: snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb600b510 identifier _enadev value Speaker
03-21 20:28:49.147 217 657 D ALSADevice: switchDevice: mCurTxUCMDevivce None mCurRxDevDevice Speaker
03-21 20:28:49.156 28021 28021 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
--------- beginning of crash
03-21 20:28:49.159 28021 28021 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
03-21 20:28:49.159 28021 28021 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD, PID: 28021
03-21 20:28:49.159 28021 28021 E AndroidRuntime: Theme: themes:{default=overlay:system, iconPack:system,}
03-21 20:28:49.159 28021 28021 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown component: com.secupwn.aimsicd/com.secupwn.aimsicd.activities.OpenCellIdActivity
03-21 20:28:49.159 28021 28021 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Parcel.readException(
03-21 20:28:49.159 28021 28021 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Parcel.readException(
03-21 20:28:49.159 28021 28021 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-21 20:28:49.159 28021 28021 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-21 20:28:49.159 28021 28021 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-21 20:28:49.159 28021 28021 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-21 20:28:49.159 28021 28021 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-21 20:28:49.159 28021 28021 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-21 20:28:49.159 28021 28021 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-21 20:28:49.159 28021 28021 E AndroidRuntime: at android.preference.Preference.performClick(
03-21 20:28:49.159 28021 28021 E AndroidRuntime: at android.preference.PreferenceScreen.onItemClick(
03-21 20:28:49.159 28021 28021 E AndroidRuntime: at android.widget.AdapterView.performItemClick(
03-21 20:28:49.159 28021 28021 E AndroidRuntime: at android.widget.AbsListView.performItemClick(
03-21 20:28:49.159 28021 28021 E AndroidRuntime: at android.widget.AbsListView$
03-21 20:28:49.159 28021 28021 E AndroidRuntime: at android.widget.AbsListView$
03-21 20:28:49.159 28021 28021 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
03-21 20:28:49.159 28021 28021 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
03-21 20:28:49.159 28021 28021 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(
03-21 20:28:49.159 28021 28021 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-21 20:28:49.159 28021 28021 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-21 20:28:49.159 28021 28021 E AndroidRuntime: at$
03-21 20:28:49.159 28021 28021 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-21 20:28:49.160 217 656 D ALSADevice: route: devices 0x2 in mode 0
03-21 20:28:49.161 217 656 D ALSADevice: No valid input device: 0
03-21 20:28:49.161 217 656 D alsa_ucm: snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb600b510 identifier _enadev value Speaker
03-21 20:28:49.161 217 656 D ALSADevice: switchDevice: mCurTxUCMDevivce None mCurRxDevDevice Speaker
03-21 20:28:49.161 217 656 D alsa_ucm: snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb600b510 identifier _verb value HiFi Lowlatency
03-21 20:28:49.161 217 656 D alsa_ucm: Set mixer controls for Speaker enable 1
03-21 20:28:49.161 217 656 D alsa_ucm: acdb_id 15 cap 1 enable 1
03-21 20:28:49.161 217 656 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audio_cal, acdb_id = 15, path = 0
03-21 20:28:49.161 217 656 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_adm_topology
03-21 20:28:49.161 217 656 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audtable
03-21 20:28:49.161 217 656 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_CAL
