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Last active November 18, 2022 21:41
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An explainer on state monads in OCaml
(name state_monad)
(modules state_monad)
(libraries base stdio)
(pps ppx_let)))
type state = { next : int }
(** a state is just a counter *)
type 'a t = state -> 'a * state
(** our monad is a state transition *)
(* now we write our monad API *)
let bind (t : 'a t) ~(f : 'a -> 'b t) : 'b t =
fun state ->
(* apply the first state transition first *)
let a, transient_state = t state in
(* and then the second *)
let b, final_state = f a transient_state in
(* return these *)
(b, final_state)
let return (a : int) (state : state) = (a, state)
(* here's some state transition functions to help drive the example *)
let new_var _ (state : state) =
let var = in
let state = { next = + 1 } in
(var, state)
let negate var (state : state) = (0 - var, state)
let add var1 var2 state = (var1 + var2, state)
(* Now we write things in an imperative way, without monads.
Notice that we pass the state and return the state all the time, which can be tedious.
let () =
let run state =
(* use the state to create a new variable *)
let a, state = new_var () state in
(* use the state to negate variable a *)
let b, state = negate a state in
(* use the state to add a and b together *)
let c, state = add a b state in
(* return c and the final state *)
(c, state)
let init_state = { next = 2 } in
let c, _ = run init_state in
Format.printf "c: %d\n" c
(* We can write the same with our monad type [t]: *)
let () =
let run =
bind (new_var ()) ~f:(fun a ->
bind (negate a) ~f:(fun b -> bind (add a b) ~f:(fun c -> return c)))
let init_state = { next = 2 } in
let c, _ = run init_state in
Format.printf "c2: %d\n" c
(* To understand what the above code gets translated to, we can inline the logic of the [bind] and [return] functions.
But to do that more cleanly, we should start from the end and work backwards.
let () =
let run =
(* fun c -> return c *)
let _f1 c = return c in
(* same as *)
let f1 c state = (c, state) in
(* fun b -> bind (add a b) ~f:f1 *)
(* remember, [a] is in scope, so we emulate it by passing it as an argument to [f2] *)
let f2 a b state =
let c, state = add a b state in
f1 c state
(* fun a -> bind (negate a) ~f:f2 a *)
let f3 a state =
let b, state = negate a state in
f2 a b state
(* bind (new_var ()) ~f:f3 *)
let f4 state =
let a, state = new_var () state in
f3 a state
let init_state = { next = 2 } in
let c, _ = run init_state in
Format.printf "c3: %d\n" c
(* If we didn't work backwards, it would look like this: *)
let () =
let run state =
let a, state = new_var () state in
(fun state ->
let b, state = new_var () state in
(fun state ->
let c, state = add a b state in
(fun state -> (c, state)) state)
let init_state = { next = 2 } in
let c, _ = run init_state in
Format.printf "c4: %d\n" c
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