03-21 20:28:49.161 217 656 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_audvoltable
03-21 20:28:49.161 217 656 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -8
03-21 20:28:49.162 217 656 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AUDPROC_VOL_CAL
03-21 20:28:49.162 217 656 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> send_afe_cal
03-21 20:28:49.162 217 656 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> ACDB_CMD_GET_AFE_COMMON_TABLE
03-21 20:28:49.162 217 656 E ACDB-LOADER: Error: ACDB AFE returned = -8
03-21 20:28:49.162 217 656 D ACDB-LOADER: ACDB -> AUDIO_SET_AFE_CAL
03-21 20:28:49.162 217 656 D alsa_ucm: Setting mixer control: PRI_RX Channels, value: One
03-21 20:28:49.162 217 656 D alsa_ucm: Setting mixer control: RX4 MIX1 INP1, value: RX1
03-21 20:28:49.163 217 656 D alsa_ucm: Setting mixer control: SLIM RX1 MUX, value: AIF1_PB
03-21 20:28:49.163 217 656 D alsa_ucm: Setting mixer control: SPK DAC Switch, value: 1
03-21 20:28:49.164 592 1426 W ActivityManager: Force finishing activity com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD/com.secupwn.aimsicd.activities.SettingsActivity
03-21 20:28:49.164 217 656 D alsa_ucm: Setting mixer control: RX4 Digital Volume, value: 68
03-21 20:28:49.165 217 656 D alsa_ucm: Setting mixer control: SPK DRV Volume, value: 87
03-21 20:28:49.165 217 656 D alsa_ucm: Set mixer controls for HiFi Lowlatency enable 1
03-21 20:28:49.165 217 656 D alsa_ucm: Setting mixer control: PRI_RX Audio Mixer MultiMedia5, value: 1
03-21 20:28:49.165 217 656 D ALSADevice: close: handle 0xb600ff50 h 0x0
03-21 20:28:49.165 217 656 D ALSADevice: open: handle 0xb600ff50, format 0x2
03-21 20:28:49.165 217 656 D ALSADevice: Device value returned is hw:0,14
03-21 20:28:49.171 217 656 D ALSADevice: handle->format: 0x2
03-21 20:28:49.171 217 656 D ALSADevice: setHardwareParams: reqBuffSize 1024 channels 2 sampleRate 48000
03-21 20:28:49.174 217 656 D ALSADevice: setHardwareParams: buffer_size 2048, period_size 1024, period_cnt 2
03-21 20:28:49.184 217 657 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0xb37c0000) throttle end: throttle time(10)
03-21 20:28:49.201 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 52.000000, raw = 52
03-21 20:28:49.224 592 9867 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
03-21 20:28:49.258 592 5148 I ActivityManager: Start proc 28100:org.fdroid.fdroid:acra/u0a186 for service org.fdroid.fdroid/org.acra.sender.SenderService
03-21 20:28:49.316 592 643 D BluetoothManagerService: Message: 20
03-21 20:28:49.317 592 643 D BluetoothManagerService: Added callback: android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManagerCallback$Stub$Proxy@2fdfc8a:true
03-21 20:28:49.358 28075 28114 I UpdateService: Skipping update - done 31272804ms ago, interval is 12 hours
03-21 20:28:49.368 28100 28100 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/org.fdroid.fdroid-3/lib/arm
03-21 20:28:49.372 592 720 D WifiService: New client listening to asynchronous messages
03-21 20:28:49.450 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 52.000000, raw = 52
03-21 20:28:49.560 592 643 D BluetoothManagerService: Message: 20
03-21 20:28:49.560 592 643 D BluetoothManagerService: Added callback: android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManagerCallback$Stub$Proxy@96f0d71:true
03-21 20:28:49.669 592 625 W ActivityManager: Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{73374b8 u0 com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD/com.secupwn.aimsicd.activities.SettingsActivity t925 f}
03-21 20:28:49.692 28100 28118 W ACRA : org.fdroid.fdroid reports will be sent by email (if accepted by user).
03-21 20:28:49.697 592 10763 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 15): empty for 2011s
03-21 20:28:49.700 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 52.000000, raw = 52
03-21 20:28:49.950 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 55.000000, raw = 55
03-21 20:28:50.202 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 54.000000, raw = 54
03-21 20:28:50.398 592 721 D ConnectivityService: notifyType CAP_CHANGED for NetworkAgentInfo [WIFI () - 130]
03-21 20:28:50.450 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 52.000000, raw = 52
03-21 20:28:50.701 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 56.000000, raw = 56
03-21 20:28:50.952 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 54.000000, raw = 54
03-21 20:28:50.970 1243 1276 W art : Suspending all threads took: 16.481ms
03-21 20:28:50.973 217 657 D ALSAStreamOps: setParameters(): keyRouting with device 0x2
03-21 20:28:50.973 217 657 D ALSAStreamOps: setParameters(): keyRouting with device 0x2
03-21 20:28:50.973 217 657 D ALSADevice: route: devices 0x2 in mode 0
03-21 20:28:50.973 217 657 D ALSADevice: No valid input device: 0
03-21 20:28:50.974 217 657 D alsa_ucm: snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb600b510 identifier _enadev value Speaker
03-21 20:28:50.974 217 657 D alsa_ucm: Set mixer controls for HiFi Lowlatency enable 1
03-21 20:28:50.974 217 657 D alsa_ucm: Setting mixer control: PRI_RX Audio Mixer MultiMedia5, value: 1
03-21 20:28:50.974 217 657 D ALSADevice: switchDevice: mCurTxUCMDevivce None mCurRxDevDevice Speaker
03-21 20:28:50.995 28021 28021 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 28021 SIG: 9
03-21 20:28:51.014 592 9867 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllStagingAnimators on 0x9d906600 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0xa04bea40
03-21 20:28:51.046 592 1278 I WindowState: WIN DEATH: Window{5f62b82 u0 com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD/com.secupwn.aimsicd.activities.SettingsActivity}
03-21 20:28:51.046 592 606 I libprocessgroup: Killing pid 28051 in uid 10215 as part of process group 28021
03-21 20:28:51.046 592 606 I libprocessgroup: Killing pid 28052 in uid 10215 as part of process group 28021
03-21 20:28:51.048 592 7142 D GraphicsStats: Buffer count: 4
03-21 20:28:51.060 592 7142 I WindowState: WIN DEATH: Window{e38df46 u0 com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD/com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD}
03-21 20:28:51.075 28056 28056 D su : Finishing su operation for app [uid:10215, pkgName: com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD]
03-21 20:28:51.080 28054 28054 D su : sending code
03-21 20:28:51.080 28054 28054 F libc : Fatal signal 13 (SIGPIPE), code 0 in tid 28054 (su)
03-21 20:28:51.081 214 214 I DEBUG : property debug.db.uid not set; NOT waiting for gdb.
03-21 20:28:51.081 214 214 I DEBUG : HINT: adb shell setprop debug.db.uid 100000
03-21 20:28:51.081 214 214 I DEBUG : HINT: adb forward tcp:5039 tcp:5039
03-21 20:28:51.100 592 606 I ActivityManager: Process com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD (pid 28021) has died
03-21 20:28:51.100 592 606 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD/com.secupwn.aimsicd.service.AimsicdService in 1000ms
03-21 20:28:51.112 592 606 I ActivityManager: Start proc 28125:com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD/u0a215 for activity com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD/com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD
03-21 20:28:51.116 775 775 I SuControllerImpl: Got change
03-21 20:28:51.180 592 27325 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=81665056,, [BCEE7BF44218], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_REACHABLE}
03-21 20:28:51.183 214 214 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
03-21 20:28:51.183 214 214 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'samsung/serranoltexx/serranolte:4.4.2/KOT49H/I9195XXUCNE6:user/release-keys'
03-21 20:28:51.183 214 214 F DEBUG : Revision: '0'
03-21 20:28:51.183 214 214 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm'
03-21 20:28:51.183 214 214 F DEBUG : pid: 28054, tid: 28054, name: su >>> /system/xbin/su <<<
03-21 20:28:51.183 214 214 F DEBUG : signal 13 (SIGPIPE), code 0 (SI_USER), fault addr --------
03-21 20:28:51.185 592 792 W NativeCrashListener: Couldn't find ProcessRecord for pid 28054
03-21 20:28:51.200 214 214 F DEBUG : r0 ffffffe0 r1 be818828 r2 00000004 r3 415c31ea
03-21 20:28:51.200 214 214 E DEBUG : AM write failed: Broken pipe
03-21 20:28:51.200 214 214 F DEBUG : r4 00000004 r5 00000001 r6 b6d0a008 r7 00000004
03-21 20:28:51.200 214 214 F DEBUG : r8 00000006 r9 b6f55a60 sl be818828 fp 00000000
03-21 20:28:51.200 214 214 F DEBUG : ip 00000007 sp be8187f8 lr b6f4bae9 pc b6e1d2fc cpsr 200b0010
03-21 20:28:51.200 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 53.000000, raw = 53
03-21 20:28:51.214 214 214 F DEBUG :
03-21 20:28:51.214 214 214 F DEBUG : backtrace:
03-21 20:28:51.216 214 214 F DEBUG : #00 pc 000422fc /system/lib/ (write+12)
03-21 20:28:51.216 214 214 F DEBUG : #01 pc 00005ae5 /system/xbin/su
03-21 20:28:51.216 214 214 F DEBUG : #02 pc 00004d55 /system/xbin/su
03-21 20:28:51.217 214 214 F DEBUG : #03 pc 000173ad /system/lib/ (__libc_init+44)
03-21 20:28:51.217 214 214 F DEBUG : #04 pc 00004540 /system/xbin/su
03-21 20:28:51.252 28125 28125 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path: /data/app/com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD-2/lib/arm
03-21 20:28:51.270 28125 28125 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.AppAIMSICD
03-21 20:28:51.271 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field currentStatus
03-21 20:28:51.271 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field log
03-21 20:28:51.271 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mActivityTaskMap
03-21 20:28:51.271 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field instance
03-21 20:28:51.271 28125 28125 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.AppAIMSICD
03-21 20:28:51.271 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field injector
03-21 20:28:51.274 28125 28125 D Injector: Injection of com.secupwn.aimsicd.AppAIMSICD@abeb5f9 took 6ms
03-21 20:28:51.312 28125 28125 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.fragments.DeviceFragment
03-21 20:28:51.314 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field log
03-21 20:28:51.314 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mAimsicdService
03-21 20:28:51.314 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mBound
03-21 20:28:51.314 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mConnection
03-21 20:28:51.314 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mContext
03-21 20:28:51.314 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field okHttpClient
03-21 20:28:51.314 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field swipeRefreshLayout
03-21 20:28:51.314 28125 28125 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.fragments.DeviceFragment
03-21 20:28:51.314 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field injector
03-21 20:28:51.314 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field xmlLayoutAnnotation
03-21 20:28:51.315 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field xmlMenuAnnotation
03-21 20:28:51.324 28125 28125 V Reflection: Now checking class com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient
03-21 20:28:51.325 214 214 F DEBUG :
03-21 20:28:51.325 214 214 F DEBUG : Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones/tombstone_04
03-21 20:28:51.325 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field authenticator
03-21 20:28:51.325 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field cache
03-21 20:28:51.325 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field certificatePinner
03-21 20:28:51.325 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field connectTimeout
03-21 20:28:51.325 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field connectionPool
03-21 20:28:51.325 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field connectionSpecs
03-21 20:28:51.325 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field cookieHandler
03-21 20:28:51.325 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field dispatcher
03-21 20:28:51.325 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field dns
03-21 20:28:51.325 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field followRedirects
03-21 20:28:51.325 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field followSslRedirects
03-21 20:28:51.325 592 642 I BootReceiver: Copying /data/tombstones/tombstone_04 to DropBox (SYSTEM_TOMBSTONE)
03-21 20:28:51.325 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field hostnameVerifier
03-21 20:28:51.325 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field interceptors
03-21 20:28:51.325 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field internalCache
03-21 20:28:51.325 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field networkInterceptors
03-21 20:28:51.325 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field protocols
03-21 20:28:51.325 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field proxy
03-21 20:28:51.325 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field proxySelector
03-21 20:28:51.325 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field readTimeout
03-21 20:28:51.326 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field retryOnConnectionFailure
03-21 20:28:51.326 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field routeDatabase
03-21 20:28:51.326 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field socketFactory
03-21 20:28:51.326 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field sslSocketFactory
03-21 20:28:51.326 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field writeTimeout
03-21 20:28:51.326 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field DEFAULT_CONNECTION_SPECS
03-21 20:28:51.326 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field DEFAULT_PROTOCOLS
03-21 20:28:51.326 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field defaultSslSocketFactory
03-21 20:28:51.326 28125 28125 D Injector: Injection of com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient@2e7496d took 3ms
03-21 20:28:51.328 28054 28054 E su : unable to write exit code failed with 32: Broken pipe
03-21 20:28:51.329 28054 28054 D su : child exited
03-21 20:28:51.331 28125 28125 D Injector: Injection of DeviceFragment{7e3ad84 #0 id=0x7f0d007e} took 18ms
03-21 20:28:51.332 28125 28125 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD
03-21 20:28:51.334 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field atCommandFragment
03-21 20:28:51.334 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field cellInfoFragment
03-21 20:28:51.334 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field dbViewerFragment
03-21 20:28:51.334 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field deviceFragment
03-21 20:28:51.334 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mActionBar
03-21 20:28:51.334 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mAimsicdService
03-21 20:28:51.334 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mBound
03-21 20:28:51.334 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mConnection
03-21 20:28:51.334 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mDisclaimerAccepted
03-21 20:28:51.334 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mDrawerLayout
03-21 20:28:51.334 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mDrawerList
03-21 20:28:51.334 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mDrawerTitle
03-21 20:28:51.334 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mDrawerToggle
03-21 20:28:51.334 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mLastPress
03-21 20:28:51.335 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mNavConf
03-21 20:28:51.335 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mTitle
03-21 20:28:51.335 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mapFragment
03-21 20:28:51.335 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field prefListener
03-21 20:28:51.335 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field prefs
03-21 20:28:51.335 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field prefsEditor
03-21 20:28:51.335 28125 28125 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD
03-21 20:28:51.335 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field log
03-21 20:28:51.335 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mMessageReceiver
03-21 20:28:51.335 28125 28125 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD
03-21 20:28:51.335 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field injector
03-21 20:28:51.335 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field xmlLayoutAnnotation
03-21 20:28:51.335 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field xmlMenuAnnotation
03-21 20:28:51.335 28125 28125 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD
03-21 20:28:51.335 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mDelegate
03-21 20:28:51.335 28125 28125 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD
03-21 20:28:51.335 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mCreated
03-21 20:28:51.335 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mFragments
03-21 20:28:51.335 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mHandler
03-21 20:28:51.335 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mOptionsMenuInvalidated
03-21 20:28:51.336 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mReallyStopped
03-21 20:28:51.336 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mResumed
03-21 20:28:51.336 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mRetaining
03-21 20:28:51.336 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mStopped
03-21 20:28:51.336 28125 28125 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD
03-21 20:28:51.336 28125 28125 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD
03-21 20:28:51.341 28125 28125 D Injector: Injection of com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD@fb5928f took 10ms
03-21 20:28:51.450 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 56.000000, raw = 56
03-21 20:28:51.452 28125 28125 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.fragments.DeviceFragment
03-21 20:28:51.452 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field log
03-21 20:28:51.452 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mAimsicdService
03-21 20:28:51.452 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mBound
03-21 20:28:51.452 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mConnection
03-21 20:28:51.452 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mContext
03-21 20:28:51.452 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field okHttpClient
03-21 20:28:51.452 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field swipeRefreshLayout
03-21 20:28:51.452 28125 28125 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.fragments.DeviceFragment
03-21 20:28:51.452 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field injector
03-21 20:28:51.452 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field xmlLayoutAnnotation
03-21 20:28:51.452 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field xmlMenuAnnotation
03-21 20:28:51.460 28125 28125 D Injector: Injection of DeviceFragment{b79e6aa #1 id=0x7f0d007e} took 8ms
03-21 20:28:51.499 28125 28125 D AppAIMSICD: BaseTask attach:com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD
03-21 20:28:51.505 28125 28125 D AIMSICD : StatusWatcher starting watching
03-21 20:28:51.522 28125 28150 D OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
03-21 20:28:51.560 28125 28125 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.service.AimsicdService
03-21 20:28:51.561 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field batterySavingRunnable
03-21 20:28:51.561 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field gpsPreferences
03-21 20:28:51.561 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field isLocationRequestShowing
03-21 20:28:51.561 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field log
03-21 20:28:51.561 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mAccelerometerMonitor
03-21 20:28:51.561 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mBinder
03-21 20:28:51.562 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mCellTracker
03-21 20:28:51.562 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mLocationListener
03-21 20:28:51.562 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mLocationTracker
03-21 20:28:51.562 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field mRilExecutor
03-21 20:28:51.562 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field signalStrengthTracker
03-21 20:28:51.562 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field smsdetector
03-21 20:28:51.562 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field isGPSchoiceChecked
03-21 20:28:51.562 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field timerHandler
03-21 20:28:51.562 28125 28125 V Reflection: Now checking class com.secupwn.aimsicd.service.AimsicdService
03-21 20:28:51.562 28125 28125 V Reflection: Checking field injector
03-21 20:28:51.563 28125 28125 D Injector: Injection of com.secupwn.aimsicd.service.AimsicdService@12c3de4 took 3ms
03-21 20:28:51.574 28125 28125 I AIMSICDDbAdapter: Checking for db first install this will throw an error on install and is normal
03-21 20:28:51.597 592 11552 D Sensors : setDelay: acc_delay=66667000, mag_delay=20000000
03-21 20:28:51.597 592 11552 D Sensors : setDelay: handle=0, delay=66667000
03-21 20:28:51.599 592 11552 D Sensors : setDelay: acc_delay=66667000, mag_delay=20000000
03-21 20:28:51.599 592 11552 D Sensors : setDelay: handle=0, delay=66667000
03-21 20:28:51.608 28125 28125 I AIMSICDDbAdapter: Checking for db first install this will throw an error on install and is normal
03-21 20:28:51.625 28125 28125 E RilExecutor: Samsung Multiclient RIL not available: = Samsung RIL v3.0
03-21 20:28:51.696 28125 28125 I AIMSICDDbAdapter: Checking for db first install this will throw an error on install and is normal
03-21 20:28:51.700 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 56.000000, raw = 56
03-21 20:28:51.758 28125 28125 I AimsicdService: Service launched successfully.
03-21 20:28:51.794 28125 28150 I Adreno-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:379>: QUALCOMM Build: 10/21/15, 369a2ea, I96aee987eb
03-21 20:28:51.798 28125 28150 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
03-21 20:28:51.881 28125 28125 W View : requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.ListView{a4f01ba IFED..C.. ......ID -360,0-0,840 #7f0d007f app:id/left_drawer} during layout: running second layout pass
03-21 20:28:51.889 28125 28125 D AIMSICD : StatusWatcher received status change to OK, updating icon
03-21 20:28:51.926 28125 28125 D AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
03-21 20:28:51.929 28125 28125 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
03-21 20:28:51.929 28125 28125 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD, PID: 28125
03-21 20:28:51.929 28125 28125 E AndroidRuntime: Theme: themes:{default=overlay:system, iconPack:system,}
03-21 20:28:51.929 28125 28125 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'android.view.View android.view.View.findViewById(int)' on a null object reference
03-21 20:28:51.929 28125 28125 E AndroidRuntime: at com.secupwn.aimsicd.fragments.DeviceFragment.updateUI(
03-21 20:28:51.929 28125 28125 E AndroidRuntime: at com.secupwn.aimsicd.fragments.DeviceFragment.access$200(
03-21 20:28:51.929 28125 28125 E AndroidRuntime: at com.secupwn.aimsicd.fragments.DeviceFragment$1.onServiceConnected(
03-21 20:28:51.929 28125 28125 E AndroidRuntime: at$ServiceDispatcher.doConnected(
03-21 20:28:51.929 28125 28125 E AndroidRuntime: at$ServiceDispatcher$
03-21 20:28:51.929 28125 28125 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
03-21 20:28:51.929 28125 28125 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
03-21 20:28:51.929 28125 28125 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(
03-21 20:28:51.929 28125 28125 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-21 20:28:51.929 28125 28125 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-21 20:28:51.929 28125 28125 E AndroidRuntime: at$
03-21 20:28:51.929 28125 28125 E AndroidRuntime: at
03-21 20:28:51.931 592 7142 W ActivityManager: Force finishing activity com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD/com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD
03-21 20:28:51.950 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 56.000000, raw = 56
03-21 20:28:52.201 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 56.000000, raw = 56
03-21 20:28:52.234 592 7142 I WindowManager: Screenshot max retries 4 of Token{4188d35 ActivityRecord{514036c u0 com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD/com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD t925 f}} appWin=Window{b21fb2e u0 Starting com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD} drawState=4
03-21 20:28:52.313 592 9867 I OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
03-21 20:28:52.450 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 56.000000, raw = 56
03-21 20:28:52.702 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 56.000000, raw = 56
03-21 20:28:52.740 592 625 W ActivityManager: Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{514036c u0 com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD/com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD t925 f}
03-21 20:28:52.950 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 54.000000, raw = 54
03-21 20:28:53.200 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 55.000000, raw = 55
03-21 20:28:53.451 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 55.000000, raw = 55
03-21 20:28:53.701 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 55.000000, raw = 55
03-21 20:28:53.853 28125 28125 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 28125 SIG: 9
03-21 20:28:53.862 217 657 D ALSAStreamOps: setParameters(): keyRouting with device 0x2
03-21 20:28:53.862 217 657 D ALSAStreamOps: setParameters(): keyRouting with device 0x2
03-21 20:28:53.862 217 657 D ALSADevice: route: devices 0x2 in mode 0
03-21 20:28:53.862 217 657 D ALSADevice: No valid input device: 0
03-21 20:28:53.862 217 657 D alsa_ucm: snd_use_case_set(): uc_mgr 0xb600b510 identifier _enadev value Speaker
03-21 20:28:53.862 217 657 D alsa_ucm: Set mixer controls for HiFi Lowlatency enable 1
03-21 20:28:53.863 217 657 D alsa_ucm: Setting mixer control: PRI_RX Audio Mixer MultiMedia5, value: 1
03-21 20:28:53.863 217 657 D ALSADevice: switchDevice: mCurTxUCMDevivce None mCurRxDevDevice Speaker
03-21 20:28:53.880 592 27325 D NetlinkSocketObserver: NeighborEvent{elapsedMs=81667756, 2002:5946:544a::1, [BCEE7BF44218], RTM_NEWNEIGH, NUD_PROBE}
03-21 20:28:53.898 217 657 D AudioFlinger: mixer(0xb37c0000) throttle end: throttle time(5)
03-21 20:28:53.915 592 606 W InputMethodManagerService: Got RemoteException sending setActive(false) notification to pid 28021 uid 10215
03-21 20:28:53.928 592 710 W InputDispatcher: channel '83261bf com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD/com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9
03-21 20:28:53.928 592 710 E InputDispatcher: channel '83261bf com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD/com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
03-21 20:28:53.929 592 1593 D GraphicsStats: Buffer count: 4
03-21 20:28:53.929 592 1570 I WindowState: WIN DEATH: Window{83261bf u0 com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD/com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD}
03-21 20:28:53.929 592 1570 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '83261bf com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD/com.secupwn.aimsicd.AIMSICD (server)'
03-21 20:28:53.930 592 1593 D Sensors : setDelay: acc_delay=66667000, mag_delay=20000000
03-21 20:28:53.930 592 1593 D Sensors : setDelay: handle=0, delay=66667000
03-21 20:28:53.951 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 58.000000, raw = 58
03-21 20:28:53.990 592 7102 I ActivityManager: Process com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD (pid 28125) has died
03-21 20:28:53.990 592 7102 W ActivityManager: Service crashed 2 times, stopping: ServiceRecord{2a37eb3 u0 com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD/com.secupwn.aimsicd.service.AimsicdService}
03-21 20:28:54.201 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 39.000000, raw = 39
03-21 20:28:54.451 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 49.000000, raw = 49
03-21 20:28:54.702 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 54.000000, raw = 54
03-21 20:28:54.952 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 57.000000, raw = 57
03-21 20:28:55.202 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 57.000000, raw = 57
03-21 20:28:55.451 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 60.000000, raw = 60
03-21 20:28:55.702 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 62.000000, raw = 62
03-21 20:28:55.890 592 592 W NotificationService: Object died trying to hide notification$Stub$Proxy@77eb0cb in package com.SecUpwN.AIMSICD
03-21 20:28:55.951 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 60.000000, raw = 60
03-21 20:28:56.201 592 687 D Sensors : LightSensor readEvents x = 60.000000, raw = 60
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